Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 355: I don't listen, I don't listen!

Chapter 355, I don't listen, I don't listen!

Fu Huai'an took Lin's little hand and sent the key back.

Her face took a sigh of heat...

"The next class!" Lin warmed and angered and turned to take Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an smiled and lowered his voice to Lin Wendao: "What do I say when I am first class?!"

"" Lin Wen suddenly said, Fu Huai'an did not say anything, can move...

She flushed a face, biting her lip and looking at Fu Huai'an, her face was ashamed.

If Fu Huai'an's movements are inferior, Fu Huai'an will surely grasp the handle, saying that Lin Wen warmly thinks about some messy things in his mind.

Lin Wen did not follow the meaning of Fu Huai'an!

She screamed angrily at Fu Huai'an, and turned to open the door.

Fu Huai'an's body is attached to Lin's warm back, and he grabs the doorknob with a big hand. He mutters in the ear of Lin Wen's ear. "The next time... I hope that Mrs. Fu can cooperate like this, you are like this..."

"I don't listen to me, I don't listen!" Lin warmed his hands and covered his ears, and there was no lethality... He took Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an was pleased with the lovely movements of Lin Wen's shyness, and the eyebrows were dyed with a gentle smile.

The old grandmother who came out of the villa next door, watering the flowers, just came out with a shower and heard the slightly loud voice of Lin Wen. The old man looked at the direction of Lin Wen and Fu Huai’an, and couldn’t see it, and put it on his neck. Hanging reading glasses squinted and looked at it.

Lin was so flustered that he quickly opened the door and pulled Fu Huai's arm into the door...

Hearing the sound of Fu Huai'an closing the door behind him, Lin warmed his back and tightened his body. He was afraid that Fu Huai'an would not be ashamed of himself in the porch and open his own yellow chamber.

She held the shoe in one hand and changed shoes while shouting at the kitchen’s Li Ayi: “Li Ayi’s soy sauce was bought back...”

Lin Wen deliberately called Aunt Li, thinking that someone is there, Fu Huai'an should not be so unbalanced.

"Okay, hard wife..." Aunt Li said in the kitchen, but she was stealing music and felt that she had created a romantic opportunity for Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu.

Soy sauce squatted in Fu Huai'an's hand, Lin Wendao said: "Li Ayi soy sauce is on the shoe cabinet, I went up to change the wet clothes."

Aunt Li, who was busy in the kitchen, suddenly thought of thinking about the kiss of Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen at the door. She wiped her hand with an apron and thought about it. "Okay, I have more than an hour to prepare for lunch here. Ok, don't worry about my wife!"

The young man was very angry. Just now, Aunt Li saw Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an kissing and getting hot. It was estimated that it was going upstairs to change clothes, maybe it was going to be upstairs.

As a housekeeper of this family, Aunt Li did not want to disturb the intimacy of the male and female owners, deliberately said that the time was long... to leave Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen intimate time.

After talking for more than an hour, Aunt Li took the spatula and thought about it for more than an hour... I don’t know if the young and happy Mr. and his wife are intimate? !


Listening to Aunt Li said that there was still more than an hour of lunch, Lin Lin hesitated and took a clean change of laundry, ready to shower in the bathroom.

Fu Huai'an pushed the door in.

Seeing Fu Huai'an because she went to pick up her wet shoulders and pants, she asked Fu Huai'an: "Do you want to take a shower to avoid a cold?! I can go to the bathroom..."

His deep vision glared at Lin Wen, his hands licking the hem of his clothes, his arms detached from the clothes that had already been wet, and the muscles with well-defined muscles of the muscles broke into the warm eyes of Lin.

Fu Huai'an **** body lines, even if Lin Wen has seen it many times, still can't help blushing.

"You go, I go to the bathroom of the room..." Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen, and the corners of his lips came to Lin Wen. "Or... let's go to the bathroom to wash!"

Lin warmed and Fu Huai'an did not move.

Fu Huai'an barely embraced Lin Wen with his upper body and opened his mouth at Lin Wen's ear: "I can play with you a game of keys and locks!"

Lin Wen remembered that she was just at the door of the door. She pulled out the key and Fu Huai'an inserted it. With Fu Huai'an's language suggestion, it wouldn't work hot!

"You hate it, don't hate it!" Lin warmly and irritated hands pushed Fu Huai'an chest hard and hid in the bathroom to lock the door.

Fu Huai'an stood at the door of the bathroom, and his eyes were deeper and deeper.

The shy reaction of his little wife made Fu Huai'an love it.


The warm hot water washes the warm and white skin of Lin, and makes her cold legs warm, and the whole person is comfortable.

When Lin Bing dried his hair and came out of the bathroom, Fu Huai'an had already changed his clothes and went downstairs.

She tied a loose ponytail, wore a brick red loose sweater, and black pants, looked at the mirror and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

After lunch, Fu Huaian took the luggage downstairs and asked Aunt Li to take care of the group. When Lin Wen did not feel relieved, he said that he would wait for the group to come back and video. If the group asked her to call her at any time, she could send a video. She is all there.

Aunt Li looked at Lin Wen’s face with a look of indifference: “The wife is relieved, I used to take care of the group, and there will be no problem.”

Lin Wen was embarrassed and smiled. Li Ayi took care of the group for a longer time than Lin Wen. She was really too worried.

Seeing Lin Wenxi, Li Ayi said: "When the mother is like this, my mother was a small child when my mother-in-law helped bring the child, every time I went out... I have to take care of the children hundreds of times!"

Nodded, Lin Wen put the broken hair behind his ear: "You have to work hard for a few days, Li Ayi..."

"It’s not hard to work hard! The group is especially embarrassed, especially good!" Li Ayi mentioned the group full of smiles and sincerely treats the group as their grandson.

Fu Huai'an saw Lin warmed around the front of the car to open the front passenger's car door, but still a pair of words and wants to talk to Li Ayi what looks like, there is a faint smile.

"You don't have to worry about the group. Aunt Li can't take care of it and send it to Fu's old house!" Fu Huai'an opened his mouth.

After being ruined by Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen did not say anything, and Li Ayi said goodbye to the car.

Inside the car, Fu Huai'an helped Lin Wen to fasten his seat belt: "Don't worry, communication is so developed now, it is very convenient for you to think about your video."

Fu Huai'an started the car, with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand down the window to let Aunt Li go back.

As soon as the car came out of the community, the sky began to patter the rain.

Lin warmed to look out the window, the mood can not say why, suddenly like this weather, the gloomy special care group.

Fu Huai'an blinked at Lin Lin, turned the turn signal to the left, and reached out from the storage box to take out the two boxes of pure milk that Li Auntie had brought to Lin Wen.

First, the babies now have role-playing activities, and the babies like the old Fu's ability to support the old Fu! Love you guys! The monthly ticket is like this month, if you can rush into the top ten, you will be awesome! Each person can vote for five monthly books, and can cast two chapters a day. Thousands of people are not greedy, as long as five hahaha... The monthly ticket rushes into the top ten, thousands of welfare!

(End of this chapter)

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