Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 883 Give Me a Chance to Comfort You

Because you can't get it, no one can get it.

What does it mean……

Is it because they are top talents that everyone wants but don't know how to allocate?

Is it because some countries get them, technology and economy will develop faster?

Just because countries have to check each other, so they have to be isolated?

Not all because they are dangerous elements?

The truth was suddenly torn apart, Li Ya and the others felt tight in their chests and couldn't say anything.

It was also the first time that they clearly realized that the world has always been cruel.

Not only in countries at war, but also in peaceful places, there are invisible fights, but this time it is that group of people who were sacrificed.

And this is a matter between the country and politics, and it is simply beyond their control.

This time, even Xia Xinghe couldn't intervene.

She can easily defeat any enemy, even He Lanyuan.

But she couldn't defeat the system and the competition between countries. This was the first time Xia Xinghe felt a deep setback.

Even if the earth crisis is resolved, she does not have the slightest joy and pride.

Instead, she felt that she had failed.

Xia Xinghe sat by the fountain in the atrium of the embassy, ​​staring at a certain point on the ground in a daze.

Wearing a white shirt, Xi Mubai, with a slender and perfect figure, slowly walked towards her.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he took every step leisurely, but his deep eyes were focused.

Only when he looked at her, his eyes would have the temperature of the sun.

What Xi Mubai likes the most is Xia Xinghe's confident appearance, he hopes that she will be confident and happy all her life, not depressed like she is now.

Even if there is no emotion on her face, Wei Jingmei's face looks very beautiful.

But he knew that she was unhappy.

As soon as Xi Mubai sat down beside her, Xia Xinghe smelled the faint scent of green grass and sunlight. This is exclusive to Xi Mubai, it smells nice and clean.

Xia Xinghe looked sideways at him, and said directly, "I'm fine."

The man's sexy thin lips curled up, "I'm here to daze if I have nothing to do."

"Just want to be alone."

Xi Mubai approached her intimately, his tone as if to whisper, "Give me a chance to comfort you?"

"..." Xia Xinghe couldn't help but laugh.

She nodded and said, "Well, I'm a bit bored, but I'm really fine."

This time it was Xi Mubai who laughed, "Then I won't comfort you, how about listening to the microphone? You can tell me whatever you want."

"I have nothing to say." Xia Xinghe shook his head, "I know, there is nothing we can do about this matter."

"Yes, there are many things we can't do anything about, but at least you saved them. You brought them back to Earth, and they at least ended their endless false lives. You're good enough, just not perfect. But this world is not perfect."

"I know." Xia Xinghe stretched out his arms and hugged his knees, "It's because I understand too much that I feel helpless. In fact, sometimes, seeing everything too clearly doesn't seem like a good thing."

"Then keep it clear and confused." Xi Mubai looked at her deeply.

Xia Xinghe didn't answer, could she be so confused?

"I don't want you to be too tired, and it's not your responsibility or your fault."


PS: I’m here to ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket~ I’m also very grateful to the babies who voted for me every day and rewarded me~

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