Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1203: You don’t bother with this gift!

Chapter 1203, this gift is too painless!

Bai Xiaonian, who has fallen asleep, is awakened by the fierce door, and his heart beats very fast...

She opened the blanket on her body and came out of the bedroom with a drowsy look.

"Dad... what happened?!"

See Lu Jinnan's father standing stiff in the kitchen door, looking at the direction of the door, Bai Xiaonian asked.

I don’t want to worry about Bai Xiaonian. Lu Jinnan’s father’s lips are stiff and smiled and said: “Nothing, Xiaobei’s temper is gone with Xiaocai.”

Bai Xiaonian glanced at the kitchen.

Is it that Lu Jinnan is embarrassed to Cai Jingyao? !

"Since only three of us have dinner, the dishes don't have to be so much... Four dishes and one soup is enough. The steamed fish in the pot, I can cook a dish again!" Lu Jinnan came out from the kitchen to Bai Xiaonian. .

Bai Xiaonian nodded and did not ask.

"Dad... You put the dishes on the table first, I will be fine soon!" Lu Jinnan raised his hand and buckled his father's shoulder.

Lu Jinnan’s father nodded and sighed a little.

"I am going to clean up the table!" Bai Xiaonian smiled.

Entering the kitchen, Lu Jinnan’s father picked up the food and said to Lu Jinnan: “If you want to let people follow Xiaobei, I am afraid of the child.”

"Don't worry about Dad! Xiaobei is my only younger brother... Anyway, I don't really care about him!" Lu Jinnan's attitude towards his father was much better.

When I was eating, no one mentioned Lu Jinbei and Cai Jingyao. After lunch, I stayed with Lu Jinnan’s father for a while. Lu Jinnan took Bai Xiaonian to the hospital to visit Bai Xiaonian’s father.

On the way, Bai Xiaonian asked Lu Jinnan: "Are you embarrassing Cai Jingyao, so Lu Jinbei took Cai Jingyao away?!"

"The woman didn't have a truth in her mouth. She also showed me the video she recorded on the mobile phone. She said that Xiaobei had forcibly linked her with her. It probably meant that I wanted to ease the relationship with you through me." Lu Jinnan did not. Looking at Bai Xiaonian.

"I think she wants to let you help to ease the relationship with me, and then tie up with you!" Bai Xiaonian couldn't help but laugh, she also knows Cai Jingyao.

Lu Jinnan did not say anything.

"Cai Jingyao knows that with my temper, I probably won't reconcile with her, as long as you promised her... she has an excuse to find you three times and four times, and then I will accidentally be told by you. And she has always had things to do with, I am bombing... her chance is coming!"

Bai Xiao young caressed his stomach: "Is this person too self-confident, or is it too underestimated my trust in my lover?!"

Lu Jinnan’s lips have a shallow smile: “Do you believe me?!”

Bai Xiaonian nodded: "Of course..."

Lu Jinnan's smile was more and more satisfying. He reached out and grabbed his little wife's little hand and kissed him on the lips: "I heard you say this, I am very happy!"

"Well, I am so happy to see you, I am very happy!" Bai Xiaonian looked at Lu Jinnan.

She suddenly remembered what Lin Wen said to her...

The way for husband and wife to get along is to communicate and communicate!

She and Lu Jinnan are a straight steel, a hard-boned, two people together do not communicate, can only sulking each other!

Lin Wen also said that it is difficult for Lu Jinnan to reveal his heart and mind. What Bai Xiaonian can do is to change his heart. She only needs to be honest with Lu Jin, and Lu Jinnan will know nothing about Bai Xiaonian.


It is more comfortable for couples to get along with each other.

She and Lu Jinnan love each other and get closer together than others.

At the traffic lights, Lu Jinnan’s car stopped.

Bai Xiaonian looked sideways at the roadside and found that Hong Jinyi, who was weak under the bridge, helped the pillars to breathe.

Bai Xiaonian raised his eyebrows: "How is Hong Jinxi here?!"

Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian's gaze and saw that Hong Jinxi sat down on the ground with his weak feet. His hands were always stroking his chest like breathing.

Looking back at Lu Jinnan frowning, Bai Xiaonian took out his mobile phone: "Or else I kindly help to make a 120?!"

Lu Jinnan saw that there were already passers-by asking about Hong Jinxi’s situation, and he said to Bai Xiaonian: “I really need to go to the hospital. The passers-by will help to call, and we don’t have to worry about it!”

Green light.

Lu Jinnan released the brakes and the car slipped out...

Knowing that Lu Jinnan cares about her feelings, Bai Xiaonian is in a good mood.

She was not a kind person, she said that a 120 is also showing Lu Jinnan that she does not want Lu Jinnan to help Hong Jinxi.

Lu Jinnan’s performance is better than Bai Xiaonian’s expectation.

"Is this to show my loyalty to me?!" Bai Xiaonian smiled and asked Lu Jinnan.

"Of course, someone said to me... I want to say something about my lover's heart, otherwise I will probably think about it with your personality. The more you guess, the more you screw it!" Lu Jinnan couldn't help but laugh.

"Who told you?! Warm... or Fu Huai'an?!" Bai Xiaonian straightened his back.

She can guess that it is Lin Wen. After all, in addition to his father, Bai Yannian is Lin Wen and Song Wei. Song Wei is far from Moroccan and can’t talk to Lu Jinnan. The only thing that can catch up is left. The forest is warm.

"It's Lin Wen..." Lu Jinnan didn't lie.

Bai Xiaonian’s lips evoke a smile: “Warmness is a broken thing for us! It’s better to give a gift and thank you for warming...”

In addition to the father in the world, probably only Lin Wen will be for her business, so much trouble.

"Okay, send what you have the final say!" Lu Jinnan said.

Bai Xiaonian thought for a moment...

"Give a ... wish to roll it! After warming, what wish can be taken with a wish to find two of us, no matter what we must achieve!" Bai Xiaonian clap, as if returning to the lush youth In general, full of sweet thoughts.

"You don't bother with this gift!" Lu Jinnan couldn't help but say something.

"What do you know!" Bai Xiaonian slammed Lu Jinnan.

This is a small sentiment between their girls...

"Right right!" Bai Xiaonian looked at his husband sideways. "The "Red Mountain River" is released, and I can support it for a while! After all, there are movies with warm and small glass, we don't support it!"

"Well, listen to you!" Lu Jinnan pinched the little hand of Bai Xiaonian, his tone was very pampered.


Cai Jingyao's family, she stood in front of the open kitchen flow table, waiting for the hot water to boil, looking at the sofa sitting on the sofa, feet on the coffee table, playing mobile games, Lu Jinbei, painted French manicure The fingers tapped lightly on the counter.

Now that Lu Jinbei has come out of Lujia, how can I see Lu Jinnan again? !

When I heard the sound of the water boiling, Cai Jingyao almost subconsciously bent down and took the teacup from the cupboard...

(End of this chapter)

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