Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1117: So you like cloud glaze? !

Chapter 1117 So you like cloud glaze? !

Yun Liuli’s line of sight moved away from the script and nodded. He asked, “What’s wrong?!”

The dialect smiled and remembered that she had just come out from the office of the director of the school in Yunli, and she saw Zhou Yuchen standing in the sunshine of the corridor.

The boy’s pair of different-colored scorpions stared at her for a moment, and the posture seemed to be waiting for her.

Probably because Zhou Yuchen's appearance is really good, so the dialect still went to Zhou Yuchen: "What happened to the children of small glass?!"

"Cloud Glass says... She has someone she likes. Is it the so-called person set up by you?!" Zhou Yuchen asked the dialect, and there was expectation in the black box.

Standing in the shade of the dialect, I smiled lightly: "So you like cloud glaze?!"

Zhou Yuchen tightened his fists: "Do she have someone she likes?!"

"Of course!"

Zhou Yuchen seems to have known this fact and is silent.

For a long time, Zhou Yuchen looked up and asked the dialect: "Can I be an assistant to the cloud?!"

"Do you want to enter the art circle?!" The dialect asked.

"I want to be an assistant to the cloud, please give me a chance."

The dialect did not answer Zhou Yuchen at that time, only left Zhou Yuchen a phone call, let him think about wanting to enter the entertainment circle, or want to be a small assistant, let him call her!

Now think about it, Zhou Yuchen must have moved his heart to the cloud, probably because the young man is thinking... Clouds are busy and don’t go back to school often. They have fewer chances to meet, so they want to be the assistant of Yunlili. .

Yesterday evening, when the dialect received a call from Zhou Yuchen, Zhou Yuchen pointed out a road, saying that Zhou Yuchen is now attending classes at school. He always said that he would like to be an assistant to Yunlili, so he would not go to class!

So... She advised Zhou Yuchen to enter the circle and work hard with Yunli Glass! Everyone has a lot of opportunities to meet in a studio, or the same door is a brother and sister.

In fact, the dialect is very clear in her heart. She just painted a big pie for Zhou Yuchen...

The same artist, who is really busy, who can see? ! Not a combination!

The brothers and sisters of the same door said it was good, and many people may have never seen each other's brothers and sisters face to face.

The dialect is looking back at the cloud and holding the script on the sofa. "When I went to school, I met this Zhou Yuchen and suggested to him that he could enter the circle. It is a pity that he is not in the circle!"

There was some accident in the cloud, and she nodded. "He is very smart. He took the second place in the last exam and said that he will surpass me next time!"

The dialect was teased by the words of the cloud: "What do you mean... as long as the exam can catch you or surpass you?"

"Smart is not necessarily more than me, stupid is even more impossible!"

Xiaomeng: This is probably the confidence of Wang!

The dialect chuckled: "But this smart person said that he thought about it, and then he hasn't called me yet. He probably didn't want to enter this line... forget it, and beg for help."

The dialect voice just fell in the hands of the phone vibration, she connected: "Hey..."

There was a silence on the other side of the phone. The dialect took the phone to the front and looked at it. When it was connected, it was placed in the ear: "Hey?!"

"I am Zhou Yuchen, I promise you to say it!"

At the end of the phone, Zhou Yuchen's voice was low, with a bit of coolness.

The dialect lips smirked and said: "Well... you have time to come to the studio to sign a contract! I will send you the address!"

"It's just not working for the time being! For the time being... I still have what I have to do!"

"Good! Then wait for you to finish!"

Hanging up the phone, the dialect looks at the cloud and swaying the mobile phone in his hand: "Your classmate Zhou Yuchen, later is your younger brother..."

As long as Zhou Yuchen is willing to stand up on his own, there is no opinion on what to do with the cloud.

Yun Liuli just can't see Zhou Yuchen's self-exhaustion and self-enclosure.

The dialect has a phone call, and the cloud glass phone rang...

See the phone of Zhou Yuchen, the cloud glaze is picked up.

"I am going to enter the entertainment circle like you." Zhou Yuchen's voice was filled with a soft smile. "Just for the time being, I am still in Xiaojia. Some things I have to do, I am done... I can go to the entertainment circle to accompany you!" ”

"I don't need children to be accompanied by children. If you want to enter this circle, I hope that you really like it, not for whom!" Cloud glass turned a screenplay.

Zhou Yuchen didn’t say anything on the phone. He couldn’t help but cough twice and asked, “What do you want me to do?!”

"I hope that you can do what you like to do!" Yun Liuli knows why Zhou Yuchen is the reason, simply say something, "Zhou Yuchen, you are my friend, I help you... not to let you do anything I put it in front, let you take me first! Friends are when you have difficulties, I will help you, I am very happy when you stand up, do not ask for a return! You do me to make me feel that I have a burden! It is beyond the scope of friends."

Zhou Yuchen is also a wise man. If you understand the words of cloud glaze, there is something...

Yun Liuli said that she knows that Zhou Yuchen likes herself, but she can only be friends with Zhou Yuchen. I hope that Zhou Yuchen treats himself like a friend, and does not exceed this category. Otherwise, there will be pressure on the cloud.

Zhou Yuchen was silent, but did not hang up.

The cloud glaze did not hang up.

"You are the only person who is good to me except my mother and my nanny, but in addition to my mother... the only person who said that I will not leave me!" Zhou Yuchen's voice was slightly choked.

Yun Liuli did not say anything, quietly listening to Zhou Yuchen said...

"Thank you... Thank you for pulling me when I was planning to cross the day! I love you very much! Really love! Think of you as my whole! But... I know that I was narrow before. I don't want to pass on to you... give you pressure to take possession of you, I just want to do my best to you! That's it!"

Zhou Yuchen’s words are not smooth. Stopping and stopping is always clear in the words.

"This heart, if you leave it to Guan Nina, Guan Nina may be more happy!"

Yun Liuli can say this because she knows clearly that Guan Nina can see that Zhou Yuchen has a different mind for her, but Guan Nina still wants to pursue Zhou Yuchen.

Hanging up the phone, the dialect of this person Jinger has guessed what Zhou Yuchen said on the phone!

The dialect also understands that just after the words of Yunlili, she must lose a material that can be made...

The heart sighs and sighs, how can you say... People have their own lives, and the dialect never forces anyone to enter the circle.


Xiao family.

Zhou Yuchen hung up the phone and stood in front of the window for a long time. He couldn’t calm down, and his heart seemed to be half-burned by sulfuric acid.

(End of this chapter)

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