Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 200: Year after year [208]

Chapter 200 is unchanged over the years [208]

Neighbors see Lin Wen no hateful dodge, no fear, standing at the door of the unit building, looking at Lin warm with strange eyes.

The 50-square-meter grand opening, the bathroom and the kitchen are connected.

The old house is the first floor. The windows are small, high and have a rusty security net. The house is dark and damp and moist.

The residence of the biological parents is even more unacceptable than Lin’s imagination, probably because she lived a rich and honest life from an early age and did not know the human suffering.

Lin Wen stood in the living room nowhere, like a fool staring at the woman's busy back.

The biological mother did not wash her hands, dirty hands and noodles, chopping vegetables... Beating eggs, everything was so skillful, not at all like a madman.

The bowl of tomato egg noodles was brought to the front of Lin, and the mother looked at her with eager eyes and said, "Oh, eat! Eat!"

Lin Wen did not dislike her mud, did not dislike her hand with muddy water, did not clean, put the bowl of tomato egg noodles with soup.

I don’t know how to eat, I feel that the lips and teeth are bitter, spread to the bottom of my heart, so that Lin Wen wants to cry, she squats, and her bones hurt.

See you later, in a mental hospital.

Lin warms the window and looks at a crazy woman who is holding a doll and whispering.

Because others are too noisy, she is worried about quarreling with her daughter, angry with a chair to swear...

Lin Wen’s biological mother’s condition was even worse than Lin’s first meeting.

She will not yell at Lin Wen again, as if she is trying to put the rest of her life on the doll in her arms. Even if Lin is sitting in front of her, her eyes are empty and out of focus. The sound and the baby in the arms said the secret dialogue between the mother and the daughter.

Lin Wen does not understand the world of madman. She has heard that the world of madman is completely destroyed, but she feels that in the world of her biological mother... the softest place is still there, there is her daughter. .

For the first time, she understands why maternal love is called great. It is from her biological mother who is called a madman. Even if all the Qingming in her world has been exhausted, she still left her only daughter. The sensation is deep and does not change over the years.

Fu Huai'an can see the forbearance under the warmth of Lin.

She gently sucked her nose, and the delicate and delicate little hand squeezed the chopsticks, and finished the bowl of noodles with a small mouth.

That night, Lin warmly slept very well.

I don't know if it is because of the extremes, or because the warm wall behind her wrapped her in the warmth and warmed her.


The next day, when Lin warmed home, Bai Xiaonian saw Lin Wen wearing new clothes and holding old clothes in his hands. After waiting for Lin Wen to change his shoes, people stood at the entrance and did not ask Lin Wen’s death all night. Bai Xiaonian said in his tone: "I was with Fu Huai'an last night?!"

Was seen by Bai Xiaonian, Lin Wen ears a red, put the bag on the cotton slippers, smashed dirty clothes to the bathroom.

After Bai Xiaonian followed Lin’s warm-up, he saw Lin Wen’s separation of the inner trousers and stuffed his outerwear into the washing machine. He asked, “How about... This night, Fu Huai'an promised to help you?!”

Lin Wen added washing liquid to the washing machine, squeezed out from Bai Xiaonian, which was stuck in the door of the bathroom, and went to the kitchen to avoid the weight and to cover up his innermost criticism: "What night is it?!"

(End of this chapter)

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