Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1347: Bullying her ugly? !

Chapter 1347 is bullying her ugly? !

When Qing Mingzhu was buried, Ye Qinghan put Jiang Mingzhu's treasure chest into the grave.

Funeral Du Lingyang is also there. He did not think that Jiang Mingzhu actually has a treasure chest.

Meng Yuqiao, a self-proclaimed friend of Jiang Mingzhu, does not know that Jiang Mingzhu has a treasure chest.

Even Jiang Mingzhu’s only friend who had been admitted to the outside world did not know.

This girl named Sumanman actually knows!

Say, Sumanman’s sight sweeps through Meng Yuqiao: “Mingzhu sister, the last struggle only said to me, let you be careful of Du Lingyang, and then stunned again!”

Meng Yuqiao tightened Ye Qinghan's arm: "What do you say! Lingyang is Pearl's favorite boyfriend, how can Pearl make 姨 姨 careful Lingyang?!"

Sumanman shrugged: "I don't know this, I am only responsible for the message!"

"So, why didn't you say it before?!" Meng Yuqiao asked.

"Because you didn't know who you are Du Lingyang's girlfriend before, in the aunt's side! Not to mention... You said that you are the friend of Pearl's sister, so worthy of my doubt, I will... have to say!" Suman Man looked at Ye Qinghan. "Mingzhu sister said this sentence at the last moment of my life. I believe that there must be deep meaning. I hope that you can pay more attention to your aunt!"

Ye Qinghan breathed slightly.

"And, I know that there are a lot of things for Pearl Sister. If you want to know if you want to know, if you want to know if this is a friend who really doesn't know it, why don't you ask me!" Sumanman finished, looking at the store manager, "can start Is it skin care?!"

"Of course! Of course!" The store manager carefully looked at the ugly Ye Qinghan, busy nodding at Sumanman and making a gesture.

Sumanman said that he went away and did not express his closeness to Ye Qinghan. He was casual. He only wanted to be a freelancer.

Even if the sentence Ye Qinghan wants to know Jiang Mingzhu's things can ask her this sentence, it is like not seeing Meng Yuqiao, only to say to Ye Qinghan.

Sumanman turned his head and his face sank.

After all, no one knows her mother better than her!

Here, the stalker left Ye Qinghan away from the Du Lingyang and Meng Yuqiao, the dog and the man, not her style!

Ye Qinghan may not believe her.

Only she puts on such a high profile, so that Ye Qinghan thinks that her Sumanman is not wanting to ask Ye Qinghan here, Ye Qinghan will begin to believe in Sumanman.

In the VIP room, the beautician applied Sumanman's face with a transparent paste of medicine, and then opened a red light, Sumanman let the beautician wait outside.

Although with special sunglasses, I closed my eyes, but I don't know if it was because the red light was too strong, and her tears came out from the corner of her eyes.

Unwilling to say more, it is afraid that after Meng Yuqiao went back and said Du Lingyang, Du Lingyang’s dog jumped to the wall and endangered Ye Qinghan’s life safety.

After all, Ye Qinghan is now not defending Meng Yuqiao and Du Lingyang.

However, if Ye Qinghan is willing to contact her!

Willing to listen to her saying Jiang Mingzhu, it shows that Ye Qinghan will have doubts about Du Lingyang and Meng Yuqiao.

Sumanman had to wait, Ye Qinghan had strong defense against the dogs and men, and Sumanman and Ye Qinghan said what happened.

Take it slowly, this is an urgent matter...

To make it perfect, Sumanman looked at his skin more and more white, and his heart was a little more comfortable!

Whether it is before or now, she is most concerned about her beauty and body...

This is probably derived from the words and deeds of Ye Qinghan. After all... Ye Qinghan is a person who looks at people by appearance.

Therefore, from the beginning, Sumanman knows how easy it is for a person to walk in this society.

So, Sumanman planted in the bottom of his heart, must be beautiful this belief.

I also looked at Sumanman with Sumanman’s beauty. I looked at my mirror and looked a little depressed. “The same beauty that we both do, why are you so white and tender, I will The change is not so obvious?!"

At first, I didn't see Sumanman's skin. When I looked at myself, I was very beautiful... I found myself a little white and tender!

Sumanman can be seen, and my heart is not balanced.

Is it difficult to see this beauty instrument is to watch people eat dishes, bullying her ugly? !

Shouldn't it be that the more ugly it becomes, the more beautiful it is? !

Sumanman yelled: "Your face is almost bark now, now it's better! How is the change not so obvious?! Do not believe you go back and ask Yang only, she is the makeup artist best know one person. Skin!"

When I heard Yang’s only name, I didn’t say anything.

During this time, I was really not a good face to Yang.

Who told her to betray Sumanman.

Sumanman did not pay attention to the expression of slyness, but looked at himself in the mirror with great enthusiasm.

After repainting the sunscreen, Sumanman came out from the VIP room, and actually saw Ye Qinghan holding a cup of water sitting on the sofa at the door of the VIP bag.

Upon seeing Sumanman coming out, Ye Qinghan returned to God, put the water in his hand down, stood up, and some unreasonable and restrained licking his arm, hands folded in front of the lower abdomen, elegant and restrained opening: "I... ...I want to hear about Pearl, Miss Su is convenient... Tell me about it?!"

Ye Qinghan is not an actor, even if she wants to make a calm look, the little action still sells her nervousness.

Sumanman knows that the secret of the treasure chest has moved Ye Qinghan, and Ye Qinghan believes in Sumanman's words.

Sumanman looked at Ye Qinghan and asked, "What do you want to know?!"

Ye Qinghan’s throat is swaying, and her eyes are a little dazed...

She doesn't know what she wants to know about her daughter... Since she left herself, she didn't care about her daughter's news and knew too little!

Sumanman looked at Ye Qinghan's eyes and his red eyes, and his tone softened: "That... I will tell you about Zhu's daily life! Can you?!"

Ye Qinghan looked at Sumanman and nodded.


Venus beauty salon upstairs VIP lounge.

Ye Qinghan looked at Sumanman, his movements were elegant and skillful, and he made tea...

The movements are elegant, such as flowing.

For Ye Qinghan, he took a cup of tea and pushed it to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan looked at the clear tea soup in front of him, picked it up, dragged the bottom of the cup with one hand, and the eyes were red.

"Before, I have taught the Pearl many times, and the Pearl is not very patient!" Ye Qinghan's lips are shallow and shallow. "I always hope that one day my daughter can be as transparent as you are."

"My tea art is taught by the Pearl sister!" Su Manman looked at Ye Qinghan, restrained his emotions, and said to Ye Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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