Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 344: Do you still want? !

Chapter 344 Do you still want? !

Mrs. Fu nodded, and the tone was more harmonious than before: "The group has already been sent, I will not sit in time, wait for time... You and Huai'an will return to Fujia's old house! The cook of the old house is not bad... ”

Lin warmed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile.

After sending away Mrs. Fu, the group washed their hands and changed their clothes and went downstairs. They ran over their hands and placed them on the legs of Lin Wen. The soft body leaned against Lin Wen and asked: "Mom, little candy, I want mom and dad... well... when she is mom and dad!"

Lin Wen remembered the cute little in the supermarket, seriously thought about it, looked down at the group: "But the little candy has its own father and mother!"

The group nodded and looked serious, but said: "She said... I want to get married, my mom and dad... she... well... that's her mom and dad!"

Lin Wen looked surprised. Now the kindergarten children are so powerful, they all know that they are married? !

"Mama's mother..." The group shook the warm legs of Lin, "Married... is it a small candy, live with us?!"

It seems that the group has seriously thought about this problem, Lin Wen does not want to attack the group...

Hesitated for a moment, still open: "Groups, boys and boys... can't get married!"

After a surprise on the group, he nodded skillfully and no longer tangled with the problem of marrying a small candy.

Already a little, Lin Wen let Li Ayi go back to rest, she accompanied the group to wash, and then went to sleep.

A little bit of a little on the tiptoe, took a picture book from the shelf, ran over and handed it to Lin Wen, hands clasped the bed, the calf climbed up, the soft body lingered in the warm arms of Lin, waiting for Lin Wen Read him a picture book.

The group is already very sleepy, but I don’t want to miss this show with my mother.

Fu Huai'an had already received the call. He leaned against the door frame of the group room and looked at the warm picture in the children's room.

Before I fell asleep, the group suddenly looked up and said to Lin: "Mom, small group, mother! Dad is big... Don't mother!"

Lin Wen was very smooth and understood the words of the group. The group had to go to sleep with her mother. Dad didn’t need her mother to sleep!

Lin warm looked at Fu Huai'an, who leaned against the door. The tip of his ear was red. He put the group into the bed, covered the quilt, and patted his body in a restrained manner. After a while, the group breathed and fell asleep.

Lightly and gently from the group room, Fu Huai'an closed the door and asked Lin Wen: "I just had a face with my grandmother?!"

Lin warmed nod: "Well..."

“It’s time to visit her old man!”

"I mean this too!"


Early the next morning, Lin warmed up without a surprise.

Now, in turn, Lin Wen feels that... this is really not a relaxing life.

When she woke up, the group had already gone to the kindergarten, and Fu Huai'an also went to the company.

Today, Lin Wen is a idler.

The phone rang when I didn't have time to get out of bed.

Lin Wen took the phone from the pillow and looked at it. It was Lin Biao’s call, which was very unexpected.

Turn on.

Lin Biao said: "Lin Wen, I am opening a public release. Gu Shaoting's parents have canceled the marriage contract between Gu Jia and Lin Jia in Lin Family, and Gu Shaoting's marriage contract, do you want it?!"

Thousands of sent texts sent to the morning at 3:30 in the morning to send 48 chapters, people who missed more words can not afford to hurt! A lot of baby should have slept! Thousands of words are wrong, and there are two chapters left. This is to write, write the hair... Let the babies come together tomorrow morning to see the whole fifty chapters! Then about the little candy! The little candy is a little girl dressed as a boy! Little girl! Little girl! The important thing is to say three times hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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