Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1332: Sumanman stands in front of the queue

Chapter 1332 Sumanman stands in front of the queue

"This Sumanman, we can't move!" Du Lingyang Road, "She is the only daughter of Haicheng Fujia, the rich family Qianjinjiao is inevitable, for a while, you will be killed, you will bear it, look back to me. Buying a water army to wash your white, you can rest assured!"

Meng Yuqiao hung up the phone and squatted on the bed and cried for a long time...

This role is hard for her to fight for, is to value the heroine to please, who wants to kill a Sumanman halfway to steal all her limelight!

This Sumanman is as annoying as Jiang Mingzhu!


As a broker, Tu Jie also knows that Sumanman will be a big fire, but he predicted that it will be broadcast after the TV series "Antiquity".

Despite this situation, Jie Jie did not expect it, but in the end he was a well-known agent, and soon stabilized, and sent a bodyguard to Sumanman in the past, taking advantage of Sumanman’s fever and quickly advertised to Sumanman. Endorsement.

However, Tu Jie’s expectations for Sumanman are very high, and no brand has been handed over to the olive branch!

Tu Jie has a very precise positioning of Sumanman, that is, high-end, starting high-end, this is his forced position for Sumanman.

Afterwards, the "Terrorist Warfare" was broadcast, which made Sumanman fuel the fire and became the hottest star of this period.

In the program, the performance of Su Manman and Shi Hanchu after entering the two, in stark contrast with the two photographers, let the audience laugh...

Sumanman picked up the prop scalpel, and when he walked, he patted the shoulders of the ghost actors. On the screen, [Feng Yi elders mighty...] [Give the elders of Fengyi to the knees~] [Elder Fengyi 66666] These words have been screened.

Then, when Sumanman was weak, he was forced to come out from the inside to scare other people. The audience felt that when they were acting and the performances of Sumanman, they said that Sumanman was too bad.

It is also said that when the early Han and Sumanman look good!

Then, when Shi Hanchu and Sumanman had CP powder called Time Manman, the fans cut out their pictures in "Terrorist Warfare" and gave themselves sugar.

Even Xiao Song, who was around the beginning of the cold, went to join the fan group of "Time Manman" powder, yes... Xiao Song followed the program after watching the TV powder of Shi Hanchu and Sumanman. Even from the bottom of my heart, I hope that the beginning of the cold and Sumanman can have a good result.

Before the "Antiquity" crew was about to be smashed, it was also the day when Sumanman went to the "sneak silent" crew and the cooperation between the early and the cold.

Sumanman went to the crew, sitting there and closing his eyes to let Yang only give himself makeup, and there was no way to stretch his brow.

Regarding the fact that Sumanman and Shi Hanchu were grouped with fans by CP, Yang only knows that after all, the most popular star recently is Sumanman.

Yang only disliked this feeling very much, and felt that Sumanman had taken away Jiang Mingzhu’s early cold!

And, Yang only feels that... Sumanman is in the early stages of planning to grab the cold, she is a little more dissatisfied with Sumanman!

Imitate Mingzhu sister, grab the Mingchu brother of Mingzhu, and Yang only feels that he must do something.

Sumanman’s heart is a bit imaginary when he thinks about it for a while.

That day in Japan's Fujikyu Paradise, she and the beginning of the cold was not happy, until today, they have not contacted two people...

Although, Sumanman knows all accounts at the beginning of the cold, including the trumpet.

"Manman! Manman!" Sumanman's assistant slammed the door open and sat next to Sumanman and said to her, "The gods have arrived! I don't know who has leaked the wind and know that today you have to When the gods filmed, your CP powder has been waiting for the aid card, and God signed the fan with the names of you and the cartoons!"

There was a little excitement in the sly voice.

Recently, CP powder of Sumanman and Shi Hanchu is very high, probably because they have the video of the Sumanman framed by the time of the cold... More videos than the ancient powder and Sumanman's CP powder.

They made Sumanman and the early Han Dynasty a cartoon image, and even when they met the ghost suddenly appeared in front of them... When the early cold was calmly passed around the ghost, Sumanman took a picture of the ghost's shoulder and painted it. Also gave the ghost a tearful expression.

Recently, this painting has also spread very quickly. Everyone said that Meng is very bad.

"Well..." Sumanman sighed softly and his emotions were not high.

He widened his eyes and looked at Yang only. He seemed to want to know what happened. Yang only smiled and shook his head and said that he did not know.

Suddenly, Sumanman didn't have the excitement she expected, but she looked at it like this, and then began to worship Sumanman.

In fact, she did not know, Sumanman had long been used to such a big fire.

"Manman, only the eye makeup!"

Sumanman got up and reached for the water cup. He touched an empty open eye and found that there was no water cup at hand.

"Hey, help me pour water!" Sumanman opened his mouth.

I was busy sending a cup of warm water to Sumanman.

Su Manman frowned, she used to drink cold: "When I make up, I will prepare a glass of water next to me. I will finish my makeup and drink it, and I will be cold."

Yang was the only one to take the eyeliner's hand, then dropped the scorpion and took out the makeup brush to prepare for Sumanman makeup.

Everything is imitating Mingzhu sister...

Sumanman is a terrible person. Where did she know that she is so used to her sister? !

But Yang is only a part-time job. She doesn't ask anything, just do her job well.

Put on makeup and wear military uniforms. Sumanman is playing with other people's opponents.

A few simple shots were taken, and Sumanman was already ready when he saw the cold, wearing a handsome suit.

At the beginning of the cold, the body was long, and the golden embroidered costume on the white background was hung with medals and sabre. The exquisite and unparalleled, black boots made the winter look more and more beautiful.

This scene was the first encounter between Sumanman and the early Han Dynasty. When he came down from the car at the beginning of the cold, he saw Sumanman standing in the queue.

Start shooting.

Sumanman stood in front of the queue, tall and straight, and did not squint...

At the beginning of the cold, he came down from the car and held his own handsome hat in his hand. When he was about to step up, he saw Sumanman. He had a footstep at his feet, and the sly scorpion looked at Sumanman.

The four eyes were slightly tightened on the side of Sumanman's side. When the cold was at the beginning of the cold, the scorpion was half-baked, and the lips twitched with a smile. After taking his hat, he walked on the red carpet and walked over the steps. .

The second play is more difficult.

Sumanman has taken off his military uniform at this time and became the outer room of the early Han Dynasty. Every day, he is looking forward to seeing her from the beginning of the cold...

(End of this chapter)

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