Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 483: Where can I get your wife to get hot milk? !

Chapter 483 Where can I get your wife to get hot milk? !

Someone shook their heads when they heard it. They didn't understand what Fu Qingquan said!

In any case, Fu Huai'an is Fu Qingquan's relative grandson. Now he is in charge of the Kaide Group. He has made the Kaide Group a very good one. Why did he have to pay such a big price for an illegitimate child to inherit the CapitaLand group? Will be taken away by a foreign surname, really do not know the so-called!

But some people understand that Fu Qingquan wants his son to inherit the heart of the CapitaLand Group...

"I don't know if there is such an occasion today, Fu Huai'an will not come..."

Someone suddenly said something.

"I don't know this, but if I am, I will definitely not come. The Kaide Group, which was originally a good end to me, was cut off by an illegitimate child. Why do you want to give this illegitimate child a face?!"

"That's hard to say. In Jincheng, Fu Huai'an was regarded as the illegitimate son of Jiang's family. Maybe it would give birth to a sigh of relief!"

The sound of jokes here just fell, and I heard Lu Jinnan’s voice as a sling from their heads.

"In this case, you are quite willing to give an illegitimate child a face. Are you all illegitimate children, and also have a feeling of sympathy with Fu Tianci?"

Several people were shocked. When they looked up, they saw Lu Jinnan wearing a dress with champagne in one hand and a pocket in the hand, standing in the building, looking at them like a smile.

Lu Jinnan's name, no one in Haicheng does not know!

The hands are stained with human life, and the style of the work is screaming, and they are somewhat stunned by their hands.

They were here to take Fu Huai'an's identity and they were caught by Lu Jinnan. They smiled and smiled and spread out.

If you don't leave, you will be remembered by Lu Jinnan. Who knows what bad things will fall on them in the future.


It is not too late for Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen to come, but it is not too early.

The car parked in the parking lot in the manor, Fu Huaian untied the seat belt, turned to look at the back row of the group, and was reaching out to open the door of Lin Wen: "Don't worry, go hungry?! I will go to you and the group Take some snacks and milk."

Lin warmed his hand and did not take it back on the door handle: "Don't worry?"

"Put something up first! It doesn't matter if you are a group. You don't have time to eat it for a while!" Fu Huai'an held the co-driver's seat back to Lin Wendao.

Two chocolates were taken from the bag, and Lin Wen gave Fu Huai'an a look: "The group just gave it to me, I ate a piece..."

Lin Jin’s voice just fell, and Lu Jinnan’s phone came in.

"Telephone!" Lin warmed back the chocolate in his palm and used his eyes to indicate the mobile phone on the Fu Huai'an dashboard.

Turning his head, Fu Huai'an took the phone and put it in his ear: "It's already..."

I don’t know what Lu Jinnan said, just listen to Fu Huai’an and said: “I’m in the parking lot now, you bring a few pieces of snack cake over, give Lin warm pad, if there is hot milk better...”

Lu Jinnan: "..."

Is this calling him a servant? !

"Where can I get your wife to get hot milk?!"

Even if Fu Huai'an did not open the public release, Lin Wen still heard the sound of Lu Jinnan suddenly rising in the receiver.

The inside of the car is so tight, she just wants to pretend that she can't hear it!

"Looking for a servant to help prepare two cups, I said there are children, the group is..."

Fu Huai'an said that through the rearview mirror, he looked at his eyes and was giving the group a warmth of the child seat belt.

"So, are you forgetting that your son only remembers his wife?! Is it an excuse to find a servant who wants milk to pull out his son?!"

Lu Jinnan is crying and laughing.

"We are waiting for you in the parking lot!"

Hanging up the phone, the group can not wait to get off the bus in the car, Lin warm followed the car to take care of the group.

Xiaoxiao did not lie on the temporary parking lot of Shizi'er shop, smashing stones on the ground, Lin Wen stood by the door of the car, watching the group smashed to the favorite stone and turned to show her pride, the lips swelled.

After a breeze, Lin warmed a little cold, raising his hand and rubbing his arm.

The shoulders sank, and the large suit with temperature wrapped the forest warm, and she looked at the man standing beside her...

Fu Huai'an put the suit on Lin warm shoulders, holding an unlit cigarette in his hand, and the other hand took out the fire from his pocket: "The second one today!"

Lin Wen did not expect Fu Huai'an to quickly quit smoking. Today, one day has arrived at this point, Fu Huai'an draws a second root, Lin Wen can accept, she nods.

With the permission of the lover, Fu Huai'an sent the cigarette to the corner of his lips, lowered his head slightly, protected the lighter flame with one hand, lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, put the lighter into the trouser pocket, and removed the lip cigarette. The body leaned against the body, and the one-handed pocket, the white mist exhaled through the corner of the lips, looked at the group of stones in the pocket.

Yu Guang aimed at the man's angular corners like the engraving of the five senses. He thought that Fu Huai'an had let Lu Jinnan give her and the group a snack cake milk. She couldn't help but move in the direction of Fu Huai'an, and the body and Fu Huai'an were next to each other.

"I think about it. Let's go to Dubai first, then go to Venice in the water city..." Lin Wen put the hair blown by the breeze behind his ear and looked at Fu Huai'an with his side.

I have heard that lovers can kiss under the bridge of sighs in Venice, and they can last forever.

Fu Huaian nodded and reached out and put Lin warm shoulders into his arms. The mellow voice of the mellow charm sounded in Lin Wen’s ear: “Want to kiss me under the Bridge of Sighs?!”

"You think about something in a mess! When I used to watch "The Sunset Bridge", I really wanted to go, but I never had a chance."

Taking advantage of the man's big hand holding her shoulder, can't look directly at Fu Huai's deep eyes, how can this person speak so straightforwardly, knowing nothing at all!

The shoulders were tightened by the man, forcing Lin Wen to turn his head and turn to Fu Huai'an.

Just listening to Fu Huai'an down the voice: "I want to kiss you there! No matter that the lover is kissing under the bridge, it will last for a long time. This legend is true or false. I really want to kiss you under the bridge!"

Lin warmed because of Fu Huai'an, the heart was slightly moved.

"I see you have a lot of water, what cake milk?!"

Lu Jinnan’s slightly dissatisfied voice came from Lin Wen and Fu Huai’an.

Lin warmed and then went to pull the shoulder suit and Fu Huai'an did not trace the distance, looking back at Lu Jinnan's direction.

Lu Jinnan followed a maid with a plate. He walked in the front with one hand and swayed in front of him. He still had a cigarette in his hand.

Going to the front of the car, Lu Jinnan said to the maid: "Give me!"

Then bite the cigarette in the corner of the lips, take the plate in the hands of the servant with both hands, walk to the front of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, and lift the plate.

This month, the monthly ticket for the monthly ticket from 1 to 7 will be doubled! I hope that the babies will support Lao Fu to vote for the old Fu on the 1st - 7th handle! Thanks to the babies for giving gifts to thousands! I saw Super Kaisen, love you! Eleven happy! I wish our great motherland a more prosperous life! Also wish the baby to be happy forever, always beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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