Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 579: How is your husband coming too? !

Chapter 579 How is your husband coming? !

For a long time, Fu Huai'an just released her: "Mr. Fu's little mouth is getting sweeter!"

Lin warmed the sweet side of such a small daughter's house and gradually showed it in front of Fu Huai'an, without reservation...

Unlike Lin Wen, who is in front of people, there is no calm self-control, no silence and calmness, all of which are charming gestures that only small and medium-sized women in love have.

Fu Huai'an likes Lin Wen like this, likes to put it down, the same... can't live without her!


When eating breakfast, Lin warmed habitually flipped through the phone, see the hot news actually related to Fu Huai'an, can't help but turn it over...

Inside the content, someone photographed Fu Huai'an Lu Jinnan and Tang Xi sitting together to drink tea, and talked very happy.

There are three photos in the whole article, one is Lu Jinnan handed a document to Tang Xi, and two are Tang Xi and Fu Huai'an Lu Jinnan shaking hands.

Lin Wen was somewhat surprised. The last time he had dinner with Tang Xi was still vivid. With Lin Wen’s understanding of Fu Huai’an, Fu Huai’an should not like Tang Xi’s talent pair.

Turning down the message again, all guessing that Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan may really want to go to the Kaide Group and the like!

Lin warmed up and looked at the man sitting on the dining chair, his legs overlapping the man reading the English newspaper, and asked: "Is it going to see Donxi yesterday?!"

"Well!" Fu Huai'an should have a voice.

Did not ask whether Fu Huai'an really wants to go to Jiahe Group, Lin Wen knows that Fu Huai'an will not go.

Lin warmed down and continued to turn the news, what are the following... Fu Huai'an is about to leave the CapitaLand Jiahe inauguration, to the title of the Kaide Group's stocks falling more rapidly.

Lin warmed and grinned. The day before yesterday, Fucheng also held a press conference, saying that after Fu Huai's vacation, he would return to Fucheng, which was fully engaged in the work of the Kaide Group. After three days, he was beaten.

Mainly until now, Fu Huai'an has not stood up to clarify, even if Weibo has been besieged and asked to blow up, Fu Huai'an has remained silent.

This makes things confusing...

According to the truth, Fu Huai'an is the president of the CapitaLand Group. If he intends to stay in the CapitaLand Group, then the stock of the CapitaLand Group will be out because he will still be in office. Clarify, appease the hearts of small investors.

But Fu Huai'an did not come out to clarify, but also went to see Tang Xi in this sensitive period.

It means that it is self-evident.

Think about the situation of himself and Fu Huai'an, Lin Wen is a bit like laughing, it seems that they really have to leave their wives when they are...

If it is not for Fu Huai'an family to have a deep foundation, they can be used by both husband and wife to be unemployed. Now where is such a rich breakfast? !

"Do you still let Nana come over today?!" Lin Wen asked Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an looked away from the newspaper and looked at Lin Wen: "How?!"

"You will accompany me during this time. It is better to let Nana vacation to accompany the little candy. The last time I heard the little candy, she said that she would go to work every day from the time she remembered. She never accompanied her all day!" Lin Wen thought of small The little cute lips of candy are not consciously raised. "And, we are together, there is Nana in it... inconvenient!"

For example, if Lin Wen wants to kiss Fu Huai'an, he will consider that there are others, and he is not good at the face of the outsider.

But when the situation is strong, some small movements can't be restrained. Let's not say whether there is any suspect of dog abuse. Even if you resist and do not do it, you can always feel that your heart is as uncomfortable as a kitten.

"Is it too inconvenient for Mrs. Fu to do?!" Fu Huai'an was interested in looking at Lin Wen, taking a sip of the coffee cup.

Lin Wen: "..."

Can Fu Huai'an still be a little bit serious? !

Fortunately, Aunt Li went out to dump the garbage, otherwise I don’t know what to think...


From Tianfu Bay to Century Square, not far away, when Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an arrived, Lin Biao had arrived early.

This time she drove herself out and did not let the Lin’s driver send it.

Lin Biao actually has selfishness. She is afraid that the driver of Lin’s family will see her come to see Lin Wen, and tell the Lin family’s people, especially her mother Liang Shu, Liang Shu’s heart has a place where Lin warms, the biggest wish is I want Lin Biao and Lin Wen to be sisters so that she can get two daughters!

But Lin Biao didn’t want Lin Wen’s reappearance to occupy her mother’s heart, so she secretly drove over...

For Lin Wen, Lin Biao can be relieved, but I can tolerate Lin Wen also called Liang Aunt!

Lin Wen once accompanied Liang Shuo for more than ten or twenty years. He was longer than his own time at Liang Shu. Lin Biao was not very confident. He was afraid that his weight in Liang Shu’s heart would be better than Lin.

Today, Lin Biao wore a camel windbreaker, high-heeled ankle boots, and stood next to the car, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, and the front of the car was covered with Lin warm.

She didn't know why she bought two cups when she entered the coffee shop. After she bought it, she regretted it a bit...

Buying a cup of coffee for Lin Wen is nothing, but she always feels that buying coffee for Lin Wen seems to be her deliberately pleasing Lin Wen, she does not intend to be friends with Lin Wen!

Thinking of this, Lin Biao picked up the cup of coffee on the hood and walked to the trash can. He hadn't thrown the coffee in, and Lin Lin came down from Maybach, who was parked on the side of the road.

Lin warmed off the door and walked towards her. Lin Biao’s action of throwing coffee...

Invisible to see the driver's seat with one hand holding the steering wheel is calling Fu Huai'an, Lin Biao busy open his eyes and dare not look at Fu Huai'an, the man's body in the market for many years of strong gas field is stronger than Lin Biao, Lin Biao face Lin I am afraid of being in the bottom of my heart, let alone facing Fu Huai'an.

"Are you there for a while?!" Lin asked.

Lin Biao frowned, pretending to hand the coffee to Lin Wen: "How come your husband is coming?!"

"Well, he is on vacation now, stay with me these days!"

Lin Lin took the coffee and didn't drink it. The fingertips could feel the heat in the cup. Lin Biao should have just arrived.

"Then you drive in front, I am following you behind..." Lin said.

"You can also park your car in the parking lot and a car in the past." Lin Wen suggested.

"No need to bother, I drive myself!" Lin Biao said as he walked back to his car and stretched his face.

The relationship between Lin Biao and Lin Wen is already awkward, plus Lin Hu’s husband, the same car? ! Hehe... Lin Biao did not want to find yourself unhappy.

Expected to be such a situation, Lin Wen did not reluctantly, turned back to Maybach, opened the co-driver's door and sat in, and put the coffee on the glass shelf.

Fu Huai'an swept the coffee that Lin warmed on the cup holder and started the car: "She is behind?!"

First more! Ask the moon tickets for the babies! November benefits have already come out! After the baby has voted for the monthly ticket, they can find the owner administrator to exchange the benefits! Group number: 818324296, find snow and snow exchange!

(End of this chapter)

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