Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1342: Apologize to Sumanman

Chapter 1342 apologizes to Sumanman

The first personality is different from the second personality, but there are also similarities in personality. Apart from the second personality, the difference between the two personalities is not particularly large...

Then let the audience distinguish the two people, it is really difficult to play.

Even in the last life, Sumanman has not encountered such a difficult color.

It is no wonder that other movies are the first to choose the protagonist, and then other characters, but this script is the first to choose other characters, but the most important protagonist has not yet been fixed.

Sumanman clung to the script in his hand, and her lips evoked a confident smile, which is a must for this role.

This role, if Sumanman can't pass through the director Chen Wenhua, then... she dares to say that no one can pass through the entire entertainment circle.

Sumanman has the strength, it is so confident.

While Sumanman concentrated on the script, he did not care about her remarks in front of the media. He had a lot of trouble in the entertainment circle and concentrated on studying the script in his own hands.

Du Lingyang responded very quickly, and was asked to send a message to Sumanman during the media interview.

Du Lingyang apologized: "I was also a time when I went to the "Antiquity" crew to explore the class, it was also the time when my new album was preparing for a new song. At that time, I saw Sumanman playing with Yu Yu, to Sumanman. The character Feng Yi created a song, so I want Sumanman to listen to a suggestion. After all... The best person to know Feng Yi is definitely her interpreter Su Manman! Yu Qiao because of this I had a conflict with me and angered Sumanman! I didn’t dare to make it clear in the text message... It’s because I and Yu Qiao want to ask Sumanman to apologize and let her stop the song.”

For Du Lingyang's answer, fans bought it, but the reporter did not buy it.

A reporter asked: "You can only emphasize you personally in the text message, instead of saying that Miss Ms. Meng Yuqiao should be invited to dinner with Miss Sumanman. It seems that this explanation is unreasonable."

Du Lingyang sighed, and the handsome face had a bit of indulgent smile: "When I sent the message, I was in the "Antiquity" crew, and Yu Qiaogang and Sumanman clashed. She Sumanman will not go, let me mention her! Sumanman's personality has always been in the eyes of the sand, and will not grieve his heart for anything, Yuqiao is afraid of being rejected. ”

This explanation seems to be really reasonable, but there is something strange that can't be said.

After all, in the video, Meng Yuqiao had a quarrel with Sumanman. In less than half an hour and an hour, Meng Yuqiao could serve softly. !

But in any case, Du Lingyang's operation has saved him from being difficult. Then Meng Yuqiao also opened his eyes with a red eye to clarify that although she can't stand someone imitating Jiang Mingzhu, because Jiang Mingzhu is not only his friend. It is still the only idol of her life, so she will incite fans to question Sumanman after the post comes out...

However, her original intention was not to suppress newcomers. She asked Du Lingyang to come out with Sumanman to apologize to Sumanman and explain to Sumanman that the post was not written by her!

She said in the live broadcast that she wrote another person, but... she is also a fan of Jiang Mingzhu, so she can't tell who this person is, even she listens to that person saying that Sumanman imitates Jiang Mingzhu. Look closely and start unfriendly to Sumanman.

However, after listening to Sumanman’s explanation in front of the reporter and Du Lingyang’s analysis of himself, she did think that Sumanman’s smart and hard girl would not do something like imitating others.

Now Sumanman does not want to see her, she can only apologize to Sumanman here.

It seems that everyone wants things to come to a close, but there is something in Meng Yu’s words, but it is interesting to people who have written posts behind them.

Someone began to analyze the people around Sumanman...

Soon, Yang was only taken out.

Yang is the only master makeup artist after Jiang Yingzhu, who is the most familiar person after the shadow!

Moreover, when I first went to Japan's Fujikyu Paradise to shoot "Terrorist Warfare," Yang only followed the past.

Yang only saw this news uneasy, and he was absent-minded in accompanying his mother in the hospital.

"One by one... If you are busy, go to work without having to accompany your mother!" Yang's only mother shook her daughter's hand hard. "If you are worried that your mother is bored, would you let your mother go home?" ”


This is not known how many times, the mother and her to mention home.

She knows that the mother is afraid of spending money!

"Mom... I have told you about it. I am now a makeup artist of other people. The salary is very high. You have no problem in hospitalization. Can you rest assured that you can be assured of hospitalization?!" Yang only softly whispers to her mother. .

Yang’s only mother licked her lips and looked at Yang’s only way: “The money is screaming, the mother is old, it doesn’t matter if the disease is cured, but your future is still will want to Marry, have children! It's a place to use money, Mom can't help you, but Mom doesn't want to be your drag!"

"Mom!" Yang's only voice was raised a degree. "What do you say about this? When is money more important than my mother?! If you don't have money, you can earn... But Mom, if you have something, I will become a mother." Child! Who else hurts me in this world besides you?! Have you thought about it?! So mom, I beg you, do you cooperate with the doctor, do we fight for a quick recovery and discharge?! I still want to eat mom, you give What do I do in my hand!"

In a word, both mother and daughter fell into tears face to face.

Yang’s only mother raised her hand and wiped the tears on her daughter’s face...

The daughter worked so hard for her disease, she could not say that she wanted to give up and hurt her daughter's heart.

So, Yang’s only mother nodded, rubbing her tears with her back and smiling: “Oh! Mom listens to you... Mom is good to cooperate with the doctor!”

Soothing the mother, Yang only took the thermos out to go to the hot water, went to the hot water room and just heard the family members of the two patients who were waiting for the water to discuss Sumanman.

"If I... I definitely can't use this makeup artist! It's obvious that I gave her a salary. The good guy didn't give me makeup. I was staring at the dead master and staring at me. I am imitating her former master, I Isn't this a costly job for yourself?! There are so many people in the world who have made up a lot of makeup! Why do you have to put such a person in front of you and be afraid of it, but also guard against the knife behind her!"

Well, I want to open a new article today. I will open it before 12 noon. I hope that the babies like it. Every time I open a new article, I can’t finish it.

(End of this chapter)

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