Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1215: Short-term care

Chapter 1215 is short of care

"Lu Jinbei is afraid of **** in your mind?!"

When I heard the voice of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinbei’s line of sight looked toward Bai Xiaonian. In the end, there was no courage and Bai Xiaonian was right in words...

Bai Xiaonian slammed into the car door and walked in the direction of Lujin North and Lujinnan.

"You will go home first in the dawn, cold outside..." Lu Jinnan did not want Bai Xiaonian to be angry.

Bai Xiaonian waved his hand and looked at Lu Jinbei: "From the time you said that you want to marry Cai Jingyao, I have no hope for your IQ, but you can't brain to this extent. The Kaide Group chooses the spokesperson. It is the internal affairs of the CapitaLand group. Did she go to the meeting with Cai Jingyao?! You are the perfumer who said that the perfume was inspired by her... But was it because your brother gave me not to let her be the spokesperson?!"

Lu Jinbei just wanted to open, Bai Xiaonian said one step at a time: "I am very sorry that Cai Jingyao did not attend the meeting, and I just happened to accompany your brother to open the meeting today, four spokespersons... Finally, Sumanman, she What is Cai Jingyao's dissatisfaction, Sumanman is a famous cursed beauty, the name of the perfume is a disaster, who do you think is more suitable?! On the fame... In front of Sumanman, Cai Jingyao 18 lines are not counted On the relationship... People Sumanman is Fu Huai'an cousin, Sumanman gives his company's perfume endorsement, how is your brother robbed her Cai Jingyao's work?! Your brother is going to endorse perfume?!"

Lu Jinbei did not think that the endorsement would be Sumanman.

If it is Sumanman, Lu Jinbei really has nothing to say.

"Lu Jinbei, how many years have you met with your brother, how many years have you met Cai Jingyao?! You believe that every word that Cai Jingyao said, but I don't believe in your brother, I don't believe that you have no problem in your mind! "White Xiaonian is very cold.

"Jing Yao, she is good to me, she is single-minded for me! I certainly believe that Jing Yao, unlike some people say a set to do!" Some people in Lujin North mouth besides Lu Jinnan who can be!

Lu Jinnan was inevitably chilling, but his expression was still not much, he buckled Bai Xiaonian's shoulders: "Go back to rest!"

Bai Xiaonian is mad, but he opened Lu Jinnan's hands and stared at Lu Jinbei: "Your brother and you get along with each other, and you have been hurting you for more than 20 years! Which disaster is your brother not giving you a mess?! You dare say that your brother is not One heart and one mind for you?! Because you love your brother and don't want to be with you, you and your brother are turning against each other! When someone else is with you for a few days, you say that you are single-minded for you! Lu Jinbei... I can't stop There is a problem with your brain, and you are still blind! I want to say... You should be killed by Cai Jingyao in the end!"

"I don't want you to say Cai Jingyao!" Lu Jinbei said that there is no special momentum. If you open your eyes, you can't look at Bai Xiaonian. The tone is like a low voice.

In these years, Lu Jinnan played a good scene on him in his mind. Lu Jinnan is a relatively small person who has done a lot of things, including buying a house for Lu Jinbei...

When Lu Jinnan and Lu Jinbei accompanied his father to watch TV, Lu Jinbei inadvertently said that he liked the house of the male lead of the TV series. Within a few days... Lu Jinnan bought a house of similar type and directly gave him the room.

In the past few years, he had an accident, and Lu Jinnan was the first time to come. Whether it was his fault or not, Lu Jin would first protect him and say it! The shortness of care is unreasonable...

"Little North..."

Cai Jingyao’s voice came.

She ran to the side of Lujinbei, pulled Lujinbei, and sneaked at Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian, crying with pears and rain: "I'm sorry, Jin Nange... I am in trouble! Xiaobei and I go back!"

Seeing that Cai Jingyao was crying into tears, Lu Jinbei thought that today at the table, Cai Jingyao said with great enthusiasm... I will soon sign a spokesperson, and soon I can buy a car that Lu Jinbei likes, she It’s all so happy because I can finally satisfy myself!

Lu Jinbei’s eyes on Cai Jingyao’s eyes are all distressed. She is so pure and pure for herself, a person who has no blood relationship with her...

Lu Jinbei bit his teeth and look at Lu Jinnan: "Since you said that there is no black-box operation, you dare to call the perfumer to ask the perfumer to see if the inspiration for this perfume comes from Cai Jingyao?! You Dare?!"

"Don't say Xiaobei!" Cai Jingyao pulled the arm of Lu Jinbei. "You go back with me!"

"I must be fair to you!" Lu Jinbei justice is stunned, "Lu Jinnan, do you dare to call the perfumer?!"

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

Bai Xiaonian turned his eyes in the bottom of his heart. I don’t know what they thought they were acting here!

Lu Jinnan’s gaze is cold and clear, and Lujinbei is calm and indifferent compared to Lujin’s northern fur.

He faintly opened his mouth: "So big, you really naively think that there is anything fair in this world?! With Sumanman as the cousin of the chairman of the Kaide Group, the spokesperson will only be Sumanman! Just like you used to be the brother of Lu Jinnan, you went to the game company for an interview. Only you pick the game company. No game company picks your part and enjoys the privilege... What qualifications are here for others? ?!"

Lu Jinbei was blocked by Lu Jinnan, and the throat was tumbling violently.

"Listen to Lu Jinbei, you said that the perfumer designed this water-stained perfume to be inspired by you, have always been like a white lotus in front of others, why are you stuck with the disaster?! Say..." Bai Xiaonian looked at Lu Jinbei and looked at Cai Jingyao. "You played a white lotus in front of Lu Jinbei. When you got to the perfumer, it turned into a disaster."

Cai Jingyao's scalp is tight, pretending to look at Bai Xiaonian: "Bai Xiaonian... How can you be so empty-mouthed?"

Lu Jinbei licked his lips. He had a guilty conscience about Bai Xiaonian. He did not dare to attack Bai Xiaonian. He could only say: "I believe Jing Yao!"

Cai Jingyao looked at Lu Jinnan again: "I am very sorry about Jin Nange. I received a phone call today and said that the endorsement can’t be given to me. I am very sad... Xiaobei lost his sense of proportion. It’s all bad for me... you don’t want to And Xiaobei angry, you are a brother, because I am not worth it! If you know that your quarrel will be sad, I am not good! I am sorry!"

Cai Jingyao is very skilled in the use of Chu Chu.

Lu Jinnan looked at Cai Jingyao like a monkey: "Know it!"

Cai Jingyao has a throat.

Lu Jinnan obviously does not play cards according to the routine. According to the usual practice, Cai Jingyao is so pitiful. Lu Jinnan should not say... has nothing to do with you? !

"Lu Jinnan, what do you say!" Lu Jinnan pointed to Lu Jinnan's nose.

At the end of the month, at the end of the month! The baby's monthly ticket will expire and expire. ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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