Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 498: It’s not a sale!

I am not buying or selling in Chapter 498!

One breath was stuck in the chest, and Chu’s brows were wrinkled. Even though he was not happy, he tried his best to make his tone calm: “Huai’an, this is about our Chu family, so I want to talk to you alone.”

Waiting for Fu Huai'an to talk, Chu Yu looked at Lin Wen, did not dare to harden with Fu Huai'an, and could only be tough with Lin Wen's attitude: "I swear to find Huai'an is a business thing, not a private matter! Can you let me and Ann talks alone?!"

This is like the mistake of Lin Wen...

Aunt Li was frowning. She used to look at Chu Hao, but now she sees that Chu Yu is facing an aggressive look at Lin Wen. Li Ayi is not happy.

"Whether it is a business matter or a private matter, Huai'an has never slandered me. Chu Tai grew up and said that I am not a person with such a big mouth. Moreover, since it is a business matter, it must be related to Huai'an, for Huai'an. I will not talk indiscriminately."

Lin Wen said that it is not anxious to slow down a set, Chu Yu was made without temper.

She is next to the bracelet, only to Fu Huai'an: "Huai, I talked to my dad yesterday afternoon. Before that, our family also had relatives in our family about the CapitaLand stock. If you need it, we Can be transferred to you!"

The turn that Chu Yu said is naturally not a turn...

So many stocks, Chu family wants to give Fu Huai'an, naturally higher than the market price, they know that Fu Huai'an will definitely want this stock, so as long as the price is not too much, Fu Huai'an will come out.

"But now, it's not a good time for you to leave the Kade Group!" Chu Yu worried about Fu Huai'an, "You are now going to take a long vacation, just Grandpa Fu can put his own hands in! Waiting for you to come back... you will There is no difference in being emptied, you have to think clearly! Don't miss something big because of your feelings!"

Chu Yu blamed Lin Huan’s head for this time, and thought that Lin Wen’s work was not busy now, and Fu Huai’an was accompanying her to take a long vacation.

When is it now? !

Fu Qingquan is eager to try to push his own son up. As Fu Huai's wife, Lin Wen can't help but still add up!

Even the Chu family can understand that if Fu Tianshen is still too young, Fu Qingquan has already arranged his son into the Kaide Group, and even gives Fu Tianci a position that is comparable to Fu Huai'an.

At this time, Fu Huai'an did not hurry to arrange his own people in the company. He did not hurry to make bigger achievements. The directors who followed Fu Qingquan had doubts and thoughts to support him. They actually went to travel!

The reason why Chu Yu was confidently found here was that Lin Wen dragged Fu Huai'an's hind legs and wanted to persuade Fu Huai'an not to be mistaken because of women.

"Chu Taichang has known Huai'an for so many years. When did he see Huai'an impulsive?!" Lin Wen asked Chu Yu, his lips were curved and cool.

If you count, the time when Chu and Fu Huai'an really know each other should be more than Lin Wen...

It can be said that Chu Yu is not as warm as Lin, and Fu Huai'an never acts impulsively.

Probably because, Fu Huai'an never really gave Chu Yu a chance to understand him.

Fu Huai'an Yu Guang saw Lin Wen's thin lips showing a sardonic curvature and couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Yu’s line of sight swept through Lin Wen’s eyes and looked at Fu Huai’an. The anxious breathing was rushing: “Huai’an! It’s really not a good time to travel! I’m a friend today to persuade you! Really don’t because of personal feelings. I have lost my serious thoughts! You will regret it later!"

"I have a lot of things in the CapitaLand group. It is the most serious thing to accompany my wife to play now." Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen's side and looked as if he was full of affection.

Chu Hao exhausted...

She didn't know how to persuade Fu Huai, she just said: "My dad can free up this afternoon! At least you can take the shares down!"

"Chu Yu, rushing is not a sale!" Fu Huai'an solemnly called the name of Chu Yu, Lin Wen heard some warnings and intolerance.

How can a girl who is so smart like Chu can not understand...

It’s not about buying or selling. Is this the Kade Group’s share, or is it that she is Chu? !

At that moment, the blood on the cheeks of Chu was completely faded, and a small face was pale in the sun.

The assistant of Chu Yu heard all the conversations and could understand the meaning. He was embarrassed for Chu.

Chu Yu assistant pushed the driver's seat door down from the car, pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose, and smiled and opened the mouth: "Chu Taichang, will not be late for the meeting."

This is a step that Chu Yu’s assistant found for Chu.

Chu Yan's eyes are red, and the more he feels that Lin Wen is a fallacy of Fu Huai'an.

As a daughter of Chu family, Chu Yu has her own pride. She looks at Fu Huai'an with her shoulder bag: "Huai'an, I want to know how hard it is for my dad to buy shares. I have spent a lot of time on it. Missed this opportunity, the next time I don't know if there is no chance! I hope you think about it!"

After that, Chu Yu looked at Lin Wen deeply and turned to walk with his own pride.

The assistant saw that the rear door of the rear door was opened.

The moment Chu Yu sat in the door closed, the tears were like broken beads.

Through the rearview mirror, Chu Yu sees Fu Huai'an supporting Lin Wen's midfielder and pulls the rear door for Lin Wen. She smiles and protects Lin Wen's forehead so that she can sit in first.

Chu Yu felt that she was like a joke. She worked so hard for the Fu Huai Kaide Group and she was exhausted! It is not as important as going out to travel when Lin Lin is warm!

When Fu Huai'an lost his entire CapitaLand group because of Lin Wen, he didn't know that Fu Huai'an regretted it and couldn't come.


When I got on the bus, Lin Wen couldn't help but ask Fu Huai'an: "Is it really hard to buy the Chu family?!"

Although Lin Wen does not understand the things of the mall, he also knows that the shares of the CapitaLand Group must be very important to Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an smiled and opened his mouth: "Not important to accompany you!"

After Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan took a long vacation, and then met the Kaide Group project, the shares of the Chu family did not know what it would fall into. Fu Huai'an was not in a hurry.

I am afraid that when the time comes, the Chu family is in a hurry!

Seeing that the male and female owners have already got on the bus, the big fat cat jumped on the fence door and stood with Li Ayi, watching the car carrying Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an and the group going farther and farther.

Aunt Li is happy from the bottom of her heart. Since she has a mother around her group, she has been very cheerful and has not said anything. Even her speech has gradually begun to become smooth...

I remember that when Aunt Li started to take the group, she thought that the group would not speak, and looked at the little girl who was so jealous and jealous.

Later, the group went out one word at a time, and Li Ayi did not mention how happy he was!

(End of this chapter)

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