Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 544: Insomnia? !

Chapter 544 is insomnia? !

Fu Huai'an: "..."

This is said from Lin’s mouth, how is it so horrible? !

Fu Huai'an did not care about Lin Wen, and his eyes were obviously smiling.

Lin warmed down and looked at the cup in Fu Huai'an's hand. His eyes slammed a few times. The action of Muna took Fu Shui's hand in the glass and took Fu Huai'an's hand. He stretched his arm and put the cup back. It was not enough for the coffee table and hair. I feel so heavy that I can’t get up...

Fu Huai'an sighed, and the other hand took the cup in Lin Wen's hand and placed it on the coffee table next to him. Lin Hui had already put his little face on his palm.

Lin Wen's little face screamed in Fu Huai'an palm, and the woman's skin was firm and tender, so Fu Huai'an couldn't help but want to squeeze it.

"You are mine!" Lin Wen's voice was childish and full of seriousness. "No one can take it!"

Fu Huaian took Lin Wen into his arms and let her sit on her lap and nodded: "Well, no one can take it..."

Lin warmed the handsome face of Fu Huai'an knife and axe, and a pair of bright eyes looked at Fu Huai'an and took the initiative to kiss him.

After a slight glimpse, Fu Huai'an grasped the back of Lin Wen's back, and was the main one, deepening the kiss.

Later, kiss and kiss... Fu Huai'an's big hand did not know how to get into the Lin warm skirt, and the dizzy Lin Wen was turned to bed by Fu Huaian.


Fu Huai'an looked at the satisfied little wife who had already slept in, although she had not yet enjoyed herself, she could not bear to bother her.

He got up and put on his pajama pants, and his naked muscles rushed to clean the upper part of the fine key. He picked up the cigarette box on the bed and pulled out one. He looked up and saw Lin Lin sleeping sweetly. He bite the cigarette into his lips and gently took his pajamas. Upper body, go to the living room to find a lighter.

The domestic news about the Kaide Group has been passed to Venice one after another. In fact, not only Mrs. Fu and the Chu family want to test Fu Huai'an's attitude. The number of calls to Lu Jinnan is even more tempting.

Fu Huai'an squatted with a scorpion and took a lighter in his hand to walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows...

Open the curtains, the night of Venice is not the same as the sea city. Although there are thousands of lights outside, it is a little bit of stars, not like the prosperous and lively neon lights of Haicheng.

On the floor-to-ceiling glass, Fu Huai'an's deep eyebrows and facial features are reflected.

For the Huai De Group, Fu Huai'an, he has long been his own, and did not let Fu Huai'an give up his own things.

The business in the dark is doing a good job. Fu Huai'an also needs an identity that can get up to the face and stand up.

The president of the Kaide Group...and the owner, no matter how good.

Fu Huai'an brows tightly, presses the lighter, the flames are swaying, the cigarettes are ignited, and the stars are extinguished.

The white light smoke overflowed from Fu Huai'an's lips, blurring the inscrutable look of Fu Huai'an in the floor-to-ceiling glass.

He held the cigarette in one hand, turned and walked to the coffee table, bent over and picked up the ashtray, and ordered some ash.

Today, before eating with Li Muyang, Fu Huai'an got a very interesting news.

Lu Qingmei brought her brother-in-law and relatives such as cousins ​​and cousins ​​into the Kaide Group.

Although the location of the arrangement is not very conspicuous, it has to be said that Lu Qingmei has a lot of vision, and these locations have a lot of room to rise.

Lu Qingmei, this is the person who can put in his own...

However, Lu Qingmei has been away from the workplace for a long time, and some are anxious.

She didn't even think about it. The Kaide Group has been in the hands of Fu Huai'an for many years. It has long been Fu Huai'an's world. Even Fu Qingquan has to avoid Fu Huai'an's three points. Lu Qingmei just got a little power and wanted to cultivate her. My own power, shaking Fu Huai'an in the foundation of the Kaide Group, is this not a joke? !

Don't say a few months, Fu Huai'an is giving Lu Qingmei a year, and Lu Qingmei can't achieve his wish.

In the eyes of Fu Huai'an, Lu Qingmei was not afraid at all.

In the past few years, Fu Huai'an method has been slow and slow, but he feels that the Kaide Group is his bag, so it is not so urgent.

Probably Fu Huai'an's means was too mild, which led Fu Qingquan to have the illusion that Fu Huai'an was also very hard to win the Kaide Group.

They probably forgot about the earthquake-like sensation that Fu Huai'an had caused on Wall Street.

The matter Fu Huai'an has already handed it over to Tang Yan. He is very relieved. Now he wants to stay with Lin Wen, and when Haicheng is ready, he will take Lin Wen to go to propose and hold a wedding.

Qin Zhe has been successfully rescued...

Fu Huai'an, who saved Qin Zhe in Dubai, was eyeing, which is normal.

But what is not normal is that there seems to be another wave of people who are also eyeing Fu Huai'an, which makes Fu Huai'an faintly smell the danger.

I don't know if there is anything happening in Gu Qingcheng...

Gu Qingcheng has always reported good news and no worries. Fu Huai'an can't help but worry.

Fu Huai'an is not thinking of sending Lin warming back to China. It is just to let Lin warm back to China. There is no proper excuse to let Lin Wen detect what makes her fearful.

He didn't want Lin Wen to know those dirty, and didn't want Lin Wen worried. The only way is to travel as usual, just put Lin Wen on his side.

Fu Huai'an had not finished a cigarette, and there was a knock on the door.

Fu Huai'an looked at the watch at 3:30 in the morning.

He exhaled a mist, smothered the half-cut cigarette in the ashtray, put the pyjamas that had just been placed on the back of the sofa, and walked to the door.

Opening the door, Lu Jinnan stood sideways.

He bites an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and the black long-sleeved T-shirt is rolled up, and the one-handed pocket is bowing his head to play with the phone.

When the door suddenly opened and Lu Jinnan looked back, Fu Huai'an saw two obvious scratches on his right cheek.

I didn't expect Fu Huai'an to open the door so quickly, and Lu Jinnan's eyes were obviously different.

See also Fu Huai'an's deep vision staring straight at his side face, Lu Jinnan's expression slyly removed the lip-horn cigarette, so it was easy to ask: "Insomnia?!"

Lu Jinnan's appearance of this wolverine, need not say more, anyone who saw it knows that he was rushed out with Bai Xiaonian’s quarrel...

Despite the dim light of the hotel corridor in the evening, Lu Jinnan still saw Fu Huai's expression of laughter and laughter.

The two of them looked at each other, and Lu Jinnan’s more sly look, frowning irritably: “Don’t sleep and have a drink?!”

"Is it out?!" Fu Huai'an asked

"Is there a fire? I smoke a cigarette."

Lu Jinnan and his wife, Fu Huai'an is even more uncertain, Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian are not happy...

However, Fu Huai'an did not gossip to inquire about the emotional problems of good friends.

Fu Huai'an sideways let the door open and let Lu Jinnan come in.

Lu Jinnan stood at the door and did not move. He went to Huai'an and looked at the suite.

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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