Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1069: I was picked up!

Chapter 1069 I was brought back!

"Your tie, give it to me to solve!" Fu Huai'an seriously looked at Gu Qingcheng.

At the beginning, Gu Qingcheng was dragged down by Fu Huai'an. Now... Fu Huai'an wants to pull Gu Qingcheng out! I will not hesitate to pay any price.


Because Bai Yuyu went through the cloud to check the body, even if the report has not come out, Bai Yuyu has determined that the cloud glass is recovering very well.

The medicine for the suture wound of the cloud glass was changed. Bai Yuyu and his young wife Xu Wei sent the cloud to the glass, and Xu Wei couldn’t help but smash the glass: "Go and don't play with those exciting items!"


Xu Wei looked at the back of the cloud glazed car and licked his lips: "I am envious of the little glaze and the little warm sister! They can go out to play, I have to continue the internship here..."

Said, Xu Wei took hold of Bai Yuyu's arm: "White Professor... I remember to give me a super praise!"

Bai Yuyu smiled and smiled with a bright face: "A good internship, a lecture, it is your praise can not run!"

"If that is not to listen to class?!" Xu Wei asked.

Bai Yuyu’s nephew licked his lips for a while, and Yu Guang noticed that no one was stepping on Xu’s ear: “Don’t listen to class, cry at night!”

Xu Wei bit his lower lip and forced it on the arm of Bai Yuyu. The neck was red: "Who is afraid of who!"

"Hey!" Bai Yuyu snorted. "Don't cry for mercy!"

From the hospital to the playground for half an hour and forty minutes, the cloud glaze arrived at 10:30, and she called Lin Wen at the gate of the playground.

Lin Wen holding a round and Bai Xiaonian is sitting under the umbrella of the coffee shop under the umbrella of the rest.

Younai took a small candy and a group to sit on a carousel...

Lu Jinan and Lin Wen, who opened the shameless mode, and Bai Xiaonian, separated from the table, also sat down to drink coffee.

Lin warmed and smiled and asked Bai Xiaonian: "You didn't say to Lu Jinnan, this is a gathering between our girls?!"

Bai Xiaonian put down the ceramic coffee cup in his hand and grinned: "He knows..."

"Year of the Year..." Lin Wen patted the little sleepy baby in his arms and said to Bai Xiaonian. "Lu Jinnan really has you in his heart. He is so proud, it is very valuable for you to do this step for you!"

Abortion, Bai Xiaonian did not talk with Lin Wen. She smiled and laughed without a sigh...

What Bai Xiaonian lost was a child. This hurdle was stuck in Bai Xiaonian’s heart and could not pass.

Seeing Bai Xiaonian's ochre are all infuriated with a layer of sorrow. Although Lin Wen did not know the origin, he still wanted to make his friends happy. She wanted to say something happy, and asked Bai Xiaonian: "Lu Jinnan lives in your home, Uncle Bai also Get used to it?!"

Mentioned his father Bai Xiaonian was angry: "Oh..."

Lin warm mobile phone vibration see cloud glass, after talking to her and said the location, and smiled and asked Bai Xiaonian: "Uncle White is cold you?!"

"It feels like Lu Jinnan is a biological one, I was picked up!" Bai Xiaonian said, drinking a cup of coffee and rolling his eyes.

Lu Jinnan’s father, I don’t know what Lu Jinnan and his father said. Lu Jinnan’s father went to the door almost every day and took the task of buying food. In the morning, he went to the market to buy the latest fresh fruits and vegetables and egg milk, and then accompanied him. Bai Xiaonian’s father went for a walk!

When I heard that Bai Xiaonian was working, the two old people had lunch together, and at the end of the day, Bai Xiaonian came back. They were all the fathers of Bai Xiaonian cooking, and then Lu Jinnan’s father washed the dishes, and Lu Jinnan’s action sweeping the floor.

Bai Xiaonian became the one who really did not touch Yang Chunshui. If she had a little movement to do something, someone would immediately rush to come. It was not Lu Jinnan’s father, Lu Jinnan, who made Bai Xiaonian laugh and cry.

Let's talk about work...

Bai Xiaonian went to the program, Lu Jinnan followed!

Everyone knows that Lu Jinnan is the president of the CapitaLand Group. Even the directors have sent Lu Jinnan to worship him. Bai Xiaonian has no eyes to see.

Bai Xiaonian and Lin Wen complained, but they saw Lin’s warm smile: “You still laugh...”

"Lu Jinnan is so happy to you, Xiaonian said that I am very happy!" Lin Wen reached out and grabbed Xiao Xiaonian's little hand. "Song Wei has already married my brother. Now I am happy and happy, we are three people... ...just you are still alone!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaonian was about to say something, Lin Wen tightened the white hand of Bai Xiaonian: "I don't mean to say... It seems that only marriage is the ultimate destination. I mean... you are not good alone." I know that you are a girl whose face is strong and fragile. When Lu Jinbei was derailed, you have not let go for many years... Every time you get drunk, you are suffering."

Bai Xiaonian took a sip from the coffee cup and replied: "Where am I!"

"Actually, you, me... Song Wei, in the three of us, you need more people to care for and love than the two of us!" Lin Wen whispered to Bai Xiaonian. "You always pretend to be very strong and want us." Everyone thinks so, so no matter what happens, you are in your heart, don’t worry about our news! Xiaonian... You always say that there are no secrets in front of us, but you are the secret of the three of us. One person!"

"Small glass comes!" Bai Xiaonian saw the distant and near cloud glaze, deliberately opened the subject.

Lin Wen did not look back, a pair must be finished with Bai Xiaonian: "After you came back from the United States, there have been things that glared at me and Song Yu. We both can see, don't want to ask you... I want to wait for you. Willing to say, we will always be your ears!"

"Little warm sister! Little sister!"

Hearing the clean voice of the cloud, Lin Wen took back the hand of Bai Xiaonian. In her arms, she moved roundly. Lin warmly patted the circle and looked back toward the direction of the cloud.

Yun Liuli is in a good mood today. Although there is no laugh, the eyes are bright and brighter than today's sunshine.

"Nana is going to sit on the carousel with a group of small candy and candy. Do you want to try it too?!" Lin Wen asked.

Yun Liuli saw Lu Jinnan, and nodded and said hello to sit next to Bai Xiaonian. He was very alert to Lu Jinnan, who was drinking coffee, and lowered his voice: "I will not go, Xiaonian sister, what I want." Have you prepared for me??"

Bai Xiaonian nodded. "I have sent you your mailbox. Didn't you see it?!"

"Is it all sent?!" There is a small leap in the bottom of the cloud. "I haven't seen it yet..."

"What did you send to Xiaoliyan in Bai Xiaonian?!" Lin Wenxin immediately sounded an alarm.

Bai Xiaonian spread his hand: "It was the film that was sent to you before, and the little glass had no way to ask me!"

The third is more... ask for help and ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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