Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1295: Actually stupid to my future mother-in-law

Chapter 1295 is actually stupid enough to be in front of her future mother-in-law.

"Our family doesn't have this particular..." Liang said with a smile. "What's wrong?! Is there anything to pay attention to in your family?!"

"You don't have this at home, it's good!" Lu Yunfan breathed a sigh of relief. "Our family doesn't have this particularity. It's just going to a friend's house to eat. Their family is not talking about food, what is the quiet voice of a meal? No, I just praised the sweet and sour pork ribs delicious, my friend took me and whispered that I couldn’t talk about it! Then I was hated by my friend’s grandmother, and I was eating and talking...”

"What is this strange hate?" Liang Shuo himself does not like to be quiet when eating.

It’s rare for a family to get together in a day. Every lunch is eaten separately. There is only one dinner for the family. The family is sure to take this opportunity to ask each other about the day.

Moreover, the domestic table culture is prevalent, and many businesses are negotiated at the table.

Therefore, Liang Shuming himself does not feel that there is something wrong with chatting at the table.

"I think so too!" Lu Yunfan said that he did not understand Liang Shuming.

"Then you will be able to come to our house for dinner in the future. Our table is very lively..." Liang said with a chuckle.

"Okay! If Ms. Liang is not at home and wants someone to accompany you to dinner, call me!" Lu Yunfan put a rib of bone into his mouth, revealing a look of satisfaction, "Good food. what!"

"Then you will eat more, and for a while I will let the kitchen give you a take-up!" Liang Xiao smiled.

"How interesting it is, really don't need it!" Lu Yunfan sincerely lamented, "Ms. Liang, you are so good!"

"I think that your little girls should like to eat desserts, so let the kitchen prepare the shovel jujube sweet soup. After half an hour of eating, you drink the soup and go!" Liang Shu rubbed his mouth with a napkin and said, “This is a new product created by our chef. My two daughters like it very much...”

"Okay! Ok!" Lu Yunfan nodded again and again.

When Liang Shu went to the bathroom, Lu Yunfan couldn’t help but look at the restaurant in Linjiatun...

She saw a family photo on the restaurant cabinet, and Lu Yunfan walked over and stared at the family photo.

In the photo, there is actually Lin Biao!

Lu Yunfan is in a state of persecution. What is going on? !

Sitting in the middle of the photo, Mrs. Lin and Lin Laozi are sitting in the middle of the circle. Mrs. Lin and the old man are sitting on both sides of Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan Lin Jinghui. In the back row are Lin Wen and his wife, and Lin Biao and Lin Biao!

Lu Yunfan suddenly remembered that Lin Biao’s mother seemed to be surnamed Liang.

It won't... Is this Ms. Liang the mother of Lin Biao? !

Lu Yunfan looked around and saw that the servant was not there. Liang Shuo had not returned yet. He quickly took a picture of the family portrait with his mobile phone and sent it to Lin Biao.

At the end of the phone, Lin Biao saw that the photos sent by Lu Yunfan were also slightly stunned.

[Lin Wei: Where did you come from? ! It seems to be our restaurant, are you at our house? ! 】

Seeing Lin Biao’s reply, Lu Yunfan’s scalp is numb...

Lin Biao... home... restaurant? !

Lu Yunfan felt that he couldn't breathe, so he was stupid for a long time here. Was he stupid enough to face his future mother-in-law? !

She originally wanted to leave a bright, strong impression on her future mother-in-law, but what did she do just now? !

Recalling what I did just now, she will collapse...

Lu Yunfansheng had no choice but to sit back at the table and rub his face with his hand. He thought about what he had said to Liang Shuming just now. The more he thought about Lu Yunfan, he felt that he could die!

After hearing the footsteps of Liang Shu, Lu Yunfan quickly sat up straight and sat there cautiously, and his hands did not know where to put it.

"Have you eaten?!" Liang Xiao asked with a smile.

Lu Yunfan almost stood up from the chair with conditioned reflexes, and both words were expressed on his face.

"What's wrong with this?!" Liang Shuo was somewhat surprised by Lu Yunfan's reaction.

"That..." Lu Yunfan both hands cluttered in front of the lower abdomen. "I... I think the time I am bothering seems a bit long, I have to go..."

"I am so anxious to do something, sweet soup is not good, wait a while to eat sweet soup, I let the kitchen give you a ribs, and then bring you a sweet soup!" Liang Xiao smiled and sat down, "full ?!"

"Full!" Lu Yunfan was busy.

I want to play two bowls of rice that I just had in front of Liang Shuming. Lu Yunfan regrets what it is like. At home, my mother always said that Lu Yunfan would restrain herself when she was eating outside. Others saw her a little girl eating once. I don’t know if I will be scared by the two bowls of rice.

Lu Yunfan bowed his head after returning from Liang Shu, and secretly guessed whether Liang Shu was scared by her meal.

"Looking at you for dinner really makes people feel very appetizing, I want to come back for half a bowl of rice!" Liang said with a smile, "My two daughters, one is more restrained to eat, one is to scream and lose weight all day long. I don't eat well, I don't have any appetite to eat with them. If you can accompany me every day, I can eat more every day!"

Said, Liang Shu has already called the maid and gave her a half bowl of rice...

Lu Yunfan just raised his head and secretly looked at Liang Shu, couldn't it be... Lin Biao's mother just liked her to eat so much? !

Suddenly, Lu Yunfan saw Liang Shuxiao smile softly at himself, and her already panicked heart was a little calm.

Lu Yunfan is guessing whether Liang Shuming knows that he is Lin Biao’s girlfriend, and thinks about it... He feels that he just started with Lin Biao yesterday, with the degree of caution of Lin Biao’s person, in the month they agreed. Before the past, he should not tell people around him.

Lu Yunfan secretly cheered himself and wanted to brush his face in front of Liang Shu.

Probably because of the inner tension, Lu Yunfan is not as lively as he was just now. He sat there without a word, for fear of saying more mistakes.

"What happened suddenly?!" Liang Shuan asked Lu Yunfan softly. "Is it not uncomfortable, how can I suddenly stop talking?!"

"" Lu Yunfan licked his lips, especially whispering to Liang Shu, "It’s a sudden bit of a thing, I want to go first..."

After this, Lu Yunfan regretted that she was not polite, and she thought that she would not have finished eating.

In short, Lu Yunfan was not right when he saw a photo of Liang Shuan’s family in the restaurant.

Lu Yunfan mobile phone vibration, she picked up and looked at it, Lin Biao.

[Lin Wei: Are you at my house? ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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