Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1320: Not news in the circle

Chapter 1320 is not news in the circle

Said, Sumanman turned his head and leaned back to the ancient wind to continue to say the lines: "If Xiaofengfeng followed me, hehe... Feng family is critical!"

The tone of the auxiliary word is added by Sumanman himself, but the more and more phoenix-like personality is loose and free.

The nine-necked lips, played by the ancient wind, do not consciously lift a smattering smile, as if they agree with Fengyi’s self-awareness.

The role of Feng Yi, Sumanman, is better than the director's imagination, and even better!

Sumanman and the ancient ride of the wind have been...

Meng Yuqiao stood beside the director and looked at Sumanman in the surveillance screen. The heartbeat was especially fast!

She has been acting for many years. Since the death of Jiang Mingzhu, very few people have been able to give her such strong pressure.

The script of "The Ancients" was originally innocent and innocent. The justice and justice, according to reason, is very pleasing!

But Meng Yuqiao has a strong sense of foreboding. This "Antiquity" drama, according to Sumanman's playful and free-spirited Fengyi... the wind will surely overshadow the heroine.

Meng Yuqiao was a little panicked. She was not warm for a long time, and she also counted on the drama to raise her popularity.

One morning, as the male and female matchmakers and the Sumanman run-in, it is very good, and even the ancient wind has a feeling of cooperation with Sumanman many times, tacit understanding.

However, Meng Yuqiao felt the unsatisfactory performance after feeling the pressure from Sumanman.

I heard that when I was in the early days of the film, I was filming at the film and television base. Sumanman’s heartbeat accelerated. I didn’t want to see Meng Yuqiao’s NG here, and sneaked to the next group to watch the cold.

Sumanman had a play for a while, so he didn't change his clothes. He went to the next group with his makeup and headdress.

At the beginning of the cold, I tried to make a TV series again after many years, and I was connected with a warlord drama "Small and Sound".

When Sumanman arrived, it was surrounded by three floors and three floors. It was the actors of other crews who had nothing to do to watch the movie.

The shooting location was in Dashuaifu, and he was wearing a military uniform at the beginning of the cold. The wind was buckled open and the throat was raised.

He was savvy and straightforward, and he stood in front of the table with one hand. He put one hand in his pocket, and one finger touched the table top. There was a mountain and a river in the middle of the scene. The atmosphere at the scene was due to the gas field at the beginning of the cold. Extremely suffocating in the cold.

Sumanman’s throat rolled over. When he saw the last time he was in the hospital at the beginning of the cold, his fists were tightly squatting, his eyes were red and a mess, and her heart was broken.

The other seniors on the table who are slightly older, if there is no slender finger that gently taps the table at the beginning of the cold, one by one, cold sweats.

At the beginning of the cold, the action was calm, and the last moment was knocked on the table. The hand was slightly stopped and then retracted. He supported the seat back of a long-term officer and opened the cavity: "So, how do the Japanese know about our military arming? , everyone... don't know, is it?!"

At the beginning of the cold, the mellow voice was so vocal, the voice was not big, but it was like being able to penetrate the heart and shake the heart and tremble.

I didn’t see anyone answering. When the cold was at the beginning of the cold, the scorpion was slightly converged, and the pressure was silently covering the entire shooting scene. It was the murderousness of the individual when I felt the cold.


The director slammed the card and immediately detached from the state at the beginning of the cold. He nodded to the crew.

Sumanman did not expect that he had not seen it for two years... The performance of the early Han Dynasty was superb to this point.

Listening to the director said that when the cold can rest, many people are going to sign up. This kind of rare opportunity to get close contact with the early Han Sumanman will let go, almost never want to subconsciously follow the past.

This is in the studio, and no one feels that Sumanman is wearing a costume.

Probably Sumanman’s appearance is too dazzling and too much to ignore. When Sumanman came over, the group performance around the beginning of the cold was spontaneously let go.

At the beginning of the cold, he signed the name of the little girl in front of him. When she looked up, she saw a fairy dressed up in Sumanman standing in the crowd, it seems... tears!

Fans? ! At the beginning of the cold guess...

Sumanman saw the feelings of the cold at the beginning of the cold. In the past, she was a friend who had nothing to talk about at the beginning of the cold. The two seemed to be in a state of lover's dissatisfaction, but at the beginning of the cold...

Now, at the beginning of the cold, I don’t know who she is.

However, she will let her know who she is at the beginning of the cold, and become the girlfriend of the early Han Dynasty as a new Sumanman.

At the beginning of the cold, he was always very fond of fans. When he saw Su Manman’s tears, he seemed to be very excited. He walked over and smiled and asked: “Do you need a photo?!”

Sumanman’s throat whimpered, but when he looked up, he didn’t say anything at the beginning of the cold...

The director inadvertently bowed in the direction of the early Han Dynasty.

At the beginning of the cold, a military uniform, handsome and straight, the gas field is heavy and deep.

Sumanman’s sleek white gauze is beautiful and can’t be found in the world.

The two are standing opposite each other. It seems to be a collision across the ages. The director has already based on this picture, and the brain has made up a love that has passed through the millennium.

For a long time, Sumanman shook his head at the beginning of the cold: "See you, just fine..."

This is like a friend who has not seen for many years.

The four eyes are opposite, the familiar feeling makes the brow slightly tightened at the beginning of the cold, but this familiarity is fleeting enough to make it impossible to catch the cold at the beginning.

Sumanman’s eyes, like washed by rain, are clean and transparent.

At the beginning of the cold, I wanted to ask her if they had seen it before, but they felt too abrupt, especially in the case of so many people watching, who knows what the gossip magazine will write tomorrow.

Nodded, and then left to rest.

When Sumanman returned to God, his palm was already red blood.

When I was ready to go back to work, I was still in the middle of my mind. I still had a girl with a clean and beautiful eyes. He couldn’t think of where he had seen his frown.

But, look at her dress, probably an actor? ! And the degree of sophistication of clothing and makeup is not a group...

At the beginning of the cold, let the assistant figure out which crew was shooting the Xian Xia drama, after the exclusion... The initial guess is that the girl today should be called Sumanman.

He had never had an intersection, and he still couldn’t remember.

But Sumanman said, "See you, just fine..." and let the time cold feel strange.

In the voice of the choked, with a bit of affection, it seems like... This is the feeling of an old friend.

"Hot brother, I heard that Du Lingyang is going to go to this group to explore his girlfriend's class for a while. Are we going ahead?!" Xiao Han's assistant Xiao Song whispered when he was cold.

When Han Hanchu and Du Lingyang did not agree, it was not news in the circle.

Two people are the heavy box office call for the film and television circle, and one is the top traffic singer.

How far are they open to the public? ! Basically... Sometimes there is no Du Lingyang at the beginning of the cold, and Du Lingyang is not at the beginning of the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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