Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 848 The ecological environment is all fake

Soon, Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai also entered the base in turn.

The three of them took off their spacesuits and looked at the situation inside the base, all still amazed.

Because it's so big...

The street is very spacious, and the sealed top is actually made to have the same effect as the sky.

If they didn't know that this place was sealed, they would have thought that the blue sky and white clouds above their heads were real.

However, there are no buildings on both sides of the street, but there are many trees, rockery, green grass, and even the crisp calls of birds. The environment can be said to be very good.

In short, it gave Xia Xinghe and the others the illusion that this place is no different from the earth.

"Miss Xia, Mr. Xi, hello, I am Shi Jian. I represent more than a hundred people in our base, and welcome you!" Shi Jian, who was wearing a unique military uniform, stepped forward and greeted them very politely.

The dozen or so people behind him seemed to be well-known people, and they also welcomed them with one voice.

Xia Xinghe also greeted them politely, "Mr. Shi, nice to meet you."

"So do we! It's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm very glad that you are here to help us. We are especially grateful for your trust in us!" Shi Jian said very solemnly, as if she was reporting the situation to the king.

Xia Xinghe was a little uncomfortable, she changed the topic and said, "Mr. Shi, I didn't expect that your place is so similar to the earth. I really can't believe that you can build an ecological environment here."

Shi Jian shook her head and said, "No, this place is not the same as the earth at all."

Shanhe wondered, "What's different, you have plants and animals here, and the environment is the same as ours."

Shi Jian replied in a low voice, "All of this is nothing but fake. The plants you see are fake, and so is the grass. Even the sound of birds is fake. We don't have any animals here at all."

"No way." Shanhe touched a nearby tree in surprise, but what he touched was a cold and hard thing.

Shi Jian explained: "The trees and grass here are all simulated by computer. Their bodies are all rocks on the moon, but they have been polished to look like trees. As long as they are powered on, they can show the real The shape of the trees."

Shanhe immediately stepped on the grass in surprise, and it was really hard.

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai were equally amazed.

Xi Mubai said in a low voice: "I didn't expect your technology to be so advanced."

The simulated plants are so realistic.

Shi Jian nodded, "Yes, the most developed thing here is technology. But what's the use of it, the ecological environment here is fake, please take a look."

After finishing speaking, Shi Jian took out something similar to a mobile phone and swiped it a few times, and all the surrounding plants and rockeries disappeared immediately. And exposed a dusty, cold and hard stone.

Without the phantom, this place is... so desolate and terrifying, just like the surface of the moon outside.

Xia Xinghe and the others were shocked by this real scene.

Shi Jian quickly recovered the illusion around him, and said with dark eyes, "So we actually don't have much feeling and emotion about these fake environments."

Xia Xinghe nodded, "Indeed. All of this is just a lie."

"Is the whole base fake?" Shanhe couldn't help asking.

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