Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1002: When will you come back? !

Chapter 1002 When are you coming back? !

The cloud glaze looks almost sluggish as Gu Qingcheng's long legs staggered toward her, getting closer and closer... getting closer.

Without the taste of alcohol, Gu Qingcheng's brow wrinkled more and more tightly, reaching out to the arm of the cloud, and lifting the man to sit on the sofa.

"Gu... Qingcheng?!" Yun Liuli thought that he was burnt, and the heart thumped.

How will Gu Qingcheng appear here? !

Gu Qingcheng never stayed here, and the assistant around Gu Qingcheng said to her... Gu Gucheng gave it to her, and probably Gu Qingcheng would not come again, let her rest assured.

Seeing a small face of the cloud glazed red is unusual, Gu Qingcheng almost subconsciously put his hand on the forehead of the cloud glaze.

It’s hot!

At this time, the temperature of the cloud was still not at its peak, and it was still chilly. The warm heat of Gu Qingcheng made her want to stay close.

"You have a fever!"

Gu Qingcheng used a positive sentence, and the brow was wrinkled into a Sichuan word.

There is no buzzing in the cloud, and until now, the cloud does not know whether this is a dream, or the people in front are real...

Inexplicable tears accumulate in the fundus, follow the eyelashes and squat down.

Looking at the clouds and the big eyes staring at myself for a moment without tears, Gu Qingcheng has a taste in his heart.

Before I even had time to speak, the small hand like the white glass of white glaze covered the cheek of Gu Qingcheng and whispered: "I may be burnt, I actually saw you..."

Gu Qingcheng's throat is slightly swaying, and the thin lips are close.

"It's so good..." The cloud whispered quietly. She straightened up and stared at Gu Qingcheng's lips. She wanted to get close, but she couldn't hold her body because of her soreness. Her forehead fell on Gu Qingcheng's lips.

For a long time, Yun Liuli leaned into the arms of Gu Qingcheng and closed his eyes: "This is his taste, good smell..."

Gu Qingcheng stiffened his body and held it in the clouds until he heard the little girl's even breathing. This sighed and sighed and walked toward the elevator.

Enter the fingerprint and Gu Qingcheng presses the underground garage floor.

There was a car parked downstairs all the year round, and Gu Qingcheng did not move.

Soon the cloud was sent to the hospital.

Bai Yuyu rested today, and received a call from Gu Qingcheng. Bai Yuyu did not want to call her little girlfriend, so that Xiao Xiao, the little girlfriend who was on duty this evening, looked at the cloud in the emergency room.

Xu Wei had seen the cloud glaze before, because Xu Yun also ate vinegar because of the beautiful cloud glaze.

Later, I knew that the cloud glaze was the adopted daughter of Bai Qingyu's Gu Gucheng, and Xu Wei was not arrogant. The subconscious also regarded the cloud glaze as a child's younger generation.

When I arrived at the hospital, the cloud glaze had already burned to 39 degrees, and the cloud glaze was placed in the infusion room, and the hanging bottle was hung.

Xu Wei saw Gu Qingcheng wearing a home service, and he said to Gu Qingcheng: "Or else you should go back to rest, I am looking at the small glass here, anyway, I still have to be on duty!"

After Gu Qingcheng thanked Yunlili Road, he kept the cloud glass in the ward. He looked at the forehead of the incandescent lamp under the incandescent lamp. He thought that just the cloud glaze put his forehead on his lips, Gu Qingcheng’s heart beat slightly, and his eyebrows wrinkled more. tight.

The cloud is beautiful and beautiful. She has all the capital that others like, and Gu Qingcheng also likes...

However, even if the factors such as Gu Qingcheng's identity and danger are abandoned, the woman around Gu Qingcheng can be anyone, but he can't be a cloud.

Gu Qingcheng promised that the father of Yunlili would take care of her and treat her as her biological daughter!

He can't take care of the daughter of a friend who died for him as a woman of his own. How can he be relieved of his friends under Jiuquan? !

Gu Qingcheng folded his legs and sat on the chair beside the infusion bed. When he groped for cigarettes on his body, he found that he was wearing a home service.

His brows were wrinkled, and he looked at the cloud glaze lying on the bed and left the ward, called the assistant, and sent clothes to himself.

Standing in front of the window of the hospital elevator, Gu Qingcheng looked at the day that had gradually turned bright, hesitated for a long time between walking and staying, and finally sighed, or returned to the ward.


When the cloud glazed, I saw Gu Qingcheng, who was in a suit, sitting in a chair, and the company documents were being read at hand.

Her original sleepy eyes are so big that she seems to be afraid that the person in front of her eyes will disappear.

The four eyes are opposite, and the cloud glaze holds the breath, fearing that if you don't pay attention to it, you will die in the double eyes of Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng kept his legs crossed, and he combined the files on his legs. He didn’t have a finger on the hard shell of the file.

"Your boyfriend is taking care of you like this?! I don't know if I have a fever. So far I haven't even had a phone call?!" Gu Qingcheng's familiar voice is as usual, indifferently cool.

Clouds and glazes don't scream, just look at Gu Qingcheng.

"This boyfriend is unqualified and will not come again in the future!"

Gu Qingcheng's words are not negotiating, with the strong gas field that the superiors should have, almost the tone of command.

Seeing the cloud 乖 乖 的 的 点 nodded, Gu Qingcheng 眸 bottom has a soft warmth: "I let people go out to buy porridge for you, drink a little later, I will send you back to the apartment, the school has already Please take a break and rest at home today."

About last night, I thought that she had never forgotten about the move of Gu Qingcheng. She resisted the heartbeat of the plop, and asked Gu Qingcheng: "Last night, you were in the apartment..."

"Who else sent you to the hospital?!" Gu Qingcheng was a serious question.

"That... I..."

Seeing the cloud and the glass spit, Gu Qingcheng opened his mouth: "You fainted on the sofa!"

So, did you have a dream last night? !

There is some doubt in the cloud, but she can't see any unnatural expression on Gu Qingcheng's face. She bit her lip.

After drinking the porridge, Gu Qingcheng will leave the cloud glaze back to the apartment.

The ghost made a difference, Yun Liuli asked: "When are you coming back?!"

"Is there something?!" Gu Qingcheng put on his suit and put on his cuffs.

Yun Liuyan shook his head, remembering the night before Gu Qingcheng’s birthday, she had made up her mind to keep a distance from Gu Qingcheng and live the way he wanted.

She has something to say: "I have to go back to school in the afternoon, although I have a vacation today, I still have classes tomorrow morning..."

"If you are sick, take a rest at home!" Gu Qingcheng said he was leaving.

Yun Liu gaze at the back of Gu Qingcheng, watching him go to the point in advance, and whispered, "Would you come back?!"

"My plane this afternoon..."

Cloud glaze nodded, no matter whether Gu Qingcheng could see it.

When I heard the sound of the elevator, her little hand hanging on the sides of her body tightened slightly: "What do I stay here alone..."

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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