Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1224: 贱 male with dog girl

Chapter 1224 贱 male with dog girl

Cai Jingyao was shocked and looked at him again and again: "I don't have it!"

Cai Jingyao looked like a crying face and looked at Lu Jinnan, who was half-squatting, and gnawed his teeth directly...

"Jing Yao!" Lu Jinbei went to pull the arm of Cai Jingyao.

"Dawn, please forgive me, is it good?! It used to be my fault... I hope you don't stop me from being with Xiaobei!" Cai Jingyao said with a cry in his voice. "My method may be wrong. But I...but I really want to be with Xiaobei!"

Bai Xiaonian sneered: "I never object to you together. I have said before, 贱 men with dogs and girls... perfect match!"

"Bai Xiaonian!" Lu Jinbei rarely saw a high voice in front of Bai Xiaonian.

"Small North asks you not to get angry!" Cai Jingyao is busy with Lu Jinbei's arm and asks for Lujinbei.

"I agree!" Lu Jinnan suddenly opened his mouth.

Lu Jinbei, Cai Jingyao also looked at Lu Jinnan with a look.

"You go to get married! I agree..." Lu Jinnan is still like a smile. "Let's go get a license now! I will tell him at Dad, and you will go back to get a Hukou book and get married today. Protested, don't appear in front of us in the future!"

When Lu Jinbei heard it, the lips couldn’t help but curl up and stared at Cai Jingyao’s arm: “Jing get up!”

Cai Jingyao did not move, she did not expect Lu Jinnan would actually agree.

If Lu Jinnan agrees, what excuse does she have in front of Lu Jinnan? !

"Let's go! We don't have to bow down to them!" Lu Jinbei's lips twitched and pulled up Cai Jingyao, and Lu Jinnan said, "I hope you talk and count, I will go back and take the account!"

Lu Jinnan's indifference made a gesture of inviting, and then told the two aunts: "Remove these messy things. If you want to put any cats and dogs into the work for you in the future... then don't do it!"

The two aunts screamed and nodded, and quickly removed the things on the table.

"Let's go, let's go out to eat!" Lu Jinnan took the hand of Bai Xiaonian, "go upstairs to change clothes!"

Cai Jingyao stood in the living room, and people were still sent out by Lu Jinbei.

Lu Jinbei buckled the shoulders of Cai Jingyao and smiled and asked: "Are we not happy if we have to pay for it?!"

Cai Jingyao didn't say anything, but for a long time, she turned her head in tears. "Isn't Jin Nange angry?" How do I feel that if we go to my uncle... Uncle may not recognize you?!"

"I don't care! Just be with you..."

When Cai Jingyao couldn’t think of a rebuttal, he was taken by Lu Jinbei to Cai Jingyao to take the ID card account and rushed to the Lujia old house.

Bai Xiaonian changed his clothes and stood at the window. He watched Lu Jinnan's reluctant Cai Jingyao go, and he saw Lu Jinnan and his father calling.

"Yes, Dad... It’s okay, you can give them the account book and let them get the certificate!" Lu Jinnan used his shoulder and side face to hold the phone, while talking and buttoning his shirt. "The attitude is better, don't show it." Reluctantly, you can be enthusiastic, this is Cai Jing Yao’s heart is very big, certainly will not be willing to marry Lu Jinbei, when it will be a two-married reputation!”

At the end of the phone, Lu Jinnan’s father still hesitated: “So, in case this Cai Jingyao really married Xiaobei?! Such a character... I am really worried!”

"Dad, no! This woman has a big heart and will not spend a lifetime with Lu Jinbei! You believe me, I never do things that don't take me seriously!"

When Lu Jinnan’s father heard Lu Jinnan’s words, he still felt a little uneasy. But his son has always been the backbone of his family. Since his son said so, he listened to his eldest son. After all, he did not think of any better way.

Lu Jinnan hung up the phone and listened to Bai Xiaonian laughing and said: "Hey... Mr. Lu, you are too bad!"

"I didn't want to clean up that Cai Jingyao, it was to make Xiaobei feel frustrated and long-term memory, but it can affect you even if it is, let Xiaobei's blow come faster!" Lu Jinnan said with a smile.

"What to eat out?!" Bai Xiaonian asked Lu Jinnan's arm.

"What do you want to eat?!" Lu Jinnan wore a shirt and stared at Bai Xiaonian's smile.

"Oh!" Bai Xiaonian replied.

"I just happened to be a good cockroach. Their little snacks are not bad..." Lu Jinnan took Bai Xiaonian’s hand downstairs. "Pregnant people have a bad appetite, then you remember to eat less!"

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

Anyway, it is right to control the diet, who makes their sons absorb too well.


Cai Jingyao thought that it would take a lot of trouble to go to Lujia to take the account. At that time, Cai Jingyao would advise Lu Jinbei not to make trouble with his father, and press Lu Jinbei to get married.

Who knows that Lu Jinbei and Cai Jingyao went to Lujia, and Lu Jinbei’s father smiled and opened the door, and personally sent the account book, and asked if he could not return to dinner after receiving the certificate!

Even Lu Jinbei thought that he was dreaming. He took the account and asked: "Dad... I am not dreaming?!"

"You see you... actually say stupid things, go get the certificate! Dad will make a table at noon, let's celebrate!"

Cai Jingyao’s face came out from Lu Jinbei’s house until Lu Jinbei took her to the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Cai Jingyao was flustered and Zhang Zhangmeng resigned.

"What's wrong?! You don't want to get married with me?" Lu Jinbei's eyes are all smiles. "Now my dad and my brother are not opposed, we can be together!"

"Xiaobei..." Cai Jingyao’s brows are wrinkled and look like a hard face. "I..."

"Hmm?!" Lu Jinbei smiled and waited for Cai Jingyao's following.

In the view of Lu Jinbei, Cai Jingyao is the most loved woman in the world, no one...

Even he began to be tempted by Cai Jingyao and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.

"Is it nervous before marriage?!" Lu Jinbei pinched the small hand of Cai Jingyao and whispered, "Don't be nervous, there is me!"

Cai Jingyao does not say anything, Lu Jinbei said: "You can rest assured that I will take care of you after marriage, we will always live happily forever! You believe me!"

Cai Jingyao bit his teeth and took his hand from Lu Jinbei’s hand: "I am sorry Xiaobei..."

Lu Jinbei, watching Cai Jingyao, busy explaining: "I know, I know you mind that there is Bai Xiaonian in my heart... but you can rest assured that I will gradually forget her, and I will definitely put a whole heart in time. For you, I know that the world loves you the most!"

Ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! ! The monthly ticket is over three hundred plus! In addition, the story of Sumanman and Shi Hanchu will start as soon as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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