Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1057: Because I have no old love for Lu Jinbei!

Chapter 1057 because I have no old love for Lu Jinbei!

Lu Jinnan rushed to Qujiang Road turntable a few hours ago, and saw Bai Xiaonian wearing a black pants and a light blue V-neck shirt at the third exit of the turntable...

Probably because the heart was in a hurry to get angry, Bai Xiaonian even lost his coat and windbreaker in the car and did not take it out. He was holding a cell phone and negotiating with the rear-end car owner.

In the cool breeze, the hair on her side was blown up. She frowned and shattered her hair behind her ear, and her thin lips were closed.

"You are chasing the tail, big brother! I have already said that I don't need you to take care of you. What are you entangled in?" Bai Xiaonian sighed twice in tone. "Is it difficult for you to chase you and want me to pay you?!"

" don't worry, I am a newbie. I really don't know the division of responsibility. Let's not move the car, wait for the traffic police to come and say it!"

The driver who spoke to Bai Xiaonian looked a bit older. He just got a driver's license and the car was new. It was very nervous.

Red light, Lu Jinnan car stopped at the first exit, he looked at his hand and the novice driver arguing and helpless Bai Xiaonian, the smile of the eyes are alive.

Green light, Lu Jinnan kicked the car with a foot throttle, and he stopped at the back of the new mobile phone and got out of the car.

Seeing Lu Jinnan, Bai Xiaonian converges on the expression of anger between the eyebrows, and sees that Lu Jinnan is coming towards her, and the heartbeat is inexplicable.

Lu Jinnan did not have time to talk to Bai Xiaonian. He stood beside Bai Xiaonian, Bai Xiaonian coveted...

The cold wind is bleak, the shoulder suddenly sinks, and Bai Xiaonian has already had a suit.

"Lu total!"

Lu Jinnan’s young assistant arrived in time.

Lu Jinnan clasped Bai Xiaonian's shoulder with one hand and said to the assistant: "The rear-end thing will be handed over to you!"

"Okay, Lu is always assured!"

I didn’t say a word to the rear-end novice driver. Even though the driver seemed to be in his fifties, he was a lot older than Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan, and he was forced to say nothing by Lu Jinnan’s gas field. Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan left.

Lu Jinnan opened the co-driver's door for Bai Xiaonian and protected Bai Xiaonian into the car. He bypassed the front of the car and carefully reached out for Bai Xiaonian to pull the seat belt...

"I will come by myself!" Bai Xiaonian took the seat belt from Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan nodded back to the driver's seat, pulled the seat belt and stepped on the gas pedal...

The car opened for a while, Bai Xiaonian frowned: "This is not the way to Fu Zhai!"

"Well, no! I want to talk to you about Xiaonian, go to me." Lu Jinnan said.

Bai Xiaonian’s lips twitched and sneered at Lu Jinnan. His hand grasped the seat belt in front of him: “Take me to you to talk about it, then... I will strengthen it again?! Lu Jinnan... You will be stubborn except What other means besides women?!"

"The last time was my fault!" Lu Jinnan did not refute the mistaken person. "I have drunk too much, I am sorry! Bai Xiaonian... because I don't know how to love you, how to keep you!"

Bai Xiaonian’s glimpse...

She never thought that Lu Jinnan would speak soft words in front of her.

A few months ago, Lu Jinnan was mostly sent back by Bai Xiaonian. He took Bai Xiaonian and refused to leave. When Bai Xiaonian insisted on leaving and went out, he took people back and forced a relationship with Bai Xiaonian.

Only this time, he choked and said that I love you three words in Bai Xiaonian’s ear, countless times, Bai Xiaonian... some soft heart.

"Except for myself... I don't know what to give you!" Lu Jinnan looked at the front, and the scorpion was deep and quiet. "Bai Xiaonian, or else you use a knife to open my heart and see that heart is still there, then Touch your heart... think about whether it has gone to you!"

At the beginning of Bai Xiaonian, he looked at the neon that was constantly retreating outside the window: "What nonsense you are talking about!"

"About Hong Jinxi, I first saw you with her because I wanted to know the cause and effect of the year. I want to know if I was designed! For her... I have no feelings!" Lu Jinnan looked at the front. Hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

"Once, Lao Fu said that as long as Lin Wen loves him to have a tenth of love and warmth, his life is warm!" Lu Jinnan hit the turn signal to park the car on the side of the road, solemnly watching the pretending not I care about Bai Xiaonian in front of me. "I am also here today. Bai Xiaonian has no love for me. I am looking for you in this life. I am also your life! As long as I am still entangled in your life!"

Bai Xiaonian’s seemingly calm Huanren trembled. She turned her head and looked at Lu Jinnan: “Lu Jinnan, don’t tell me that this life is mine... or entangle me for a lifetime, you know, my request is very simple, you know...”

"I am explaining to you, you listen to me first!" Lu Jinnan's voice is calm, "Hong Jinyu can live in the late stage of cancer, her mother..."

"Lu Jinnan, I don't think you are a kind-hearted man!" Bai Xiaonian couldn't help but interrupt Lu Jinnan again. She didn't want to explain Lu Jinnan's chance because he mentioned that every word of Hong Jinxi is licking her heart.

She said: "Because the predecessor is going to die, you have been asked by the ex-husband to give money. To be honest, I can’t accept it! I have seen it twice?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s clear eyes looked at Lu Jinnan: “If your brother, Lu Jinbei, is going to die, I can’t find it too late to know why?! Because I have no old love for Lujinbei!”

Do not give Lu Jinnan the opportunity to open up, Bai Xiaonian said: "You said let me open your chest to see, I really want to take a look!"

Lu Jinnan apologized: "This is my fault! In this incident, Hong Jinxi is also a victim. I don't have the old feelings between men and women for Hong Jinxi. I want to give money. It is because I have already understood the same year. Causes and consequences! This is not her fault..."

Bai Xiaonian looked at Lu Jinnan without snoring, only chuckled, Bai Xiaonian did not want to argue with Lu Jinnan about the good and evil of Hong Jinxi.

Perhaps Hong Jinxi is really just a victim.

At that time, Lu Jinnan was killed for Hong Jin’s people. How could Bai Xiaonian be as stable as Taishan? !

"You are right, I am not a kind person, I have found out the cause and effect, and the cause is me!" Lu Jinnan took Bai Xiaonian's shoulder and looked at Bai Xiaonian. "Hong Jinxi was my girlfriend, so I will Being caught and forcibly injected with drugs, I can’t stop it for many years, Xiaonian... How do you let me let her go?!”

When I met in the United States, I knew that Hong Jin’s drug addiction could not be quit for many years. Lu Jinnan remembered his twin brother Lu Jindong.

He can't save Lu Jindong, he wants to pull Hong Jin Jin!

The third is more... babys are asking for a monthly ticket! 600 monthly tickets plus more! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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