Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1185: I said everything you don't understand? !

Chapter 1185 I said everything you can't understand? !

Seeing Bai Yuyu’s newlywed wife Xu Wei came in, Bai Xiaonian couldn’t take care of himself, sobbing and asking: “How is my dad?!”

"You can rest assured! This surgery is done by Yu Yu personally! No problem!" Xu Wei reassured Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian had a sore throat and she swallowed her mouth and nodded.

The doctor took the porcelain piece from the knee of Bai Xiaonian with a scorpion, and sutured Bai Xiaonian after disinfecting the wound. Bai Xiaonian almost endured tears...

Not because of the pain, because I brought innocent disaster to my father.

Bai Xiaonian’s heart was sour, remembering that when his father was carrying his own secretly thinking of his mother in the evening, he held his mother’s photo silently.

Bai Xiaonian’s mother is the biggest pain in Bai Xiaonian’s and his father’s heart...

Their father and daughter have always been very tacit, and they are afraid to touch the scars of each other's heart.

Lu Jinnan is even more uncomfortable in his heart. He feels that his father-in-law is one of the best father-in-law in the world!

However, because he was mad and soft in Bai Xiaonian, he went to see Hong Jinyi agreeing to spend the Spring Festival with Hong Jinxi, thus giving Hong Jinxi and Hong Jinxi's mother that Lu Jinnan would also accept the wrong message of Hong Jinxi.

Everything is wrong from Lu Jinnan!

If he didn’t be angry with Bai Xiaonian, everything would not happen today...

When he received a call and said that Bai Xiaonian’s legs were bloody, Lu Jinnan’s blood was solidified. He thought he would lose their children again!

Fortunately, no children have been lost!

However, Bai Xiaonian’s father entered the operating room. Bai Xiaonian’s leg was injured and so many broken pieces were embedded in his legs.

Lu Jinnan's distressed like blood dripping, he held his lips close to his hand and held Bai Xiaonian into his arms. He noticed that Bai Xiaonian had a trembling body. He caressed Bai Xiaonian's arm and wanted to appease Bai Xiaonian. He opened his mouth and found it. Nothing can be said.

"I shouldn't argue with her!" Bai Xiaonian choked his mouth.

If Bai Xiaonian does not argue, Hong Jinxi’s mother will not mention her mother, and her father will not fall into the cerebral stalk of her gas. It is her fault!

Bai Xiaonian tightly embraced Lu Jinnan's waist and shoved the tears that had accidentally flowed out to Lu Jinnan's clothes, but why the tears were more and more, and Bai Xiaonian could not control it.

"This is not your fault!" Lu Jinnan hugged Bai Xiaonian and bowed his head to kiss Bai Xiaonian's forehead. "It's my fault! It's all my fault... It's my fault!"

Hearing the cry of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan was red-eyed, and his eyes were sharp.

Bai Xiaonian... Their children, and Bai Xiaonian’s father, are the people Lu Jinnan wants to protect in his life. He can’t tolerate anyone hurting them! anyone!

Lu Jinnan watched the nurse sew a good leg wound to Bai Xiaonian. He slammed Bai Xiaonian and whispered, "Let's go to the outside of the surgery and wait for Dad?!"

Bai Xiaonian, who choked to the sound, nodded.

"Pregnant women need rest now..." The doctor kindly reminded me.

Lu Jinnan, holding Bai Xiaonian, did not walk in the direction of the operating room.

Lu Jinnan knows that now Bai Xiaonian only wants to guard her father outside the operating room!

He understands Bai Xiaonian, he understands the heart of Bai Xiaonian.

Xu Wei found a blanket for Bai Xiaonian, covering Bai Xiaonian, who was covered by Lu Jinnan in his arms.

The operation lasted for a long time.

Xu Wei gave Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan hot water and sent food... but the two did not touch at all!

Or Lin Wen received the news and rushed over, seeing Bai Xiaonian not eating or drinking to wait here, bought a cup of hot milk and holding the hand of Bai Xiaonian.

"You are not alone now! You are pregnant, there are children in your stomach! You don't want to eat, you can drink a bite of milk, okay?!"

Bai Xiaonian looked at Lin Wen, his throat shook a little, and the tears fell down with big drops. She nodded and sipped a milk. The tears ran down the cheeks to the lips and entered the mouth with milk.

She felt bitter and her throat was too painful.

Lin Wen brought clean clothes to Bai Xiaonian. Today, the broken porcelain pieces on his knees were cut and cleaned. At this time, Bai Xiaonian’s legs were covered with a blanket.

But Bai Xiaonian’s father has not yet come out of the operating room, and Bai Xiaonian is not willing to leave.

"You go back first!" Bai Xiaonian looked up at Lin Wen with a hoarse voice. "There is a family to take care of you!"

Lin warmed his brow and looked at Bai Xiaonian, who was pale and pale, and said: "Children have parenting and care, wait for my uncle to come out and go!"

Lin Wen is here to speak the sound of the building, Bai Yuyu first came out of the operating room.

Bai Xiaonian got excited and asked to ask the situation in the past. His foot was on the ground and there was a pain in his knee. If Lu Jinnan and Lin warmed his eyes, Bai Xiaonian would fall to the ground.

"You don't worry!" Bai Yuyu took off his mask and walked over to Bai Xiaonian. "The uncle sent it in time, the operation is very smooth, you can rest assured!"

Bai Xiaonian nodded hard and wanted to thank him with Bai Yuyu. He couldn’t say a word in his throat, or Lin Wen replaced Bai Xiaonian and thanked him: “Thank you...”

Bai Yuyu took a picture of Bai Xiaonian’s shoulder and nodded and said that Bai Xiaonian’s meaning: “Do not worry! I am professional!”

Xu Wei also smiled and comforted Bai Xiaonian at the side: "Yes! In Haicheng, I can't find a more professional foreign doctor than Professor Bai!"

Bai Xiaonian braced and smiled at Xu Wei.

Knowing that his father was safe, Bai Xiaonian finally couldn’t stand leaning on Lu Jinnan’s arms and slept.

The nerves were tense for a few hours, and there was an injury in Bai Xiaonian and it was naturally unpredictable for pregnant women.

In the VIP ward, when Lu Jinnan placed Bai Xiaonian on the **** bed, his father had already arrived.

"My dad is here too. There are people here to take care of you. Go back first. Children and old Fus need you!" Lu Jinnan warmed up Lin.

Looking at the white-sleeping white Xiaonian, Lin warmed nodded: "Call me if you need anything!"

"Yeah!" Lu Jinnan took the first warmth to the elevator.

"This time, you should deal with it well, don't let Xiaonian be sad!" Lin Jinyu Lu Jinnan.

"You can rest assured! I know what to do!"

Lin warmed to see Lu Jinnan's eyes firm, it seems that there is already an idea, and then nodded and left.

Lu Jinnan asked his father to accompany Bai Xiaonian and went to the elevator to call the assistant.

"Stop all the support for the life of Hong Jinxi mother and daughter!" Lu Jinnan's voice is cold.

"Everything?! Including the apartment they live in now?!" asked the assistant.

"I said everything you can't understand?!" Lu Jinnan could barely resist the anger of his chest.

The assistant on the phone did not expect that Lu Jinnan would have made such a big fire.

(End of this chapter)

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