Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 332: Gu Yan, that monk is really damn!

Chapter 332 Gu Hanyan, the monk is really damn!

Wen Mo deepened his hand and took the paper towel in his hand. He said nothing, got on the bus and didn't dare to look at Lin Wen again...

Looking at the warm and deep ink, Lin Wen did not enter the radio and television building directly. She ran to the side of the Maybach and stood on the sidewalk, bending through the un-closed window of the co-pilot to the man with the masculine silhouette inside.

"I am advanced..." Lin warmed.

"Get up first!" Fu Huai'an extinguished the cigarette.

Lin Wen did not hesitate, opened the door and sat in it.

The window was closed and Fu Huaian leaned in the direction of Lin Wen.

The cap of Lin Wen's cap was under the handsome face of Fu Huai'an, and she couldn't help but respond to Fu Huai'an, her hands clasping the leather seat under her body.

Lin warm cheeks are hot and hot, looking at Fu Huai'an: "Then I am gone!"

Fu Huai'an was shaking the phone on the center console. He took a look and turned on.

"Old Fu! Lu's mother came to Kade to come, standing on the top of the Kaid Group to jump off the building, I was found in time to deduct people, Lu Lili, her mother hopes that you can go to the hospital to see Lu Lili, said If you don't agree... Even if this time is discovered, the next time she will jump down from the CapitaLand Building, anyway, her daughter is gone, she doesn't want to live!"

Lu Jinnan's irritating voice came from the other side of the phone. In this environmentally closed compartment, Lin Wen vaguely heard the words of CapitaLand, jumping off the building and the hospital, and he was inexplicably stunned for Fu Huai'an.

"This brain is really jumping from the CapitaLand building, the old man is happy to die!"

Fu Huai'an was indifferent and calmly said: "Know it!"

Hanging up the phone, Fu Huai'an looked to Lin Wendao: "You can be sure that when you are busy, send me a message!"

"Do you have something to do with the company?! Is it troublesome?!" Lin Wen could not help but worry about Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an lips, the bottom of the bottom has a smile and raised his hand to hold Lin's small face, the thumb in her lips Mosuo: "Worried about me?!"

Lin Wen took Fu Huai's big hand in his hand and nodded.

Fu Huai'an hooked his finger on Lin Wen. Lin warmed the center console and leaned against Fu Huai'an. He listened to what Fu Huai'an wanted to say to himself.

"If you open it more in the next time, I feel happy, all the troubles are not trouble..."

I remembered the confusion that I had been tortured by Fu Huai'an last night. Following the two words he said, Lin warmed his face and blew it up. She gave a sigh of relief to Fu Huai'an and took her own bag and got off the bus. The eyebrows are shy.

After seeing Lin warmed the road and entered the radio and television building, Fu Huai'an sighed down. He ordered a cigarette and gave Lu Jinnan a call: "Bring people to the hospital!"


Lin warmed the speed of your heartbeat, took out the work permit from the bag and brushed the card, hung the work permit around the neck, and waited for the elevator in the elevator.

"Lin warm... You are Lin Wen!"

There are colleagues who have worked in the radio and television building but have never spoken, and have never seen a colleague come forward and talk with Lin.

Lin Wen was a little surprised and smiled a little.

"I saw a post last night. It turned out that you were looking for someone who was warm and deep in Iraq. The photos were too shocking! I have misunderstood you before! The swearing man of Gu Hanyan is really damn!"

(End of this chapter)

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