Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 864 Start, let's go!

Shi Jian didn't understand, "Thank ourselves?"

Xia Xinghe nodded, and said lightly: "Yes. It is your longing for a new life that makes the decision to control He Lanyuan. It is your sincerity that allows us to help you. So you should thank yourself for making the right choice .”

If they continue to follow He Lanyuan's order numbly, everything facing them must be destroyed.

It was they who abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, that led to their present redemption.

After hearing Xia Xinghe's words, Shi Jian and the others felt a little complicated.

It turned out that they saved themselves...

"But no matter what, Miss Xia, we are still very grateful to you. Without you, we would never be free now. In short, we will never forget your kindness in this life." Shi Jian and the others are still very grateful to them.

Xi Mubai pursed his lips and said: "If you are really grateful to her, you should be good people after returning to Earth."

"That's for sure." Shi Jian and the others replied excitedly, their eyes full of anticipation.

They look forward to being good people!

Now they are like animals with just opened their minds, full of curiosity and expectation for everything in life.

It's just a joke, they all feel so novel, they don't know how interesting it will be to be a good person in the future.

So they can't wait to go back to Earth.

"Miss Xia, since the base has been opened, we can start the spaceship and set off. Is there anything else you want to do? If not, we will set off now." Shi Jian asked her respectfully, his attitude towards Xia Xinghe had changed. Turned into a heartfelt respect.

Not only him, but everyone else treated her with respect and were willing to follow her arrangements.

Xia Xinghe shook his head: "No, start when you are ready, there is no need to stay in this place."

"Yes!" Shi Jian replied majestically, and then he couldn't help but look at He Lanyuan and the two unconscious on the ground.

"Miss Xia, why do you still want to save them?" He asked puzzled.

He Lanyuan is a sinner on earth, and the other one almost killed them all, she shouldn't have risked to save them.

Xia Xinghe glanced at them lightly and said, "It's just by the way, and He Lanyuan is still useful to me."

She wanted to find out the whereabouts of her mother from him.

Shi Jian probably understood what she meant, and immediately arranged to take off without asking any more questions.

Xia Xinghe and the others controlled He Lanyuan and the others so that nothing would happen when they woke up.

In this way, all the spaceships were quickly ready to go.

As long as they give an order, they can leave here immediately and return to their homeland - the earth!

Shi Jian wanted to give Xia Xinghe the right to give orders, but Xia Xinghe was not interested in these, so he pushed it to Xi Mubai to take command.

"Attention Spaceship No. 1." Xi Mubai held the walkie-talkie, looked at the vast and boundless universe outside with cold eyes, and suddenly gave an order: "Start, let's go!"

"Yes!" Spaceship No. 1 was quickly ignited, and was the first to launch into space.

And the moment it went up, except for Xia Xinghe and the others, everyone's eyes were wet and hot.

They can finally leave this ghost place.

The launch of the No. 1 spacecraft also heralds the beginning of their freedom...

Xi Mubai continued to order, "Pay attention to the No. 2 spaceship, activate and set off!"

"Yes!" The No. 2 spacecraft also started successfully.

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