Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 256: Wang Mei quenches thirst [244]

Chapter 256 Wang Mei Thirst [244]

The delivery price of the delivery is eighty. Lin Wen is sitting at the table and picking up other things to make a single order.

"what to buy?!"

Fu Huai'an did not know when she came behind her, holding the seat back with one hand, holding the edge of the table with one hand, close to Lin Wen, looking at Lin Wen's mobile phone screen.

Lin warmed back, his shoulders pressed against Fu Huai'an's chest, and his line of sight was his sharp outline.

Like the posture of Fu Huai'an circle in the arms, Lin is warm and uneasy, for fear that the group will run out to see the cockroaches, and honestly confess: "There is no sanitary cotton, buy sanitary tampon, and the price is not enough to make a single order..."

The nose is full of strong masculinity of Fu Huai'an. Lin Wen only feels that the temperature of the surrounding air has risen. She concentrates on the screen of the mobile phone and clicks on a few things to join the shopping cart, but she feels that the atmosphere is so hot that she breathes slightly hot. .

Fu Huai'an side, looking at the warm red outline of Lin, the low-dumb voice with a few smiles, the lips almost wiped the ear bones of Lin Wen, the hot air and the magnetic voice filled into the cochlea...

"I have prepared Aunt Li, I am afraid that you have no use tonight, is it right?"

The ear is the most sensitive place for Lin Wen. She bites her lip and almost can't help but boil the heat on her cheek.

She can understand Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huaian let her stay tonight.

"I didn't bring anything with clothes..."

Lin Wen did not want to stay, but there was a group in Tianfu Bay. She also had official holidays. At this time, they stayed together and they were tortured each other...

The kind of eagerness to want each other, but must also endure the experience of patience, they have experienced it once in Lin Wen.

It is just that Wang Mei quenches thirst, and even more and more itching is difficult to grasp.

"Auntie Li is ready!" Fu Huai'an lowered his voice. The mature and mellow voice became more and more **** on this rainy night. "The rain is so big, you have to watch the replay of your show together, choose the day of the certificate, where are you coming from?" Time to go back?!"

When I heard Mom and Dad talking in the restaurant, I was alone in the living room. I ran into the restaurant, stood beside Lin Wen, looked up at Lin Wen and asked, "Let's get it?! Mom?!"

Lin Wen wants to get up, but he is afraid that the action is too big, so that the group can see what it is, and it is hard to sit there and not move.

I was thinking about how to answer the question of the group. Fu Huai'an said to the little girl: "It is the father and mother who marry and live together later..."

After listening to the group, I stayed for a moment, and immediately blinked. I rushed over and hugged Lin’s legs. Looking up at the black eyes with wet eyes, I looked at Lin Wen: “The group also wants to...

He also wants to live with his mom and dad.

The wet scorpions are really sad and scared, and Lin Wen is not being teased... I feel distressed.

She reached out and held the squat of the group, picked him up in her arms and held it tightly.

The chubby hand hugged Lin’s neck, and the small face was wet.

Fu Huai'an reached out and touched the head of the group, patiently and she explained: "Mother and Dad got the certificate, we can live together!"

Seeing the group straight up, a pair of spirits did not believe, black eyes look at Lin warm.

Just listen to Fu Huai'an: "Go to the calendar, the day when Dad and Mom choose to get the certificate..."

The group nodded and was released by Lin Wen.

Three more, the baby will see you tomorrow! good night!

(End of this chapter)

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