Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1358: More than yourself is just around the corner

Chapter 1358 is more than just yourself.

This time, Shi Han began to learn cleverness. He grabbed Sumanman's white wrist, bit the strawberry, and kissed her pretty fingertips.

Sumanman blushes and ears, busy from the counter, shy away from the kitchen.

At the beginning of the cold, I looked at the back of Sumanman, and the smile at the bottom of my eyes became more and more intense.


Director Chen Wenhua sat in front of the monitor, and his face was filled with satisfaction with two words...

"Not bad! Good!" Director Chen Wenhua always praised the actor for his praise. This time, two good ones were used. It is very satisfactory.

Sumanman heard the sound of "card" and came out of the room. The five fingers combed his hair, picked it up, and tied it with black rubber bands. He walked half a moment and watched the replay with the director next to the director Chen Wenhua.


Sumanman himself was sweetened when he saw the sweet pink bubble that he could feel at the beginning of the cold.

Sumanman thought that if it was seen by CP powder of himself and the early Han Dynasty, couldn’t it be crazy? !

The next scene, Chen Wenhua's memories are the pictures of watching movies and reading in the apartment in the snowy day.

After the re-arrangement, Sumanman changed his winter pajamas.

At the beginning of the cold, wearing a V-neck black sweater, and black pajama pants, sitting on the sofa to read a book, Sumanman lying on the cold legs with a tablet computer to watch a movie, crying a mess.

At the beginning of the cold, he held a book in one hand and put it on Sumanman's arm with one hand. The movement was natural... intimate.

Sumanman was holding a tissue in his hand and looking at the tablet screen. His eyes and nose were red and sobbing.

At the beginning of the cold, he took a piece of paper and handed it to Sumanman. Sumanman took it and woke up his nose and threw the paper ball directly on the ground.

At the beginning of the cold, the book that was in front of his face was removed, and his eyes swept over Sumanman and swept the paper group that he handed: "Hey..."

Sumanman, who heard the sound of the beginning of the cold, was like a hairy hair. He sat up and his hair was chaotic. There were tears on his face and a few hair sticks to his face. He still remembered when he was cold.

"What are you doing!"

"What kind of mentally retarded movies can also make you cry like this, you are not the most loved, clean and snotty paper group littered!"

Sumanman’s tearful gaze stared at the beginning of the cold, tears were swirling in the eyelids, and for a long time, she cried directly on the sofa cushion: "You don't love me..." Hey... you dislike me!"

At the beginning of the cold, this was a panic, and quickly put down the book, 哄 Su Manman...

Sumanman took the opportunity to propose a large number of treaties that allowed the mourning of the country at the beginning of the cold. At the beginning of the cold, all of them agreed to let it down, and this made Sumanman good.

The relationship between Sumanman and Shi Han’s first-time couple seems to have been experienced by every couple, and it is very touching.

The performance of two people did not even say...

Sumanman, who was later photographed, saw a child on TV. When he talked about Baoda or the problem of keeping it small, he asked the beginning of the cold.

At the beginning of the cold, he looked helpless and Sumanman said that the plot that will appear in this TV will certainly not appear in modern times, because modern doctors will try their best whether they are big or small.

The doctor will never come out and ask the family to stay in Baoda or keep it small!

After all, the ancient dystocia did not have a caesarean section, the caesarean section... because the medical and sanitary conditions are not enough, the child must have hugged, but the adults can’t keep it.

Modern caesarean sections abound!

Su Manman’s tears stared at the beginning of the cold, complaining: “I just want you to marry me, but you tell me the medical conditions, you really don’t love it! Hehe...”

Sumanman squatted on the sofa and cried like a little crying bag.

Shi Hanchu: "..."

This situation has simply poked the heart of the female staff on the scene, and also poked the heart of the male staff on the spot.

Who has never encountered such a boyfriend who is incomprehensible...

Who is facing such a confusing girlfriend, after a crashing face, but also has to hurry to swear, stunned the person himself or a face, what did he just do to make his girlfriend cry Up...

Probably Sumanman and Shi Hanchu’s acting skills are so good that they can make people feel the same.

Du Lingyang looked at the side and the heart jumped very quickly...

I didn't expect Sumanman to be a newcomer. Even if I had such a good acting, even if I was compared with the original Jiang Mingzhu, I wouldn’t let it go!

The fist on the side of Du Lingyang was slightly tightened.

How can there be such a good luck in the world? !

It’s just that he wants to become famous so hard, and he wants to maintain his fame after fame.

Whether it is the original Jiang Mingzhu, or the current time of the cold... or Sumanman!

Their success is so easy, but what about him? !

So far, his reputation is beyond the death of Jiang Mingzhu!

It’s also super time...

According to the development speed of Sumanman, it is just around the corner.

Although I didn't like to show my face in front of the public at the beginning of the cold, I usually attended some large-scale events, or I could see them at the film conference.

But fans still buy the account at the beginning of the cold.

On the contrary, he, in order to flow into a dog all day long, can not find a little better.

"You are looking at me today, nothing else?!" Ren Shanze asked Du Lingyang.

In fact, Ren Shanze and Du Lingyang are not familiar with...

I used to work together in a movie and pointed out a few words about Du Lingyang. After all, this is a singer, and the acting is not satisfactory.

Today, I received a call from Du Lingyang saying that I would come over to explore his class. Ren Shanze was very surprised.

I didn't expect Du Lingyang to come, brought snacks and coffee to the crew, but he did not say a few words with him and kept staring at Sumanman and Shi Hanchu.

Ren Shanze single-handedly put a pocket, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and his attitude toward Du Lingyang is not hot or cold.

Du Lingyang smiled at Ren Shanze: "Well, today is to come over and see the seniors, and there are some questions to ask Manman!"

Ren Shanze saw it and broke it. He laughed twice in his heart.

Probably... I can't come to explore Sumanman's class, just talk about his class. After I came in, I was actually looking for Sumanman.

Ren Shanze just nodded and said that he would look at it now. He had to go to the script, and there were still some problems in the script.

Du Lingyang nodded very cheerfully: "Good predecessors, you are busy first..."

Ren Shanze looked at Sumanman’s direction and looked back at Du Lingyang... with a bit of disdain.

He believes that Sumanman will not put people like Du Lingyang in his eyes. After all, Sumanman is such a girl with pride and pride.

When Shi Hanchu and Sumanman recalled these memories, they quickly sent Sumanman ice cubes.

(End of this chapter)

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