Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1100: The casket in the hands of Fu Huai'an

Chapter 1100 urns in the hands of Fu Huai'an

Moreover, Gu Qingcheng has booked the ticket according to the plan of Jacob Bellucci, packed up the travel bag, and prepared to shoot Aurora three days later.


On March 1st, the first meeting room of CapitaLand Group, Fu Huai'an was listening to the report for this quarter. Xiaolu panicked and pushed forward, covering his lips and whispering something in Fu Huai'an's ear. Fu Huai'an's face changed greatly.

At the important quarterly meeting, Fu Huai'an, the chairman of CapitaLand Group, left the company. Later, President Lu Jinnan and Chief Financial Officer Tang Wei also left the face with ugly appearance, leaving the high-level face of CapitaLand, and did not know what happened.

Subsequently, the company rushed to Lu Jinnan's most effective vice president for temporary management, and the three went to Sri Lanka.

When Yun Lanli heard Gu Qingcheng’s death, Fu Huai’an had already arrived in Sri Lanka to return with Gu Qingcheng’s ashes.

She just finished the shot in "The Warrior" and let the makeup artist remove the makeup before sitting in the mirror...

It is clear that the news that Gu Qingcheng’s death is false, but it is as uncomfortable as being tied to a knife.

The tears of the cloud glaze are like broken beads, and the fake death... there must be injuries!

I don't know how the wound on Gu Qingcheng is!

Yun Liuli wants to ask Fu Huai'an, the phone has come out but hesitated.

She knows this... I am afraid that it is not easy to ask. Gu Qingcheng has spent so much time trying to get rid of her death. She is not afraid of 10,000. Just in case, she can’t help but ask Fu Huai’an, and leaks the wind... Gu Qingcheng’s The injury is white!

What she has to do now is that Gu Qingcheng is really dead. Only those who are close to Gu Qingcheng believe that he is dead, and he can get a new rebirth.

Cloud glass is hard to press the idea that I want to call Fu Huai'an, close my eyes, tears are like broken beads.

When the dialect and Hu Dao finished their speeches, they saw their little girl's eyes closed like tears.

"What's wrong?!" The dialect looked at the makeup artist.

The makeup artist was shocked: "It’s none of my business! Just starting to remove makeup, Miss Yun has been crying!"

Yun Liuli wanted to explain to the makeup artist, but found that she did not open her mouth. She was afraid that a mouth would be hysterical crying.

From the crew, Lin Wenren has already arrived at the crew. She wore a black sweater and a coat jacket. She struggled to hook the lips on the cloud, and reached out to hold the cloud in her arms. She gently stroked the girl’s back and whispered. The little girl said something in her ear.

All the crew of the crew saw that the cloud of glass suddenly burst into tears, and the sad ones were still very moved even if they didn’t know what happened.

"I will go with the glass first!" Lin warmed the other side.

The dialect nodded. She knew that the relatives of Liuli were gone. She wanted to comfort but eventually she stopped talking. She only said: "The performance classes and shaping classes have been suspended for a few days, so let the glass rest for a few days."

Lin warm dagger.

Lin warmed back to Fu Zhai with cloud glaze. On the way, she told Yun Liuli, Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan, Tang Yin and Bai Yuyu went to Sri Lanka a few days ago. After confirming that the body was Gu Qingcheng, Lin Yun informed the cloud glass. .

They are going to take care of Qingcheng home today.

Clouds and glazes don't scream, as if they have already lost their strength, leaning on Lin's shoulders... The tears wet the shoulders of Lin.

That way, the car was very stable, and I returned to the Fu House group. I was in the living room and gave me a picture book.

Yunlili really didn't feel like playing with the round today. Once he arrived at Fuzhai, he got into the room and tried to restrain himself from thinking about Gu Qingcheng.

In the past few months, Yun Liuli’s thoughts on Gu Qingcheng have been increasing, but when she is not busy, she can use her busyness to paralyze herself.

Today, I heard Gu Qingcheng’s “death message” and she suddenly felt that she could not hold it!

She is even thinking about it. What if the Gu Qingcheng fake death is not done well? !

Yun Liuli wrapped his head in the quilt, Lin warmed downstairs and Fu Huai'an called, the maid sent milk and sandwiches to Yunxiaoli, but Yunlili said that he did not want to eat, let the servant take away...

Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan, Tang Yin and Bai Yuyu have already returned on the airport.

Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yin are all aware of the truth, but only Bai Yuyu...

Bai Yuyu learned from Gu Qingcheng’s death that he had not come to Sri Lanka with him, and went to see the unrecognized Gu Qingcheng’s body in the morgue. To this day... the whole person has lost a circle and his unshaven.

Since childhood, Bai Yuyu is the youngest of them, so he is the most cared for!

Later, Fu Huai'an went to the army. The most caring for him was Gu Qingcheng. Although he was always silent, he would give Bai Yuyu money when he went to see Bai Yuyu!

Bai Yuyu does not want to take it off, Gu Qingcheng will say that the school spends a lot, let Bai Yuyu take the money to eat and study!

Bai Yuyu's family can't help Bai Yuyu, Gu Qingcheng knows.

For Bai Yuyu, Gu Qingcheng... is no different from Bai Yuyu’s brother.

At first, I saw Gu Qingcheng’s body. Bai Yuyu did not believe that this was Gu Qingcheng.

Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan, Tang Yan, and their three appointments were tossed by Bai Yuyu. When Bai Qiyu came with Gu Qingcheng DNA, he once entered the DNA to help Gu Qingcheng find a family, and took a sample of the body with the forensic doctor for DAN identification. ......

The result is indeed Gu Qingcheng!

When Bai Yuyu saw the result of DNA comparison, he finally accepted the fact that his hands slammed his face and cried.

Fu Huai'an held Bai Yuyu's shoulder and listened to Bai Yuyu's crying... Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan also looked red and looked out the window.

Since it is determined that Gu Qingcheng, then they will take Gu Qingcheng back to China.

In the hospital, Bai Yuyu asked who Fu Huai'an killed Gu Qingcheng...

Fu Huai'an only said: "To be a good old man, there are too many offended people. It is still unclear, and our ability can't find this line."

After the cremation of Gu Qingcheng, Fu Huai'an and his entourage took Gu Qingcheng's ashes and decided to return to China today.

Early the next morning, Fu Huai'an and his entourage took Gu Qingcheng's ashes to Fu Zhai, Lin Wenjia, and Yun Liuli, as well as the domestic servants who had already put on black clothes.

It was drizzling that day, Fu Huai'an held the ashes of Gu Qingcheng in his hands, and Xiao Lu supported the umbrella to open the door for Fu Huai'an, and picked him up...

Yun Liuli saw the casket in the hands of Fu Huai'an, and the tears that couldn't easily hold back broke the levee again.

She walked up in the rain, stood opposite Fu Huai'an, looked at the casket, clenched her lower lip and reached for it, holding it in her arms.

Third, um... yes, old Gu is coming back! Nine hundred monthly tickets come on! Ninety plus more! ! ! ! ! ! Do not miss passing through!

(End of this chapter)

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