Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 873 That's Not Hypnosis

It's just that that person was knocked out by Xi Mubai, and he hasn't woken up until now.

That's why they didn't realize it was because of hypnosis.

Fortunately, Shanhe found out that something was wrong today, otherwise they would be finished.

Thinking of this, everyone was terrified.

"But hypnotism is useless to us." Shi Jian said suddenly.

Xia Xinghe, Xi Mubai and Shan He all looked at him in surprise.

Shi Jian explained in a deep voice: "All of us have strong spiritual power, hypnotism is useless to us. We have all done experiments in this regard."

A man who studied medicine nodded, "That's right, hypnotism didn't work for us. That's why we were all surprised when you said that Kaili was hypnotized."

This time it was Xia Xinghe and they were surprised.

Shanhe was very puzzled, "It's not hypnosis, so how do you explain what happened to Kaili?"

Carey quickly defended: "I really don't know why I am like that."

Shan He nodded, "Don't worry, we trust you."

Kelly immediately relaxed.

"So that's not hypnosis?" Xia Xinghe asked Shi Jian.

Shi Jian said in a daze, "I don't know if it is. Maybe, after all, we can't be sure that all hypnotism will not work for us."

"But if it's not hypnosis, what is it?" Xi Mubai frowned slightly.

Xia Xinghe couldn't figure it out either.

They can only think of hypnosis, but it must be very strong hypnosis. People like Shi Jian and the others can be hypnotized, which shows that He Lanyuan's methods are very powerful.

Xia Xinghe said coldly: "You really can't underestimate him. When the time comes, you must remind the people in the United Nations not to be hypnotized by him."

"That's for sure." Xi Mubai nodded.

Shanhe smiled triumphantly: "This old man is looking for death, so leave him alone. I won't give him food or drink for these two days, let's see how he can hypnotize people."

Everyone agreed to the proposal.

Anyway, if you can't starve to death for two days, take it as a lesson for He Lanyuan.

But he still had to send someone to monitor him, but it was replaced by monitoring and monitoring, and no one dared to approach him anymore.

And Xia Xinghe and the others will soon return to Earth.

Shi Jian and the others had also estimated the landing coordinates and time, and Xia Xinghe also sent the news to the Xinghe console via satellite.

Knowing that they are coming back, Li Ya and the others are very excited.

Shi Jian and the others were also very excited.

They have all forgotten what the earth looks like, but now they can see the beautiful appearance of the earth from space.

The earth is at night at this moment, and looking down from the spacecraft, you can see very beautiful city starlight.

Shi Jian and the others have seen the Milky Way and the vast universe, but found that they are not as beautiful as the starlight under their feet.

The criss-crossing and incomparably bright starlight seems to be the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Shi Jian and the others all looked around at the scenery of the earth, and everyone was feeling emotional.

"I still remember that when I was young, I could look up and see the high blue sky and white clouds. Then I always thought that the world was as big as an orphanage."

"Me too. I remember it would rain and it would snow. It's just that we couldn't go out every time it snowed. I don't know for the life of me what snow feels like when it falls in the sky?"

"I remember when I was at the gate of the orphanage, I saw a child outside eating a kind of food, which seemed delicious, and then I wanted to eat it very much. I dreamed about it every night, but I just couldn't eat it. .

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