Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1315: Her dad, is this a demolition? !

Chapter 1315, her old man, is this a teardown? !

Lin Biao said, looking at Lu Yunfan, and then said: "If the two agree to marry, then after marriage, I will love her, will not betray her, all the loyalty and trust in the marriage will give her, no matter I have no experience in love or marriage, but as long as she asks for it, I will be satisfied."

"So will you love her?!" Lu Yunhang brows wrinkled.

"I will try to love her..." Lin Biao did not lie in this regard. Since he wanted to marry Lu Yunfan, he would try to do this and he would like to do it.

Lu Yunfan looked at Lin Biao, and his eyes were all touched...

Lin Biao Ge actually said that he is willing to work hard to love her. This is for Lu Yunfan... It has always been the deepest hope in my heart.

Lu Yunfan’s father heard this, and after a long brow, he stretched out for a long time...

Although Lin Biao did not fall in love with his daughter, it made him feel uncomfortable, but in the interest of it, Lin Biao did not lie to them at least, to be honest...

Also from the side, Lin Biao Lu Yunfan does not have any plans!

If Lin Biao came today, he said that he loves Lu Yunfan, and Lu Yunfan’s father has to think about it.

Seeing my daughter’s state of Lin Biao, it must be true that Lin Biao is not married...

In addition to Lin Biao did not fall in love with his daughter, in fact, Lin Biao when they are Lujia's son-in-law really nothing to be picky!

However, Lu Yunfan’s father always hopes that his daughter’s marriage is happy!

After all, letting her daughter and Lin Biao get married at least is a wish of her daughter.

Can be a father who loves his daughter, in my heart... really very hard.

Lin Biao’s words made Lu Yunhang also in silence...

On the one hand, because of Lin Biao's confession, his brother has put down his guard against Lin Biao.

On the other hand, because of Lin Biao’s confession, he did not trust his sister to marry Lin Biao.

Didn't fall in love, just like...

"Since I just like it, otherwise, you will get along with each other for a while and say, don't be so anxious to get married. In case Lin Biao, you met the girl you really fell in love with. If you were married to Vatican at that time, is it unfair to Vatican? will get married first! We are one year old, one year later you fell in love with Vatican, you are married, you are not in love...even."

After considering it for a long time, Lu Yunfan’s father said this.

Lu Yunfan looked at his father with a big eye. Is this old lady dismantled? !

In any case, she will take Lin Biao in her life!

"I don't agree!" Lu Yunfan and his father spoke. "Dad... My biggest wish in my life is to marry Lin Biao! No matter how I and Lin Biao's future will move, I don't want to have regrets only once. Even if...even...the last and Lin Biao brother is the end of a divorce, I want to marry Lin Biao now!"

Lu Yunfan’s mother has been sitting aside and silent, saying that she is... really tangled!

I hope that my daughter is happy, and that Lin Biao feels angry because she has not yet fallen in love with her daughter.

"Marriage is not a child's play!" Lu Yunfan's father insisted.

"But I have to be responsible for Lin Biao Ge! I have already told Lin Biao Ge what..." Lu Yunfan said with a sigh of relief.

Lin Biao: "..."

Such a private thing, Lin Biao really did not intend to say it.

"Hey..." Lu Yunhang directly spewed out the tea that had just been drunk into his mouth.

He widened his eyes and looked at Lu Yunfan and looked at Lin Biao. He felt that Lin Biao was not such a person, so he said: "Can we not say anything, say anything for marriage!"

"Really!" Lu Yunfan frowned.

"Don't pull it! Lin Biao, such a big man can be forced by you...! You have a small arm and a calf!"

Lin Biao had a slight difficulty in sitting and decided to marry Lu Yunfan, which is also a very important part of it.

Although Lin Biao was half-pushed yesterday, it was probably because of the taste of estrus at first, and did not restrain it for a while...

Lin Biao clearly understands the things of men and women. After all, she used to study medicine.

Last night, Lin Biao was emotional, and the two had no preventive measures. Lin Biao was also worried that Lu Yunfan was pregnant, so he thought that he should marry Lu Yunfan, just in case.

Originally, half a year... Lin Biao is trying to fall in love with Lu Yunfan through this half year, and let Lu Yunfan think through this half year!

After all, for Lin Biao... As long as Lu Yunfan does not change his mind, Lin Biao is very willing to live with a lively girl like Lu Yunfan for a lifetime.

Lu Yunhang waited for Lin Biao to deny it, but Lin Biao did not deny it.

Well, they are not feudal families, it’s normal to talk about love...

After all, it is not ancient times, now men do not want the other party to be a pure yellow niece.

How to do? ! The niece of her own family is bent on marrying, and the other party wants to marry and promises to work hard to love her niece.

Lu Yunfan’s father took out his own life-saving pills and ate a few. He said: “I still recommend getting engaged first. If you have children with care... then get married! I don’t have any opinions! If not, God gives you the opportunity to let Both of you are thinking about it! But... If you two are eager to get married today, I don’t say anything! I can only stand in the position of the old father and Lin Biao, if you are not good to our family, or betray We are Vatican, let us be sad, or Vatican is in front of us because of your grievances, a drop of tears, we Lu and you Lin has never been the same!"

This is very heavy...

"Dad!" Lu Yunfan was afraid that his father would scare Lin Biao and bite his lower lip.

"Girls are outgoing..." Lu Yunfan's father shook his head. "You are married to Vatican. We don't have any business dealings with Lu and you Lin! There is no good thing! I am here, Lin Biao, you want to be clear, If you really want to get married, the last one will be out of control... Even if it’s Vatican’s pleading, it doesn’t work!”

Lujia’s potential is bigger than Lin’s, and this is for sure!

Lu Yunfan's father looks like an honest man, but he speaks a lot and has a good reputation in the business field.

Lin Dagger: "I think very clearly..."

"And, in case you are married and divorced, the wedding will not be done. The less people know the better! When... When you fall in love with Vatican, let's hold this wedding again! Do you agree?!" Lu Yunfan’s father asked again.

Lu Yunfan nodded hard: "Agree to agree!"

Lin Biao also beheaded: "Listen to you!"

Lu Yunfan’s father’s heart, this is where I listened to me... It’s clear that I was forced by you to do nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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