Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 888 Hope is too slim

However, you can no longer touch the research and development that you have engaged in before. That is to say, you will be residents of the small island and live the most ordinary life. Of course, this is what you all yearn for, isn't it? "

"What we yearn for is an unfettered life!"

Instead of being guarded and never leaving the island.

Although Dong Liang said that after a few years of observation, he can let them go if he is sure they are okay.

But they all feel that the credibility of this sentence is not high.

If they really wanted to let them go, why would they build a small island specially for them.

It's better to put them in prison and watch them slowly.

The purpose of building a small island for them so much is to imprison them forever.

It's as if there is a country in the West that, in order to exile some criminals many years ago, drove them to a desolate uninhabited island to spend the rest of their lives.

They were driven over and could not leave for the rest of their lives.

The point is that there are only them on the island, no one will enter, there is no modern society, and there is no open ecological environment. There is no hope for such a life at all. What's the point of living?

And that kind of life is different from what they lived in the moon base.

They can tolerate it at the base, and it's all because they have spiritual sustenance.

They can engage in scientific research and enjoy the results of their scientific research.

But if they were exiled to the island, they could do nothing but eat and wait to die.

Shi Jian and the others can persevere to this day because they have a strong spiritual sustenance.

Now even this only sustenance will be deprived, they really feel terrible.

"No, we can't go." Shi Jian shook his head firmly, "You kill us, we can't tolerate such a life without any hope and sustenance."

"Yes, we can't bear that kind of life. And you can't treat us like this, we won't go, and we won't die!"

"Take us there, unless you kill us!"

Shi Jian and the others immediately resisted.

No one can help them, they must save themselves. We must fight against unfair treatment to the end.

Dong Liang withdrew his smile slightly, his eyes were a little cold, "I'm sorry, this is beyond your control. We have done our best for you, so your objection is invalid. Colonel George, we are running out of time, take them all away Bar."

George pursed his lips and said to them in a deep voice, "Everyone, please come with us. This is your only choice now."

"We won't go." Shi Jian stared at him fiercely, and every word was decisive, "You have no reason to treat us like this, and we won't go if we die."

"Mr. Shi, this is a proposal passed by the international conference, and no one can change it." Although George sympathized with them, he could only act in accordance with the law, "So it's useless for you to resist, just go with us, maybe there will be hope in the future change all that."

Shi Jian sneered sarcastically, "Do you think there is hope? What hope is there?"

"As long as you are alive, there is hope." George said firmly.

Shi Jian shook his head numbly, "There is no hope, hope is too slim. Ever since we were selected by the Helan family, we have been living on hope. How many years have we waited for this hope. But the result, Once again our hopes were shattered.

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