Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 886 Every Word She Said

No one can tolerate being lied to.

But Shi Jian and the others had managed to ignite hope, and now they were going to be brutally destroyed, so naturally they couldn't bear it.

Their anger and unwillingness all erupted.

They lived in despair and numbness for the first half of their lives. The Helan family never gave them any hope, so they didn't dare to look forward to it.

Then they thought that this was the only way to live their lives.

But when He Lanyuan wanted to rule the world, Xia Xinghe destroyed his plan.

And she sent them a proclamation of freedom!

It was her cry that ignited their hope for life and yearning for freedom.

It was all because of her that they decided to control He Lanyuan and return to Earth.

But now, is it all but a lie?

Shi Jian looked at Xia Xinghe in pain and despair, his voice almost came out of his throat, "Miss Xia, do you still remember what you said to us when you destroyed the satellite system?"

Xia Xinghe's expression suddenly shook.

Shi Jian said word by word, "You don't remember, but we remember very clearly. Do you want me to repeat it?"

Xia Xinghe shook his head, "No, I remember it very clearly."

"Then tell me, what did you say then?!"

Xia Xinghe's eyes darkened, and he coldly repeated every word she said at that time.

"I said, as long as you kill He Lanyuan, this beautiful world will accept you. As long as you kill him, you will all be free, and you will no longer be threatened and oppressed by him..."

"What else?" Shi Jian continued to ask heavily.

Xia Xinghe continued to repeat, "I also said that as long as you kill him, you will be free, and no one will deprive you of your freedom and one can!"

Shi Jian's voice trembled, "So what are you doing now?!"


"No one can deprive us of our freedom and happiness. This is simply a joke. Miss Xia, we trust you and respect you, and we have come to this day. But we still haven't changed anything, we still haven't gained anything. We Still have to be controlled, can't enjoy a day of freedom?!"

Shi Jian's painful roar suddenly hurt each of Xia Xinghe's heart.

Xia Xinghe had never felt so despicable and useless before.

It was she who gave them hope, but the hope she gave made them even more desperate.

It was all because of her that they suffered so much.

"It's not her fault!" Xi Mubai stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "We don't want to see this situation either. But we can't change anything, Xia Xinghe is not a god, she did everything she should do. But not everything she can solve."

"But she shouldn't have given us hope, she shouldn't have given us promises!"

"I'm sorry." Xia Xinghe said suddenly, "It's my fault."

It was her inconsideration that made them fall into today's despair.

"Xinghe, it's not your fault." Shanhe stepped forward angrily, and said with righteous indignation, "It's all the fault of the people above. They are not humane, they only know the rules. It's all their fault, and it has nothing to do with you." nothing."

"It's my fault!" Xia Xinghe said firmly, "No one asked me to give them such a promise, but I gave it myself. So it's no wonder anyone has come to this point, I'm useless."

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