Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1338: I am Du Lingyang.

Chapter 1338 I am Du Lingyang

Yang only stunned and his throat was sore.

Sumanman’s voice said slowly: “She said that her daughter was afraid of her worry and told her that she had a special meal at the crew’s dinner! This mother, this time, she knew that her daughter had used her imported drugs with side effects. What day is it, she would rather die than let her daughter be so dragged by her so beautiful age, so I want to give up treatment..."

When I heard this, Yang only screamed in tears. She didn't know that her mother actually... actually knew.

"Yang is the only one, because I am using you, let you be my exclusive makeup artist, so you can have free time to accompany your mother! So I will give you three times the salary above the market price, let you pay your mother deliberately. Expensive drug charges!” Su Manman looked at Yang only seriously. “Otherwise, do you think that you can get the salary that is three times higher than the market price from my former makeup artist?! Are you? Still thinking that I am a lot of money?!"

Yang only bite the lower lip, it is undeniable that she really thinks so.

Yang only shook his head.

"What I want to know now is when did you get together with Meng Yuqiao?!" Sumanman asked again, "How many things have you done with her?! You are willing to say... just say, no I am willing to say that I am not reluctant! And... I will not fire you until your mother is hospitalized!"

Yang’s only throat swallowed, and he calmed down for a long time. “On this time, Meng Yuqiao found me and found that I saw your eyes wrong. I asked if I was embarrassed. I said that you are imitating Mingzhu. Some habits, she asked me to write these to write a post to her, I will not have to deal with the following things! I also asked her why she wants to whole you ... she said she can not understand you. We reached an agreement... ..."

"You and Meng Yuqiao are because she is a friend of Jiang Mingzhu?!"

Yang only shook his head hard: "She is not a friend of Pearl Sister! She is going to be in the position of the Pearl singer!"

At this point, Yang did not lie, and Sumanman believed in Yang’s only previous words.

After seeing Yang for a long time, Sumanman said: "Remove makeup!"

Yang only carefully removed the makeup from Sumanman.


After the knocking on the door, Shantou explored it: "Manman... That Du Lingyang asked the current party is not convenient to come in."

Du Lingyang is the ex-boyfriend of Jiang Mingzhu. Yang only disliked this Du Lingyang very much, but after the previous incident, he did not dare to remind Sumanman.

"Inconvenient!" Sumanman refused without thinking.

"Oh!" 咚咚 Close the door of the dressing room and reply to Du Lingyang.

But obviously, Du Lingyang did not give up, and after Sumanman unloaded makeup last night, the basic skin care applied sunscreen to prepare to leave the crew, the phone came in and jumped into the strange number information.

[186xxxx3349: Hello, Manman, I am Du Lingyang, because of the harm that Meng Yuqiao has brought to you, I am very sorry, I would like to invite you to dinner and officially apologize to you, can you? ! I am Du Lingyang. 】

Sumanman brows and silences for a moment.

Yang only wants to stop and talk, and bows his head to clean up his own things.

[Sumanman: No, I don't accept an apology, only the truth! And I really don't like your private investigation of my phone number, making me feel offended! 】

After replying to the information, Sumanman walked to the door wearing slippers and put on her high heels. She carried the sunglasses on her back and said the only thing: "Go to the hospital to accompany your mother. When I pass the new play, I will contact. You enter me with the crew!"

Yang only did not expect Sumanman to really dismiss her, standing in the hand and holding the make-up remover.

He was waiting outside for Sumanman. When he saw Sumanman, he said to Sumanman: "The beauty salon has already made an appointment. Go to the perfect hospital and go home in the afternoon to eat with Grandma!"

"You just shot the video with Meng Yuqiao, didn't you?!" Sumanman asked.

"Photographed, it has been sent to Jie Ge!" He said.

Sumanman nodded. As long as the video was sent, I must know how to do it with the skill of Tu Jie.

"But Manman!" Hesitated for a moment, and said to Sumanman, "Is Yang's only video to give to Jie Ge, the only conversation you have with Yang, I also photographed it!"

Sumanman glances: "Who made you shoot?!"

"I just heard you ask Yang only... I think this person is too much! So I thought about exposing her to a heart, but in the end I think Yang is only too pitiful, I didn't send it to Jie Ge, I want to let You make a decision!"

"Then don't send it!" Sumanman didn't hesitate to hesitate.

I nodded, and I liked my boss more and more. I felt very cool and unique.

Meng Yuqiao is probably to completely make Sumanman smelly, so I arranged the reporter to wait at the door early...

However, she did not expect that Sumanman would be an army at the shooting scene today, and it would be too late for the reporters to disperse. After all, the reporters have already smelled the online trend, and everyone wants to improve the reading of their own websites. .

When Sumanman came out, the entertainment reporters came up with a smell of flesh-like smell. Fortunately, Sumanman always had bodyguards around him and quickly separated the reporters from the protection of Sumanman.

"Miss Sumanman, there is a detailed breakdown of the post. You imitate Jiang Mingzhu, who has died. What do you want to say about this?!"

Sumanman did not speak to the car under the protection of bodyguards...

"Miss Su heard that you don't respect the predecessors on the set. What do you want to say to Meng Yuqiao?"

Upon hearing this, Sumanman, who was on the train, stepped down and took a look back and took off his sunglasses and smiled. "What do you mean about Meng Yuqiao's bad words?! I broke out Meng Yuqiao. A few vests in the Jiang Mingzhu fan group spurred Jiang Mingzhu fans to attack me?! I respect the predecessors, it must be because the virtues of the predecessors deserve respect, not who is older... I respect whoever! The deceased is the big reason I hope that Meng Yuqiao’s predecessors will take time to learn while suppressing newcomers!"

After talking, Sumanman smiled and added: "Sorry, I speak straight..."

"I will answer this reporter who said that I imitate Jiang Mingzhu's predecessors..." Su Manman moved out of the remarks that Yang and Yang only said. "First of all, I respect Jiang Mingzhu's predecessors. I will first say that the entire entertainment circle knows. The most disgusting fan of Jiang Mingzhu’s predecessors is that some people imitated Jiang Mingzhu’s predecessors. Two actresses who imitated Jiang Mingzhu’s predecessors a while ago, what the final result is... You should be more clear than me.

(End of this chapter)

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