Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 550: The head rests on his knees

Chapter 550 head rests on his knees

Chu Yu listened to Bai Xiaonian's words and words, and looked at Bai Xiaonian's cold eyes that almost shredded her, and her heart was inexplicably hairy.

Chu Yu is not unheard of, people like Bai Xiaonian, there is no bottom line!

Chu Yu looked like a madman and looked at Bai Xiaonian and turned to walk toward the hotel entrance.

Bai Xiaonian looked at the back of Chu’s anxious departure, closed his sore eyes, and the hand clasping the wheelchair armrest could not stop shaking.

After seeing it today, Bai Xiaonian is sure that Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan are not simple people!

It’s just what kind of identity they are, Bai Xiaonian doesn’t want to pursue it, Bai Xiaonian only wants Lin to be safe! Even if Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan are terrorists, as long as they can safely save Lin Wen, it is a good person for Bai Xiaonian!

I don't know how Lin Lin is doing now? !

Bai Xiaonian really hated himself. This time is useless. I can't help without a little bit of it. I have to let Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan take care of themselves!

Bai Xiaonian closed his eyes and was pushed to the elevator...

She silently prayed for Lin Wen in her heart, hoping that Lin Wen was shocked.


On the helicopter, Azhan is bandaging his arm wounds. Li Muyang is sitting in the seat. He looks at the fainting and still not awake. The head is resting on his knees, and the squat is not instantaneous. The eyes are clear and faint. The burning light.

He didn't lie when he was at the beginning of the cold. He did not send people to take Lin Lin. It was someone who wanted to take Lin Wen, and Ah Zhan saved her...

A show looked at Li Muyang gently raised his hand, pale to almost transparent slender fingers, if there is no outline of Lin Shang's delicate facial features...

A show asked: "Boss, do you want to contact Mr. Fu?!"

This is the temptation of Ai Zhan on Li Muyang.

When the voice just fell, the people in the front row of the helicopter turned around and said to Li Muyang: "The boss! The following people report that someone has chased it!"

A exhibition of 瞳 一 一 , , , , , , , 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅

If Fu Huai'an is just a wealthy businessman in his country, it wouldn't matter if his wife robbed it!

But... Fu Huai'an is really the mysterious "Mr. Morality" behind Gu Qingcheng Gu, it is tricky.

The reason why this "Mr. Morality" is called "Mr. Morality" is not ironic, it is the honorary title in the circle.

This is the person who is "Mr. Morality", but all the gangsters that have been ranked by various countries have heard of it. The means are extremely hot. As long as the "Mr. Morality" person wants to get involved, he will definitely play the business. Grab it, there is no bottom line!

However, this "Mr. Morality" has two kinds of business, the first is the sale of population and organs! The second is drugs!

Gu Qingcheng also strictly enforces that no one under his own hands is allowed to touch his hands.

"Mr. Morality" made a fortune in the arms business, and in just a few years, it has jumped to the top ten arms dealers...

Later, "Mr. Morality" did not know why the business was handed over to Gu Qingcheng. Under the leadership of Gu Qingcheng, now their arms business can even be compared with their boss in the American military manufacturing company De Niro!

Therefore, this "Mr. Morality" can never be provoked!

Lin Wen was rescued by Azhan. Now contact the Mr. Fu. If he is not "Mr. Morality", it is a pity, but if he is! Maybe... can also sell to "Mr. Morality" a favor.

Li Muyang licked the blanket covered in Lin Wen’s body, and hooked his lips: “Is the plane at the airport ready?!”

Against the backdrop of the black blanket, Lin warmed a small face more delicate and delicate, and the skin was as delicate as ceramic.

A show knows that Li Muyang is eating a scale and smashing his heart to bring Lin warm back to the United States.

"But if that Mr. Fu, really is..."

"Don't worry!" Li Muyang's cold hands glared at Lin warm warm fingertips, hooked lips, and the bottom was full of enchanting and fascinating depths. "Let people check as soon as possible! I want the answer within 15 hours! If he Yes... it’s not too late to contact!”

A show of lips does not scream, as long as Li Muyang does not intend to harden a woman and "Mr. Morality"!

Although it is said that the "Mr. Morality" that has sprung up in the past few years cannot be compared with the De Niro family with a hundred years of history, the strength cannot be underestimated!

It is said that the extremely elite and streamlined squadrons under Mr. Morality, whether intelligence or murder, are trained in a bitter and horrible way, and have already become the top of the industry.

This is a hateful wife. If "Mr. Morality" finds Li Muyang's head, Azhan fears that they are afraid of being able to prevent "Mr. Morality"!

After all, even if it is day and night defense, there will be omissions!

At the beginning, I wanted to grab Lin Wen’s side to Li Muyang, so that Li Muyang would be happy. But if this woman who makes Li Muyang happy is put down, it’s the price that Li Muyang might be hurt or killed. Not worth the candle!

Looking at Li Muyang, he was deeply gazing at Lin’s warm lips and smiling expressions.


Chu Hao rushed out of Shuicheng to find the informant who had developed after the news, and wanted to get useful information from the informant.

After contacting the informant, Chu Yu had been sitting in the coffee shop waiting for him.

Until the night came to Chu, I received a call, and her informant let her run quickly!

Chu Yu is not clear, so I thought she was asking the informant which forces had kidnapped Fu Huai'an's wife. When the informant didn't bring the news, she suddenly let her go. She guessed that Lin Wen was kidnapped. Nine is directed at Fu Huai'an!

Chu Yu only felt that the scalp was numb, and immediately took the bag and left.

She held the phone in her hand and asked the phone: "Is it going to Mr. Fu?! Can you tell me which force?!"

Chu Yu’s informant said anxiously and hesitantly: "I can’t say..."

Chu Yu tightened his mobile phone and knew that as long as the informant could not say anything, he would not say anything to her when he killed him. Then he said, "So, I hope to know if Mr. Fu will be safe?!"

After a while, the line talent opened: "Miss Chu, we have worked together many times, so I can only tell you that they seem to be getting something from someone, but your friend's wife seems to be being acted when they are Others have taken it away! As for those who are not your friends, you don’t know."

"Then why do I need to go quickly?!" Chu Yu did not hesitate to step into the wind, but still could not help but ask.

"I accidentally revealed your whereabouts when I inquired about the news. Those people thought that you were a friend of Mr. Fu, thinking that you are alone, it is very simple to catch you! This is what I accidentally overheard when I went to the bathroom! You Be sure to go quickly! Otherwise you will be caught!"

(End of this chapter)

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