Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 564: I have no talent.

Chapter 564 I have no talents

Although she hasn't talked with Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an can detect the tension of Lin Wen, her little hand is close to her sweater, even if she is not asleep.

Lin Wen is probably too tired, or he will be able to support himself.

At this time, the little woman was brought into her arms, and it was not only Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an who were practical.

During the time when Lin Lin was lost, Fu Huai'an was going crazy!

Fu Huai'an, who always has everything in his hands, never thought that one day, he would be confused and overwhelmed.

Fu Huai'an closed his eyes and held the little woman who was thin and boneless in her arms.

It seems that because Fu Huai'an was too tight, Lin Lin felt uncomfortable in her sleep. Her nose made two uncomfortable contempt and her body struggled slightly.

Fu Huai'an loosened some strength.

Half-dreaming and half-awake, Lin Wen was pressured to breathe, but he felt like ice and fire, and his shoulders were cold and trembling. The body and the abdomen were hot and suffocating!

Vaguely open eyes to see the short hair in the ink buried in his chest, the breath is all familiar with the man's breath.

Lin warmed the name of Fu Huai'an, over and over...


The next morning, Lin Wen did not get up, high fever thirty-eight degrees, Fu Huai'an did not know if it was because of his tossing too much last night!

It’s no wonder that Lin Wen was so cold on a cold day that he was so little out of the hotel that he had been frightened and scared. He fell asleep on the sofa without blankets or quilts!

When Fu Huai'an came, it was hard for people to warm up, but he took off his warm clothes and Lin Huo.

Fu Huaian let Xiao Lu go to buy medicine...

Lin warmed half-dream and half-awake, stumbled in Fu Huai'an's arms, let him feed himself with water.

The pill is too big, stuck in the eyes of Lin Wen's throat, and Lin Bing slammed on the bedside.

Yesterday, Lin Wen did not eat anything after breakfast. Even a hot water didn't drink. At this time, even the stomach juice and bile spit out. The uncomfortable little face turned red and the tears continued to flow downward.

Fu Huai'an patted the back of Lin Wen's back, his eyebrows wrinkled: "Go to the hospital!"

Lin warmed his head: "I can take medicine!"

After swearing, Fu Huai'an did not let Lin warm to take medicine: "First eat something! Eat medicine on an empty stomach and hurt the stomach..."

"Well!" Lin nodded warmly.

In fact, Lin Wen is not so serious, not even the road can not go, but her whole person is still in the arms of Fu Huai'an, like no bones, let him go to the restaurant with himself.

Together with Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen is very safe, and the tight nerves are slightly stretched out.

Perhaps because of the fever, Lin warmed a small face and fluttered, and the white powder was very good.

There is no smell in the mouth, what is eaten for Lin Wen is the same chewing wax, she only feels that her breathing is very hot, the whole person is a little lazy to sleep, other physical discomfort has not yet.

"Year of the Year?! Lu Jinnan sent her back to China?!" Lin asked warmly.

"Well, Lu Jinnan returned to China with Bai Xiaonian. I let Younai go back, and let her talk to you again in China!" Fu Huai'an said.

Lin nodded warmly, coveted a porridge, and thought for a while before opening...

"Huai, let's go back to China!"

Lin warmed his hand in a spoon and looked up at Fu Huai'an. "There are dangers everywhere, I feel scared!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Good! When you burn out, we will return to China!"

There are still many words, Lin Wen wants to ask Fu Huai'an, she finished the porridge, Fu Huai'an re-send the medicine to her mouth, Lin warm this time bitten the medicine into two halves, mixed with water swallowed.

"This medicine has sleeping ingredients. I hugged you to sleep in the bedroom for a while. When you wake up, we will leave for home at any time!" Fu Huai'an took a small hand from Lin Wen and smiled.

"You talk with me in bed and talk!"

Fu Huaian nodded.

On the big bed, Lin Wen sat in Fu Huai'an's arms, and his back was affixed with Fu Huai'an's solid and strong chest. He was surrounded by warmth and settled a lot.

"Li Muyang and I said something about you, I want to ask you true and false!"

Fu Huai'an arms around Lin Wen's arms tightened and kissed her long hair: "Well, I know everything!"

"Li Muyang said, you still have a name, Mr. Moral..."


When Fu Huai'an responded, Lin warmed his back and could feel the vibration of Fu Huaian's chest.

Lin warmed the quilt's hand tightly, did not express his meaning directly, just asked: "He said, you are the boss behind Gu Qingcheng?!"

There is no plan to hide Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an is clinging to Lin Wen's opening: "Yes..."

At that time, Fu Huai'an had no power and no power. He was not Xie Jingqiu's back to rely on Xie's family. Although Fu's family is also a hundred-year-old, it can't be used by Fu Huai'an. If he wants to stand on the peak of money, he must take risks!

As a lawyer for so many years, Fu Huai’an’s scandals on the military and political figures are more convenient than anyone’s.

The reason why Fu Huai'an can fool Wall Street is really talented? !

No... no money backing, even if it’s really talented, Wall Street’s situation is not so good!

Not to mention the domestic, the successful entrepreneurs who talked to the reporters and the host in front of the camera in the glamorous bright and beautiful, the mouth or proud or humble narration of their own family history, which one of the richest is true Is it purely dependent on talent? !

Money and power are the hard truths of this world.

Because the money has been straightened by people who have been straight? !

Even if you are not the politician sitting above the national high, you can buy the results you want and even decide a war as long as you have money.

Lin warmed for a long while without snoring, and it took a long time to open, and the voice was soft and not eager to say: "When you were with you, you never thought that you had lived this life before!"

"Afraid?!" Fu Huaian whispered.

Lin warmed nodded: "I am afraid! Because this is a completely strange world for me, just like... making a movie!"

Lin Wen said that the word "filming" was not excited, and no rain felt like a little girl.

Although she can suppress, Fu Huai'an still heard the hustle and bustle of Lin Wensheng's voice.

"Huai'an, this is not a movie, I have no talent, no bones, no martial arts, I am just a very ordinary woman, I can't have the ability to protect myself! If I encounter this later, I can only get rid of the same thing, so I am afraid! I feel that I have a knife hanging from the top of my head, and I may drop my life at any time!"

At the end of the month! The babies are cheering on the monthly vote!

(End of this chapter)

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