Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1180: Otherwise, even people who care about it can't protect it.

Chapter 1180, otherwise people who care about themselves can't protect them.

The girl who had kindly asked Zhou Yuchen’s situation was scared by Zhou Yuchen’s fierce expression on her face. She looked back at her companion and said nothing. She did not dare to say that she stepped back a few steps and pulled away her companion’s sleeves. .

Yun Liuli is the inverse scale of Zhou Yuchen's heart. Xiao Yuan can bear with Zhou Yuchen's Zhou Yuchen. Only... In the matter of cloud and glass, Zhou Yuchen can't stand it.

He strongly propped up his crumbling body and wiped the blood on his cheeks with his arms, full of hate.

"Zhou Yuchen!"

Guan Nina came down from the car and shouted Zhou Yuchen. She took the umbrella of the driver and ran over it to gather at Zhou Yuchen’s head: "What happened to you?!"

Zhou Yuchen turned to Guan Nina, and in the middle of the look, Guan Nina jumped. Guan Nina subconsciously tightened the handle and called Zhou Yuchen's name. The voice was a bit pleasant: "Zhou Yuchen..."

Seeing Zhou Yuchen not talking, Guan Nina Huanren whispered: "I believe that the photo on Weibo is not a glass, you should believe in glass!"

I believe that Zhou Yuchen believes in cloud glaze from beginning to end.

He even knows how Xiao Yuan’s photo came...

"Zhou Yuchen..." Guan Nina carefully pulled the sleeves of Zhou Yuchen's dripping water. "I will send you to the hospital?"

Zhou Yuchen did not move, Guan Nina red eyes, and said: "I will send you home, okay?!"

Zhou Yuchen did not say anything.

Guan Nina took the courage to hold Zhou Yuchen's wrist and gently pulled him in the direction of the car.

Guan Nina sent Zhou Yuchen back to the home before Zhou Yuchen, handing the drugs bought on the road to Zhou Yuchen. After Zhou Yuchen went to take a hot bath, remember to apply the medicine. They had to go out and don’t worry about letting the driver buy ginger. Searched for the **** soup on the phone.

The little girl has always been a type of fingers that doesn't stick to the spring water. The **** peeled a piece of skin and almost cut her finger. When the **** was put into the pot, the hot boiling water splashed out and burned the back of the hand. She endured tears and gave it to her. Zhou Yuchen licked the **** soup.

Guan Nina left a message bar at the table, so that Zhou Yuchen remembered to drink **** soup, which closed the door.


Yun Liuli saw that this photo was also Mongolian at that time. Don’t have no hackers to delete this photo completely, but... it’s inevitable that there will be a taste for it.

The dialect here quickly moved, letting the official Weibo deny that the girl in the photo was a cloud of glaze, and sent the photo to the author in the studio to analyze the synthesis skills.

The otaku of the technical department remembered the A film that he had seen before, and immediately transferred the scene to the dialect. Then the dialect put the picture on the Internet and proved that the photo was synthetic.

This seems to be a somewhat ridiculous joke, but the technical department's technology is a big fan of Yunlili. Others are in the iron powder group, and they have just witnessed their girl being proposed as a mother. How can he endure such a disgusting thing now? !

So the technology took the microblogging trumpet, and also checked the IP address, and finally locked it to Xiao Yuan's body, and clearly checked the Xiaoyuan family situation.

When I got Xiaoyuan’s information, the dialect directly called Xiaolu and called the information. After receiving the reply from Fu Huai’an, the dialect hanged Xiao Yuan on Weibo and said that he would pursue Xiao Yuan’s legal liability.

Xiao Lu also contacted Xiao Yuan's father here, indicating that the studio where Yun Liuli is located is Fu Huai'an. Xiao Yuan is so unscrupulous and ignorant of the artists in their studio, Fu Huai'an is not happy.

What is said in the words is that if Xiao Qinghai does not teach his own children, then ... they will be responsible for Xiao Qinghai's discipline, of course, Xiao Lu's words are very polite.


Zhou Yuchen, who was gloomy from the room, was the second day. The Xiao family didn’t call Zhou Yuchen to ask why he didn’t go back. Zhou Yuchen didn’t have any hope. He never went there as his home. Yes!

He set a black sweater jacket and walked to the restaurant. He took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and unscrewed it for two to find the message on the table.

Zhou Yuchen picked up his eyes and put it back at the table, dialing Xiao’s phone.

The caller was Xiao Jia’s butler. Butler and Zhou Yuchen said that Xiao Yuan came back to drink more last night and slept in bed. Xiao Qinghai came back at 12 o'clock in the morning. When he came back, his face was hard to read. I went to the room of Xiao Yuan and found that Xiao Yuan was drunk and drunk. Xiao Qinghai’s face was even more ugly, and people used water to shake Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan, who was already drunk and unconscious, did not wake up like this. Then he was alarmed by Mrs. Xiao Lao. The old lady kept Xiao Yuan, who was soaked and still not awake, in her arms, saying that Xiao Yuan was already drunk. Personnel is not allowed to Xiaolinghai to toss the child again, otherwise she will toss the old bones together!

Xiao Qinghai had no temper and could only slam the door back to the room.

The housekeeper especially whispered to Zhou Qinghai that he listened to Xiao Qinghai’s assistant because Xiao Yuan sent a PS photo of a female star, which provoked the big boss behind the star studio and threatened Xiao Qinghai’s business, so Xiao Qinghai’s hair was sent. The fire. He told Zhou Qinghai not to come back in the morning, and now the atmosphere at home is very weird.

The housekeeper also said that Xiao Qinghai had been smoking at the table and had not been anxious to go to the company. It must have been waiting for Xiao Yuan to wake up, but now Xiao Yuan has not yet woken up... Waiting for Xiao Yuan to wake up is definitely a big battle. Zhou Yuchen will definitely be back when he returns, but it is better to hide outside.

The housekeeper is really distressed by Zhou Yuchen, the child...

Of course, it is also because the butler knows why Zhou Yuchen was taken back to Xiaojia, so Xiao Lao and Xiao Qinghai are not particularly good for this child. In the middle of the night, the housekeeper saw Xiao Qinghai slap the child.

Therefore, in the selfishness, the housekeeper is somewhat biased towards Zhou Yuchen.

Zhou Yuchen and the housekeeper thanked and hung up the phone.

On the microblog, the microblog of Xiao Yuan’s legal responsibility has been investigated. Zhou Yuchen has already seen it. Zhou Yuchen has a sigh of relief and guessed that Xiao Yuan should have been difficult. He just didn’t expect Xiao’s old lady to protect Xiao Yuan.

If Zhou Yuchen guessed that there was nothing wrong with it, Xiaoyuan said last week that Zhou Yuchen went to Xiaojia. It should also be Mrs. Xiao’s wife telling Xiao Yuan!

Knowing this, Zhou Yuchen did not politely hit the phone directly to Xiao Qinghai.

From now on, Zhou Yuchen does not intend to bully such a sloppy person. From the photo of Yunlili, Zhou Yuchen understands a truth. Unless he is really strong, he will not be able to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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