Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 569: Golden Harvest Group's woman!

Chapter 569 Women of the Golden Harvest Group!

When the liquid changed for another bottle, Lu Jinnan came...

Lin Wen looked at the nurse and put on the last vial, saying that it was enough to go.

Lu Jinnan’s rushing over is obviously something and Fu Huai’an said, but the last time in Venice, Fu Huai’an’s heart was overwhelmed, and he was unwilling to let Lin Wen leave his sight, so Lu Jinnan said in the ward.

In the end, Lin Wen is the wife of Fu Huai'an, and Lu Jinnan is not squatting...

He took two envelopes from his suit pocket and handed it to Fu Huai'an.

Lu Jinnan's tone has obvious anger: "Don Xi of Jiahe Group sent an invitation letter to me that afternoon when I set off for Dubai. I said it was sent to me. My assistant just gave me it! You see Look... The content inside is simply deliberately disgusting to me. I heard that I was expelled from the CapitaLand Group and asked me to go to the Golden Harvest Group. He gave me a position as vice president!"

I have to say that Tang Xi’s news is indeed fast. In the morning, Lu Jinnan slammed the door and left. In the afternoon, Tang Xi’s personal invitation letter came to Lu Jinnan’s assistant.

Fu Huai'an opened the envelope, but it was still written by Tang Xi, and it looks like a sincere.

"There is this..." Lu Jinnan probably had another invitation letter, which was still written by Tang Xi himself. "This is the second day that Fucheng came back!"

Fu Huaian took over.

Lu Jinnan’s chest is undulating: “It’s written on it. I heard that Fucheng has already entered the management of CapitaLand. Your identity is awkward. He dare not write an invitation letter to you. I hope that I can convey it sincerely. If you don't mind, you can go to Golden Harvest Group. He can retreat to the CEO and hire you to be the CEO. I hope I can help you!"

Lu Jinnan is not light...

If you don't understand Tang Xi's personality, such two personal letters, Lu Jinnan should be considered sincere!

However, in the past few years, the CapitaLand Group has emerged as a foreign company. It is already a big company with the Jiahe Group in the domestic enterprises. The competition between the two groups is fierce. Tangxi has long regarded the Kaide Group as a stab in the eyes, especially for Fu Huai'an!

Now I am willing to ask Fu Huai'an to go to Jiahe Group, and even to give Fu Huai'an permission. This kills Lu Jinnan Lu Jinnan and does not believe it. After all, Tang Xi is such a love person.

Those who know the most about themselves must be enemies!

Therefore, Lu Jinna knows more about Tang Xi than to understand himself! The more Tangxi is sincere, the bigger the ingredients are...

Now that the top of the Kaide Group is in a mess, the stock is also a mess, and in the era of information development, Donxi personally wrote a personal letter, which is absolutely full of jokes!

Relying on the infusion of the infusion of Lin Bing, turned his mobile phone mailbox, which is the propaganda timetable issued by the dialect to her.

I heard Lu Jinnan say this, Lin warmed up...

For Tangxi, Lin Wen still has an impression, and the mouth is indeed not pleasing!

However, although Tang Xi has a strong peach blossom appearance, he is very good to his wife. Lin Wen can see that Tang Xi is a long-lived person.

Fu Huai'an squinted at the scorpion, and the corner of his lips suddenly evoked. He looked at Lu Jinnan: "I think that the two personal letters sent by Tang Xi are very sincere."

"Don't make trouble!" Lu Jinnan sneered. "What kind of person Tangxi is, I have been dealing with him for a few months. It is clear!"

"I remember that you are using Weibo?! Send it to Weibo!" Fu Huaian handed two personal invitations from Tang Xi to Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan glimpsed, and even if he understood the meaning of Fu Huai'an, the corner of his lips evoked: "You are also broken by the old Fu! Donxi is not mad at this, hahaha!"

The news of Fu Huai'an returning to China has spread, and the Kaide Group seems to have a stable posture...

Then it will explode the golden branch of Jiahe Group, and it is still a personal invitation letter from Donxi. This is interesting!

If Fu Huai'an returns to China because of the invitation of the Golden Harvest Group? !

The Kaide Group is afraid that it will be chaotic again!

In the past few years, the Golden Harvest Group has been in the doldrums because of its growing strength and its rivals.

If it is Fu Huai'an who led the Kaide Group to the point where it is today, and went to the Golden Harvest Group with Lu Huainan, the right and left hand of Fu Huai'an...

Hey, just think about Lu Jinnan’s toothache for the Kaide Group!

Even Lin Wen knows that both Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan have left the CapitaLand Group. The CapitaLand Group is not the CapitaLand Group...

In fact, when Tang Xi sent these invitations, he did not even think that if Lu Jinnan gave this personal invitation letter to the media, Jiahe Group and CapitaLand were competitors, but Donxi himself and Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan did not have any deep hatred!

As the president of the Golden Harvest Group, he naturally hopes that the Kaide Group will be as chaotic as possible!

Lu Jinnan said that he did it. He immediately took two invitations and expressed his sincere gratitude to Tang Xi. He said that he would seriously consider Tang Xi’s invitation and would also convey the good faith of Tang Xi to Fu Huai’an and give it as soon as possible. Tang Xi replied, and Aite had a microblog of Donxi.

Tang Xi’s characters are like a person, a beautiful mess.

In the moment when Lu Jinnan sent the content up, Donxi replied.

Tang Xi forwarded Lu Jinnan's Weibo, and @林暖老公, very sincere reply, looking forward to joining the Golden Harvest Group to jointly build the Jiahe family.

This reply is like nailing the words of Lu Jinnan and Fu Huai'an into the Golden Harvest Group!

Both online and Haicheng circles have been blown up!

Many people who have been circled by Fu Huai'an are asking questions under Fu Huai'an Weibo...

[@宝贝儿甜蜜儿儿: Does the husband really want to join the Golden Harvest Group? ! 】

[@美男集者: So good! I also like the big president Don West! Do the men I like to be together? ! So happy! Will you see you in the same box? ! I must collect it! 】

[@Mystery: lying trough, Jiahe Group, this is to become a beautiful male president concentration camp? ! 】

[@孤独一逼: Only I noticed that the date is so early? I think this fully explains that Lin Wen’s husband returned to China to join the Golden Harvest Group! Congratulations to Golden Harvest Group! Congratulations to Lin Wen’s husband! Please call me Conan Jun! No thanks! 】

[@小小心扉: So, do I have to change from a woman from the Kaide Group to a woman from the Golden Harvest Group? ! give me a word! 】

[@你是我巧乐兹: So your husband suddenly returned to China, not because of Fucheng, but because of the invitation of Golden Harvest Group? ! 】

[@凯德集团的女人122: I said that our husband is so powerful how it is because a broken child will come, it will not hold back! It was originally invited by the Golden Harvest Group! When I am in the old fair, I will change my name to the woman of Golden Harvest Group! Hahahaha...]

On the last day, the monthly vote is cast...

(End of this chapter)

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