Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 449: Regret crematorium

Chapter 449 regrets the crematorium

Lin Wen’s wrist was pulled hard by the dialect, and he stepped back. A silver car with the wind rubbed the bag on the warm hand of Lin to open it.

There is a lot of lingering in the dialect, and the strength of Lin’s wrist is very big. I frown at the car: “Is the underground garage still open so fast?! Anxious to reincarnate?!”

The voice just fell, I don't know where to pull out a tall and thin figure, the violence drove the dialect and took the hand of Lin Wen's wrist and pushed a dialect.

The dialect was not prepared, and the back waist hit the rearview mirror on the other car, and the pain was called.

"Fu Tianci! What are you doing!"

Seeing people coming, Lin warms his brows and wrinkles to help the dialect, but his wrist is Fu Tianci...

Fu Tianci took advantage of Lin Wen’s arm and kept the person behind him. Lin Wen’s high heels stood in an unstable position and almost fell.

Taking advantage of his own high horse, Fu Tianci stepped forward in the collar of the dialect and pressed the man into the car: "Are you stupid! You have a woman in the light of the day!"

The two bodyguards who have been following Fu Tianci, standing on the side of Fu Tianci, left and right, the situation is a bit scary.

Fu Tianci was angry and rushed to the sky, and he looked at his fist and looked at the face of the dialect. Lin warmed his eyes and quickly rushed to push Fu Tianci. Fu Tianci did not hesitate to go to the dialect and screamed. If you are such a person, you should kill the whole family! Your son is not a child! Your mother is going out to buy it, so you have such a shameless dumping! Hurry back and go to your mother..."

Lin warmed his hand and gave him a slap in the face.

This child is too much!

Fu Tianci licked his face and opened his eyes to look at Lin Wen. One could not believe that Lin Wen would beat him.

Lin Wen’s slap in the face is not heavy, but Fu Tianshen’s eyes are red.

The body of Lin heating is shaking: "What kind of wind did Fu Tian give you?! The mouth has wiped the poison and used the words so vicious and ugly?! Who will teach you when you come up?! So big personal... TV performance Where is the courtesy and education of the audience?!"

Fu Tianci stalked his neck and did not speak, his eyes turned to the dialect.

The dialect straightened up, holding the waist in one hand, and opened the rearview mirror that others had been hit by her.

Lin warmed his head and apologized, apologizing: "Sorry, Teacher Fang, this child is spoiled, are you all right?!"

Lin warmed this apology, the dialect knows that this child probably has some relationship with Lin Wen, the dialect squats in the waist, and then take a closer look, this child ... is not that Lu Tian bath, Weibo name is Haicheng a brother.

Fu Tianci heard Lin Wen apologize to the wild man, and no matter whether he was beaten by Lin Wen, he reached out and pulled the arm of Lalin.

Lin Wen took out his arm from Fu Tianci's hand and took Fu Tianci a look.

"Lin warm! Are you also cramped! You actually defend this wild man! Also beat me for this wild man!" Fu Tianci pointed at the dialect and looked annoyed. "Do you know that you and the wild man are fooled by Fu Huai'an?" I know, Fu Huai'an will sweep you out of the house and not say it. After that, you are in the city of Haicheng, who is crossing the street and everyone is screaming?! Stealing a sigh of relief, regretting the crematorium, how many people have gone forward to practice, and you want to be big A member of the county?!"

Lin warmed his head and looked at Fu Tianci. He was so beautiful that he was soaked in the blood of the slim teenager. He was worried about the clean and clear, and the harsh words that had already poured into his mouth were swallowed back by Lin...

When the dialect was heard, she smiled. She stared at her waist: "This child is a little bit interesting! Although you are worried that Lin is warm, can you see which eye is a man?! Which eye sees us stealing one? Love?!"

As soon as the dialect opened, Fu Tianci’s small face was smashed.

In the end, Fu Tianci was also out of concern for Lin Wen. She exhaled a long breath and said to Fu Tianci: "This is a dialect teacher, my agent is a lady..."

Fu Tianci’s ear was red and thorough. He didn’t know how to be good. He only deliberately stretched his face and put his hands in his trouser pocket. He looked at the dialect coldly and coldly: “Whoever makes you wear is not male. Who is not a woman, who knows you are a woman!"

After that, Fu Tianci turned and left...

"Fu Tianci!" Lin warmed his voice harshly, but he couldn't say anything because he had just slapped the slap of Fu Tianci.

Fu Tianci is not his own child. According to the seniors, the child has to scream with Fu Huai'an.

When Fu Tianci stalked into the elevator and whistle closed the elevator door, Lin warmed his head and apologized: "Mr. Fang sorry, this child..."

The dialect did not care, and the last time Lin Wen had explained the relationship between Fu Tianci and Fu Huai'an in the dialect, the dialect was clear.

She and Lin warmed to the elevator and said: "This child is really a bit interesting. According to blood and seniority, if the child really treats me as your lover, it should be based on your husband's position to ask questions. You, how do I listen to the meaning of the child's words... Are you worried that you have been found astray by your husband?!"

Lin warmed the elevator's up button and suddenly thought of the inexplicable words of Fu Tianci last night.

Recalling the expression of Fu Tianci’s impetuous face, Lin Wen’s inexplicable heart stretched.

In the mind, Fu Tianci just looked at her half face, shocked and surprised to see her eyes, Lin warm down the scorpion.

Thinking of the last WeChat added Fu Tianci, Lin Wen took out his mobile phone and wanted to talk to Fu Tianci... but he didn't know where to start.

Fu Tianci, this child is not bad, but his mouth is not forgiving. It is too toxic to talk too hard.


As soon as the elevator arrived, Lin Wen finally did not send out anything and took the phone up.


Lin Wenhe dialect came out from A.G. It was already at noon.

The dialect had to send Lin warm back, but Lin Wen said: "Fang teacher, let's have a meal together!"

Just now Fu Tianci hit the dialect, Lin Lin how to give Fu Tianci a good apology for the dialect.

"Well, let's talk about the time when the ad was filmed, let's celebrate!"

The restaurant that was eaten was chosen in the dialect. She asked if Lin Wen could eat spicy food and chose a famous Sichuan restaurant.

Coincidentally, it is just in the building that is only three or four hundred meters away from the Kaide Group.

The dialect had just been hit by a waist. After the two entered the private room, Lin Wen asked the waiter to take a cushion to lean on the dialect. This opened up: "Fang, the thing just happened is really sorry..."

The dialect took a cup of tea and poured a cup of tea on Lin Wen. He pushed to Lin Wen’s face and chuckled: “How many times do you want to apologize?!”

Lin warmed and smiled and knew the dialect. The meaning of this dialect was not to be taken care of. I felt a sigh of relief and really felt that the dialect was a generous person...

(End of this chapter)

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