Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1334: A lot of advice

Chapter 1334 has taught a lot of time

Finally the director called the card and said that this article has passed.

The director revised the script. This scene ends here. The next scene is after the beginning of the cold. Lu Nanxuan committed suicide. Lu Nanxun’s suicide note is: I took your life and killed one life. We both cleared.

It just coincides with the last line of the early Han Dynasty, but it is perfect!

The director of the "silent" crew also thought that the time of the early Han and Sumanman would take at least three days.

But I did not expect that Shi Hanchu and Sumanman were almost one.

At the beginning of the filming, after holding the Sumanman's body in the early cold, leaving the Shuai Shuai, the scene of Shi Hanchu's play in the "Sneak" group was over.

Sumanman’s shot is also going back to the "Antiquity" crew to complete his last scene of being killed.

When removing makeup, when the early hours of the cold, Simanman looked at his own eyes when he was filming, struggling... pain, with a bit of joy and sadness.

He said that I love you, really... so that Sumanman’s reaction is so big? !

Is it Sumanman’s acting, or is she real reaction? !

At the beginning of the cold, frowning, remembering that in the Fujikyu Paradise in Japan, Sumanman said that he likes him...

In these years, the actress who likes the early Han Dynasty is not a minority, but she never put it in her heart at the beginning of the cold.

This time, how can you be so hearted by a new person? !

Is it really because she has investigated herself, or is it because she acts like Jiang Mingzhu? !

At the beginning of the cold, Sumanman had been checked, as she said... She is the only daughter of Fucheng in Haicheng. She grew up and was spoiled.

He also found that Sumanman had cooperated with him and Jiang Mingzhu. He did not expect Sumanman to be in the "World", the little Su Qinghe.

He guessed that he probably was not so disgusted with Sumanman because he knew that he had cooperated and remembered the cute appearance of Sumanman when he was a child.

She remembers... When Jiang Mingzhu used the kind of jealous tone to say to the early Han Dynasty, Fu Manman, this little girl will grow taller than her, and be jealous!

Now Fu Manman grew up, and sure enough... it’s very beautiful, but no one can be beautiful over Jiang Mingzhu at the beginning of the cold.


The knock on the door sounded.

The makeup artist is helping the hands of the makeup remover at the beginning of the cold.


Xiao Song opened the door and came in with a head. He said to the beginning of the cold: "The early Han brother... Manman said that he wants to see you and asks if you have time."

At the beginning of the cold, the fingers tightened slightly and silenced for a long time: "Let her come in!"

After that, Shi Hanchu indicated that the makeup artist would go to rest first, and then he removed the makeup himself.

When Sumanman came in, he had already unloaded his makeup at the beginning of the cold and was wearing a jacket. He said, "I have to go to the airport to catch a plane... What to say as soon as possible."

Sumanman exhaled a long breath, and his lips twitched and smiled at the beginning of the cold: "You should have checked me, know that I have no problem, right?!"

At the beginning of the cold, he looked directly at Sumanman and sorted out his neckline.

"I am not imitating Jiang Mingzhu. I may say that this may not be self-reliant, but I will definitely be more powerful than Jiang Mingzhu. I have not imitated her!" Su Manman seriously said to the beginning of the cold.

She is now starting to know how many times she is better than her last life. Jiang Mingzhu knows that her life in Sumanman is much broader than her life, and her station is also destined to be higher.

"So, how do you know... I have a heartache, what am I allergic to?? Is there a reasonable explanation?!"

Sumanman has already thought about this when the early Han Dynasty, and she has already thought about it: "I saw Jiang Mingzhu in the hospital and took you to the hospital. Jiang Mingzhu told me! When you came out of the hospital... you went to convenience Shop to buy water, I met Jiang Mingzhu... She said that it is not that she is uncomfortable to take you to see the heartache!"

"What do you like to eat allergic to everything, I know from your illegitimate rice!" Sumanman said.

Private school rice...

At the beginning of the cold, I heard these three words frowning, and the private school meal really knew a lot of things at the beginning of the cold.

When I go out with Jiang Mingzhu sometimes, I will be followed by an illegitimate meal. If they see or hear it, maybe it is ok. This explanation is justified.

"At the beginning of the cold, I hope you don't think that I am learning Jiang Mingzhu to come close to you. I like you right, but I also have my own arrogance. I definitely don't want you to regard me as a substitute for Jiang Mingzhu! I hope that you can believe it. I! I am very willing to start with friends from you, not a special friend, just in general... you treat me like a younger generation!"

Sumanman thought about it for a long time.

She feels that she is too anxious...

I was too anxious to become a couple at the beginning of the cold. Instead, I thought that I had a ulterior motive at the beginning of the cold.

She can get along with her friends at the beginning of the cold, just like... once guarded her, she guarded him!

Sumanman believes that one day... I will fall in love with myself at the beginning of the cold, just as he loved himself in his life.

After all, she hasn't changed this person, just changed her skin.

If you really love yourself at the beginning of the cold, you will definitely fall in love with yourself.

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at Sumanman’s sincere smile. I took the mobile phone on the dressing table and put it in my pocket. Nod: “Good...”

Sumanman's eyes lit up and her lips were hooked up. She took out her mobile phone: "That... when the early Han Dynasty, let's make a phone call! After all, we have cooperated!"

At the beginning of the cold, I felt that Sumanman’s personality would really climb.

Sumanman, who took out his mobile phone, stared at the beginning of the cold, waiting for her to call her phone number at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, he hesitated for a moment, reached out and took his mobile phone number from Sumanman and handed it back to Sumanman.

Sumanman hit the past, and she heard the sound of the mobile phone vibrating at the beginning of the cold. Her lips were tilted up: "After that, I have advised the Emperor!"

When I was sitting in the nanny car to the airport at the beginning of the cold, the ghost made a search for the "Antiquity" trailer on the Internet.

Inside, the phoenix that Sumanman plays is so slick and arrogant, and the people around him are full of trust...

When confronted with him today, the woman who is entangled feels completely different.

The acting of the little girl was recognized at the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, there is a hunch, this movie is probably the female protagonist with Sumanman’s limelight will overshadow the heroine!

His lips evoked, Sumanman's acting skills are too superb, she is now more loyal to Feng Yi, the more trusting the hero and the hero, the future betrayed the audience will be more distressed by her, and thus like her.

When Xiao Song saw the early Han Dynasty, he was watching the preview of "Antiquity". He quietly explored his head and smiled and said: "Hanchu brother, I heard Chen director is worrying about the new actress starring. It is better than... You recommend Manman !"

(End of this chapter)

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