Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1086: I won't ask you for the purpose of the money.

Chapter 1086 I will not ask you for the purpose of money

She smiled and put the mineral water aside, and walked toward the cloud glass. I still remembered the other party saying: "Small glass comes... The issue of popularity is going to be discussed again!"


This way of avoiding is not too obvious!

In the dialect, Lin Wen has already walked in the direction of Yun Liuli, and the script in his hand has also followed the past...

Clouds and glazes see Lin warm eyes are still red, knowing that the cloud is because of the loss of Gu Qingcheng.

Lin warmed and walked over and touched the top of the cloud glass: "It’s just that I am over here. Would you like to go have a dessert with me?!"

"I don't want to eat..." There is aggrieved in the heart of Yunli, not deliberately losing his temper to Lin Wen. "Small warm sister, I feel bad, how long will I see Gu Qingcheng?!"

The most aggrieved is that she was fooled by Gu Qingcheng for a while, but she did not sleep in Gu Qingcheng.

Lin warmed to see the grievances of the glazed glass, and finally said: "That... Do you want to go to Fu House with me tonight?!"

The cloud scented the forest and noticed that the warmth of the forest was unusually looking up towards Lin Wen, and Lin Wen blinked at her.

Recently, the Mu Taotao around Lin Wen is not in the same place. I changed my makeup artist Lin Wen and I was not used to it. When the makeup artist tried to help Lin warm the makeup remover, Lin warmed and smiled and said that he came for a while!

Just as Lin Wen sent out to the crew to buy milk tea and snacks, the dialect took a cup of milk tea and handed it to the cloud: "What happened to our little glass?"

Yun Liuli reached out to take the milk tea, sat on the sofa and took a tea and took a sip, saying: "How to make money with distress..."

"Make money?!" The dialect eyes are slightly brighter, sitting on the side of the cloud like a big sister.

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin Wen probably guessed what the dialect was playing.

Before long ago, the dialect was interested in Uninai and Yunlili. It was only in the dialect that Younai and Yunlili were not interested in this circle, so they gave up.

Now that I heard that cloud glass lacks money, dialect always feels that she can still work hard to deceive such a beautiful little girl into this circle.

It doesn't matter if there is no acting, it doesn't matter if there is no singing! As long as you are pleasing to the eye, you can compare the entertainment circle with a small flower!

Although it is said that there is no shortage of beauty in the entertainment circle, the dialect is so sinister!

Like the cloud glaze, it looks so cold and fragile, just like the snow-capped mountains of Tianshan. It is as beautiful as a glass-colored and fragile beauty, but it is too little and too little!

Now mix the entertainment circle, pay attention to one person!

Cloud-glazed girl of this type, in the circle... nothing at all! !

That is to say, cloud glaze is the one that is unique!

There are too many beautiful things in this world, but what is missing is one unique!

For example, Lin Wen, Wen Yuzhong reveals the ambiguous British spirit. After the combination of the two, it is very suitable for her new writers to give people a serious feeling, but there is a little more Wenlin’s sister’s gentleness, and there are some indifferent alienation, in the circle. Later, I went to follow and how many new people want to learn to warm up!

But they don’t have the experience of Iraq. There is no new text to give Lin Wen’s seriousness. If you can’t learn, you can’t learn! The unique achievement of today's Lin warm!

The beauty of cloud glaze is unique in the eyes of dialects, especially in the era when the plastic face is rampant, and the cloud glaze is still full of collagen.

This young girl should be the most beautiful time, not a debut!

The dialect began to brainwash the little girl, telling Yunli Liulin to warm up the price of a movie, and the price of a show! He also said that Lin Wen is the host, and the film is picky... It’s not the traffic route. If Yun Liuli wants to make money, he can take the traffic route. It is definitely Jinshan Yinhai.

Hearing the dialect to brainwash the little girl, Lin warmed over the mug that Unnai handed over, frowning: "Will you drink?!"

"You have an official holiday, Fu instructor is stunned... Let you drink longan red dates tea!" Younai looked at the mineral water bottle that Lin Wen had just put down. "I will not tell you that you drink mineral water with Fu instructor." It's a thing!"

There is also the name of Lin Wen on the mineral water bottle, and I don’t want to rely on it.

Lin did not say anything, unscrew the lid of the cup and look back in the direction of the cloud and the dialect.

The dialect and the little girl said a lot of words in the circle. The little girl couldn’t understand it, but she listened very seriously, and the clever cloud glare understood the meaning according to the preface of the dialect.

Finally, Yun Liuli summed it up: "Sister, you mean to enter the entertainment circle. If you sing like Fu Tianci, you can make money. You can make money by acting. If you have a reputation, it will be very easy to make money?!"

"It's not easy..." The dialect thought about it before saying to the little girl, "For the entertainment industry, I only saw the thief eating meat and didn't see the thief beaten, the actor has the hard work of the actor, and the singer has the hard work of the singer!"

The words I just said were to sign the little girl, and now the dialect said these words, in order to let the little girl know that this is a difficult road.

"You ask your warm sister, how many injuries I suffered when I was filming in Morocco!" The dialect smiled and said to the cloud, "The actor... the filming injury is almost normal. Now there is a famous actor. You see which one is not there. Because of the injuries left by the filming, the singer is not easy. I can sing and sing... It’s better to write a lyric to make it go even further, otherwise it will be a flash in the pan!”

Cloud glazed nodded: "I understand, that is to say... this road is particularly difficult!"

"Yes!" The dialect nodded, and said, "But you are very lucky, your starting point is much higher than those who have no way, the sky is underground! Do you know why?! Because you have resources, you have I!"

The dialect evokes the lips on the cloud...

"So, said so much, sister, you want to tell me that you are very powerful in this circle, I want to sign your studio, right?!"

The dialect nodded, and it was not unexpected that the cloud was smart!

After all, learning to do is to learn to hegemony!

"How, try it?!" The dialect's smile on the face of the aunt is smashing the clouds.

In the heart of Yunli, I calculated the cost of Gu Qingcheng’s usual life. I also counted the price of a top-level flow of flowers at the bottom of a commercial event, as well as the pay of filming a TV series. The focus of Yunli Glass Zheng: “Good...”

On the way to the house, she asked Yun Liuli: "How do you suddenly start making money?! Gu Qingcheng put the money for you here, you need money... How much do you need to say, rest assured me Will not ask you for the purpose of the money!"

Cloud glass shakes his head: "Not a little warm sister!"

Cloud glaze has a wish to take care of Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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