Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 878: Something Big Is About to Happen

Although the body is very sleepy, but inexplicably unable to fall asleep.

Xi Mubai came out after taking a shower, and found that she was still in a daze with slightly open black eyes.

He went to the bed and sat down, lowered his head and looked at her, and asked directly: "What are you thinking? Can't sleep?"

Xia Xinghe smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just think it's going well."

"Successful?" The man raised his eyebrows, not understanding what she meant.

Xia Xinghe nodded, "Yeah. The plan that He Lanyuan spent decades preparing was destroyed so smoothly, and we even went to the moon. I always feel that all this is a bit unreal."

Xi Mubai nodded understandingly, "I also have this feeling."

Xia Xinghe put on a serious expression, "Could we have missed something?"

"What did you miss?" Xi Mubai laughed, "Don't think too much, it's really over."

"Really? Then what is the purpose of my mother designing this plan?" Xia Xinghe asked back.

She has been obsessed with this issue.

She won't feel at ease until she finds out the truth.

Xi Mubai knew that she was a very thoughtful woman, and she could not tolerate any uneasy factors.

But it's not a good thing for her to be so tense all the time.

"What is her purpose, it doesn't matter even if we don't know." Xi Mubai comforted her, "She is your mother, as long as she doesn't hurt you."

All he cared about was her safety.

As long as it doesn't hurt her, he doesn't want to care about what other people want to do.

But Xia Xinghe couldn't do that, it was her mother, she couldn't ignore her behavior.

Xia Xinghe shook his head solemnly and said, "You can say I'm paranoid, but my intuition tells me that this matter is not over yet, and something unexpected may happen."

Xi Mubai couldn't help but rubbed her head with a smile, "Earth's crisis has been resolved, what do you think is going to happen?"

"have no idea."

"But something big is going to happen."

"What?" Xia Xinghe was puzzled.

Xi Mubai lowered his head slightly, his handsome face stayed very close to her, his shiny black eyes stared at her hotly, and the breath he exhaled was also hot.

"Our wedding." He said in a low voice.

Xia Xinghe was slightly stunned before he understood what he was talking about.

Xi Mubai grabbed her wrist, his tone was soft but firm, "We will get married after we go back."

He is not generally obsessed with this matter.

Xia Xinghe bent his lips and smiled, "Okay..."

As soon as a good word was uttered, her lips were already sucked by him.


In Xi Mubai's arms, Xia Xinghe slept very comfortably this time.

After a good night's rest, they were going to meet several ambassadors sent by the United Nations the next day.

Xia Xinghe and the others also made preparations and did not intend to hide anything.

Except... about her mother.

In the spacious and bright conference hall, Xia Xinghe, Xi Mubai, and Shan He, after they reported everything, an ambassador said to them with a smile.

"Thank you for your cooperation. This time, thanks to you, we were able to successfully bring everyone down. Your contributions will be remembered by the whole world. In short, you are all heroes of the world this time, and we will give you the highest commendation. If you have Feel free to ask for anything."

Shanhe was ready to move immediately.

But he only hesitated for a moment, and soon calmed down again.

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