Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1206: It’s really disgusting!

Chapter 1206 is really disgusting!

Lu Jinbei bit his teeth, listening to everyone’s laughter, the heart of the fire rushing up...

"Little North..."

Cai Jingyao just screamed, and saw Lu Jinbei got up and stepped on the table and picked up the man who had eaten more gibberish. He punched the man's face...

"Where! What are you doing in Lujinbei?! Just kidding..."

Lu Jinbei said that he did not say that he had picked up the bottle and squatted directly on the man’s head: "I am **** you to make a joke!"

"Lu Jinbei, my grass mud horse!"

The screams in the private room went one after another, and everyone drank a lot.

"Don't fight! Xiaobei! Don't fight!" Cai Jingyao and the two girls were scared to hide in the corner and shout.

Seeing the **** Fang Gang’s boys entangled together, Cai Jingyao was afraid that Lu Jinbei was injured, and a bite of his teeth rushed up. Who knows that he was just throwing his fist and slamming his elbows to Lu Jinbei’s elbow, falling to the ground The arm was drawn a long hole by the broken pieces of the ground.

"Jing Yao!"

"Jing Yao, are you all right?!"

The waiter standing outside the door looked at it and quickly notified the manager to call the police.

Soon the police came and took the boys who had been fighting, and Cai Jingyao was taken to the hospital.

Cai Jingyao did not think that she would be injured. Two female students accompanied Cai Jingyao to handle the wound. Cai Jingyao was busy running to the police station, for fear of missing Lu Jinnan.


Lu Jinnan received news that Lu Jinbei was arrested by the police station. The heart is no worries...

After all, Lu Jinnan used to go to the bureau almost all day.

This time, the deputy director of the Qujiang District Police Station Branch called Lu Jinnan. The deputy director of the Qujiang District Police Station Branch had had several meals with Lu Jinnan at the same table. Before Lu Jinnan took people, he also troubled the deputy director. So two people are a bit of a relationship.

Today, the deputy director did not leave in the bureau. When he saw Lu Jinbei, he called Lu Jinnan and said that your brother was arrested again. You came over and took the person away...

Lu Jinnan hung up the phone and saw Bai Xiaonian, who was sitting at the front of the dressing room, combing his hair from the mirror. "What happened?!"

"Lu Jinbei and the people in the Manjiang Tower hit the group and were sent to the police station. The deputy director on the other side called me and asked me to go fishing!" Lu Jinnan put the phone on the side and opened the quilt.

"Then you are going now?!" Bai Xiaonian put down the comb and turned to ask.

"Well! I am going to go, we are very unhappy at noon today. I am taking this opportunity... I will talk to him!" Lu Jinnan walked to Bai Xiaonian, clasping Bai Xiaonian's shoulders with both hands, leaning over her forehead. A kiss, "I will be back soon!"

Bai Xiaonian nodded: "However, I think that Lu Jinbei’s brain doesn’t understand, just play it if necessary!"

Lu Jinnan was teased by Bai Xiaonian’s words and nodded: "I know! You have a good rest!"

After sending Lu Jinnan out, Bai Xiaonian could not sleep in bed.

Although Cai Jingyao, Bai Xiaonian, has not been on the mind, he can suddenly come back and pay attention to Lu Jinnan. He has to say that Bai Xiaonian is very annoying!

I have been friends with Cai Jingyao for many years, Bai Xiaonian knows Cai Jingyao very well...

This woman will not stop if she does not aim!

Just like when I wanted to take Lu Jinbei from Bai Xiaonian to prove that her Cai Jingyao is more attractive than Bai Xiaonian, she will succeed!

This time, she wanted to re-apply Lu Jinnan from Bai Xiaonian's hands, although she knew that Cai Jingyao would definitely kick the iron plate, but Bai Xiaonian still had no trouble!

It’s disgusting to be remembered by such a woman as a husband!

Clean up, Bai Xiaonian feels dirty again, she and Cai Jingyao are not hanging!

Don't pack it, put it in that disgusting!

Bai Xiaonian remembers that Lin Wen once said that she had seen Cai Jingyao in Morocco. She felt that Cai Jingyao has changed a lot for so many years. It may be that there are more dramas, and in real life, she has become special acting, and not before. A paragraph is very deceptive.

Bai Xiaonian turned over and stared at the night light...

At the beginning, Cai Jingyao also stared at Song’s husband, Zhai Mo, and the personality that Cai Jingyao had bitten, and did not let go, how did Cai Jingyao let go? !

Bai Xiaonian couldn't resist the temper. He held up his body with one hand. He took the phone on the bed and sat down on the bed and thought about it. Then he sent a WeChat to Song Wei.

[白晓年: 窈窈 蔡景姚 returned to China, I want to marry Lu Jinbei, but I looked at the idea of ​​wanting to play Lu Jinnan. I think this person is particularly disgusting and affects people's mood. How did you deal with this person at that time? ! 】

Originally, Bai Xiaonian thought that at least until tomorrow, he could reply to Song Wei.

I didn’t expect Song Hao to return soon...

[Song Wei: I haven't done anything, she probably can't see hope here, so I can't see it! This person is very disgusting, you don't care about her, you must believe that Lu Jinnan, Lu Jinnan and Lu Jinbei are different, he will not betray you! It is the key to raising your baby now! 】

Bai Xiaonian's brows are wrinkled. Of course, she believes that Lu Jinnan, but Cai Jingyao's goods are too artificial.

Probably worried that Bai Xiaonian couldn’t figure it out, Song Hao called Bai Xiaonian to call...

"How do you call the phone?!" Bai Xiaonian had some accidents and some surprises. "On the other side of Morocco, you should take a nap at this point!"

After all, I haven't contacted Song Wei for a long time.

Song Yu has been very cautious in contact with the outside world since he married a child.

Bai Xiaonian didn't understand it. The identity of Yan Mo was too special. Song Yi was the wife of Yan Mo. Whoever contacted him was told that he might bring trouble to anyone.

"The child cried, I looked up, just saw you WeChat!" Song Yuhuai holding his own child, to Bai Xiaonian, "Cai Jingyao, you don't think about her, she is just tossing it for nausea We, strong our husband, as long as Lu Jinnan does not care for her, she will not be boring after a long time!"

Even people who don’t understand Lu Jinnan know that Lu Jinnan’s opinions on women are very strong. The ability of women’s watches is super strong, especially Cai Jingyao’s, almost “I have purpose for you” and “I am a woman’s watch”. How can Lu Jinnan give a chance to a woman on her face? !

"I know, that is, my husband is being remembered by a dog, and I feel a little insulting..."

Song Hao at the end of the phone was teased and laughed out: "Hey... It’s been a long time, you are not complaining... It’s a rainbow fart for your husband! Hey... I’m still abandoning your husband’s class too. low!"

"I remember the female star of Jin Nan, the entrepreneurs are also a lot of money, I have no feeling, only Cai Jingyao... is really disgusting!"

Plus more! ! ! ! Ask for a monthly ticket for a monthly ticket! Look at the end of the month can not continue to add more!

(End of this chapter)

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