Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 632: I don't want to be separated from you anymore. [Five thousand words big

Chapter 632 I will never want to be separated from you again in the future [Five thousand words chapter]

When Fu Huai'an came back, Lin Wen's heart was like finding a belonging, very secure, and doing things is not like the whole person when Fu Huai'an is absent.


This time, the military people took Fu Huai'an away, indeed, as Li Muyang said, cleaning up Fu Huai'an's suspicion!

Those people will probably not stare at the Fu Huai'an family again.

However, at the moment, Fu Huai'an is suspicion of cleaning up, so the situation of Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan is not so good.

Before those people focused on Fu Huai'an, after that, I was afraid that I would transfer the target...

Tang Zhen originally wanted to cultivate good feelings with her daughter's little candy at the moment, and she took Uninai. She has lived a life of her wife and children. Now for their safety, Tang Yan can only take this kind of good wish for the time being. Put it on!

After all, the safety of Unnay and the little candy is the most important.

Lu Jinnan’s recent marriage proposal and Bai Xiaonian are also noisy. Originally, Lu Jinnan has been hesitating to go to Bai Xiaonian once again. If Bai Xiaonian feels that marriage is too urgent, he can slow down.

But now, if Lu Jinnan did this, those people who want to test Lu Jinnan will definitely start from Bai Xiaonian...

And Lu Jinnan is different from Tang Yan, his father and brother are in the country!

Those who want to test Lu Jinnan are easier than to test Tang Yan, so Fu Huai'an wants Lu Jinnan to be more careful about the safety of his family. Lu Jinnan has taken care of his father and younger brother, so there is not so much energy to pay attention to Bai Xiaonian. This is for sure!

However, as early as those people came to Haicheng, Gu Qingcheng had sent people to come and ensure the safety of Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan.

Tang Yan also has some power in Haicheng in the dark, even if it is really something, it is not afraid of anything, but there is always something in case.

Fu Huai'an took out a cigarette and pinched it on the slender fingertips of the joints. He stood on the desk and looked at Tang Yan and Lu Jinnan, who were sitting on the sofa with frowns. Slowly, he said: "Yu, waiting for others to test, After the temptation, let them believe that no matter which of us is not the person they are looking for, it is better to use the most crisp and neat way..."

Lu Jinnan looked at Fu Huai'an's nephew and tightened slightly: "What do you mean, pack them in Haicheng?!"

Fu Huaian lowered his head to use a match to ignite cigarettes, annihilated the matchsticks and put them into the ashtray to remove the corners of the cigarettes. The white mist overflowing the corners of the lips blurred Fu Huai's deep and cold eyes.

"In the land of Haicheng, if we still let people bully, is it too incompetent?!" Tang Hao had to endure for so long, and he did not want to endure any more.

"I know that the two of you have been holding back, afraid of bringing trouble to the people in Qingcheng." Fu Huai'an ordered a little ash, and the tone was plain and unremarkable. "But since you are a local snake... you must have a local snake." ""

"Old Gu has his own sense of proportion and rules. We have to act rashly here. Do you want to contact the old Gu?" Tang said.

Fu Huai'an mobile phone vibrates. He took the mobile phone with his hand in the cigarette. Seeing that it is a WeChat point is the same opening: "If everything is done, it will move to Qingcheng, it will bring trouble to Qingcheng..."

Although I know that Gu Qingcheng’s friends are in Haicheng, I also know that Gu Qingcheng’s friends have not touched the business in that area. If Haicheng’s side is doing anything, it’s inevitable that it will not be seen. What a tricky thing.

It's better to be a bit crisper, and do things according to their style in Haicheng! It doesn't matter if Gu Qingcheng is caught off guard...

Don Juan wanted to understand and nodded.

WeChat is sent by Xiao Lu, and it is about the screenshot of the news headline that Lin Wen went to see Li Muyang today...

[Net transmission Lin warm Fu Huai'an wedding is near, Lin warm secret will mysterious rich, marriage is a mystery. 】

[Mystery fan program confession, famous host Lin Wen mysterious man secret meeting, Fu Huai'an Lin warm couple marriage is bright red light? ! 】

[Breaking! The American mysterious tycoon rushed to the Haicheng show to confess, can the transnational pursuit succeed? ! 】

[The famous host married into a mystery, or pedaled two top cruise ships. 】

[Lin Wen mysterious fan identity is big, you can't imagine it! 】

[The single boss of the US weapons manufacturer violently pursues the young woman who is married, and it is difficult for the young woman to hold the private secret meeting]

Xiao Lu intercepted all the titles, especially the vulgar is obviously for the attention and click of the blog, from the perspective of the paparazzi.

Fu Huai’an’s nephew was a long time. Just now Lu Jinnan and Tang Yin had told Fu Huai’an that Fu Huai’s heart was going to see Li Huyang’s work this afternoon. Lin Huai’s heart was for him.

It’s just that these news headlines are really unobtrusive and unsightly.

Xiaolu reissued a message after the screenshot, like asking for a solution, and explaining Lin Wen...

[Small land: When the wife went there, Uninai followed, did the unclear news of the sir should be dealt with? ! 】

Fu Huai'an sent the cigarette to the lips and bite it. He half-turned the scorpion and returned two words to Xiaolu.

Now that I’m dealing with these news, I don’t know what the paparazzi will write.

Putting down the phone, Fu Huaian removed the cigarettes and lit some green and white ash: "Do not drag this matter, and solve it all night."

Lu Jinnan and Tang Yin understood the meaning of Fu Huai'an and nodded.

"I and Tang Yan will do this!" Lu Jinnan said that he had stood up and stretched his face, somewhat horrible.


That night, Lu Jinnan, Tang Yin and Fu Huai'an had been chatting in the study for a long time, until Lin Wen took a nap and came out of the room. Lu Jinnan and Tang Yucai came out from Fu Huaian's study room.

"Would you like to go?!" Lin Wen asked Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan.

"Well!" Lu Jinnan beheaded.

Covering the handsome cloud between the eyebrows, Tang Yan smiled and smiled at Lin Wen: "It's too late, you and Lao Fu also have a rest earlier."

Lin nodded warmly, and did not ask to send Tang Yan and Lu Jinnan down the stairs.

The mobile phone has been shaking on the coffee table. Just now, Lin Wen accompanied the group to take a bath and slumber. The mobile phone was not on the coffee table in the downstairs. The dialect hit five or six telephones and Lin Wen did not pick up, and sent Tang Yan and Lu Jinnan. Walking back, Lin Wen just saw the mobile phone on the coffee table.

Connected, the dialect asked: "Where are you going to see the man who confessed to you on the show?!"

Lin Wen remembered that when he and Li Muyang met at the coffee shop today to pick up the mask, someone in the coffee shop used a mobile phone to take pictures of her and Li Muyang. It might be who in the coffee shop posted a microblog or a circle of friends.

"Well, I saw a little bit of things this afternoon." Lin warmed.

The dialect originally thought that someone had admit the mistake of Lin Wen, and planned to use Lin Wen’s official microblog to send a clarification after Lin Wen’s denial. I did not expect Lin Wen to actually admit it.

"You shouldn't have Internet access all afternoon?!" asked the dialect.

"Well, I was a little busy in the afternoon and didn't look..."

The dialect sighed: "What are you doing with that person this afternoon?! If you let your husband stay with you! Don't hang up the phone, open the computer and take a look!"

Lin Wen was said by the dialect in the cloud, taking out the laptop under the coffee table and opening it...

Start-up gap Lin Wen asked dialect: "Is the netizen saying that I have a date with the fans?!"

At this time, the dialect is browsing the news with glasses, pinching his eyebrows: "If it is so simple, it is mainly because the identity of this gentleman is too special..."

After the dialect is finished, Lin Wen’s computer has been turned on. She clicks on the news, and the editor’s headline for the blogger’s eyeball is very eye-catching.

[The best! Fu Huai'an Lin warm couple's feelings were strongly inserted by the third party. 】

[Net transmission Lin warm Fu Huai'an wedding is near, Lin warm secret will mysterious rich, marriage is a mystery. 】

[Mystery fan program confession, Lin warm mysterious man secret meeting, feelings into a mystery! 】

[American crocodile riches pursue Lin warm! Does Fu Huai'an Lin warm couple marriage light red? ! 】

【Shock! The American mysterious tycoon rushed to the Haicheng show to confess, is Lin warm secret will be tempted? ! 】

[Lin Wen mysterious fan identity is big, you can't imagine it! 】

[Fu Huai'an, mysterious tycoon, who is worth more? ! Who is Lin Wenhuan? ! 】

[The single boss of the US weapons manufacturer violently pursues Lin Wen, the two privately secretly, and behave intimately! 】

Lin warmed to see the heart annoyed.

In the past, Lin Wen looked at any news that was scribbling about himself. It was just a look at it, but this made her and Fu Huai'an's marriage to be awkward, Lin Lin could not stop the annoyance.

"Is this all messy?!" Lin warm could not help but frown.

What is going to be said in the dialect, the mobile phone will vibrate in the second line...

At first glance, the caller ID is actually Fu Huai'an.

The dialect was shocked and busy picking up the glasses and warming Lin: "I will call you, call first!"

The dialect is very embarrassed. When she called Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an also called her. Does it mean that the two people are not together? ! It won't... The feelings of the two of them really are because the American man has a problem? !

The dialect did not have time to ask Lin Wen, she took a sip of water and cleared the phone to connect Fu Huai'an: "Hey, Mr. Fu..."

"Fang Fang, what do you think about the announcement of our marriage news with Xiao Wei's official Weibo?!" Fu Huai'an's voice is slow and slow. "If you think it is feasible, my Weibo will also announce the marriage news simultaneously!"

Hearing the feelings of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an, there was no problem. The dialect took a sigh of relief and took a moment to nod. "If there is a wedding photo, it would be better, but I still haven't taken it when I listen to the warmth."

"After a few days of wedding photos, I will let people give you a copy of the studio. The official microblog of Xiaowen can announce that it will take a few days to shoot a wedding photo, which will be officially released, which is more convincing. As for what mysterious fan, you can ignore it..."

The dialect felt that Fu Huai'an had no major problem with this solution. He should come down and test and ask: "Is that I give warmth?!"

"For me, you are busy with things..."

Hanging up the phone, the dialect is put down.

The original dialect thought that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an were both awkward and still thinking about how to solve it.

Now that the news has become such a situation, let Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen come out to clarify that some people will feel that they want to cover up.

At this time, Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an announced the marriage news, and said that the official release of Lin Wen and Fu Huaian's wedding photos will be more convincing.

As for the rumors of the mess, it is better to just understate a rumor and stop at the wise.

Thinking of this, the dialect is not hesitating, so that the propagandist is ready to send Weibo to announce the marriage of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an.

Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's wedding date is scheduled for New Year's Day, dialect and miss summer are known.

Lin Wen’s marriage naturally invites them to two people, but Lin Wen said at the time of the notice that he should not inform the media that she did not want the wedding to attract too many people’s attention.

In fact, during this period, although Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's wedding news was tight, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, the news is still not leaked, but the media does not know the specific date, even the so-called published time on the Internet is also speculation... ...

This time, Lin Wen and Li Muyang suddenly burst out. It was entirely because of the catchers who wanted to figure out Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's wedding date. They quietly followed Lin Wen's traces of clues. I didn't expect to follow the fans of Lin Lin. Such a news!

In particular, the fan who met Lin Wen had confessed to Lin on the show, and the identity of the fan was really amazing. Lin Wen and the gentleman secretly met, which made people think more.


Lin Wen did not go in and knew what kind of text used to describe her. She just browsed the title and read what the written paparazzi wrote.

Fu Huai'an came downstairs and saw Lin Wen sitting on the carpet in the living room and looking at the messy news with his computer.

He walked to the opposite side of Lin Wen, bent over, and picked up his laptop with his big hand...


Lin Wen exclaimed and looked up. Seeing Fu Huai'an closing the laptop and putting it aside, the frowning brow did not stretch.

"Do not worry, the dialect has been solved!" Fu Huai'an showed a very shallow smile on Lin Wen, "Go, go upstairs to rest!"

Lin Wen did not stand up, looked up at Fu Huai'an and asked: "I am not angry when I go to see Li Muyang?!"

"Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan told me that you are for me, I am very happy, little warm." Fu Huai'an speaks at the bottom of the party sincerely.

The big fat cat who was crouching in the cage fell asleep, lazily opened his eyes and glanced at the hostess's hostess, and slept peacefully.

Fu Huai's tall and slender figure stood under the main light of the living room, and the shadow shrouded the forest...

Listening to Fu Huai'an's words, Lin Wenxin's heart is inevitably moved. There is no other person in the family. Lin Wen can't help but get up and walk around the coffee table and hug Fu Huai'an's waist, and bury his head in his chest!

When Fu Huai'an was not at home, her uneasiness was turned into aggrieved at this time, so that Lin warm eyes were wet.

"I don't want to be separated from you anymore, I don't want to do it all day!" Lin Wen's voice is slightly more.

Fu Huai'an wrapped around Lin Wen's thin shoulders and held her tightly in her arms. The low voice and low voice were infinitely gentle: "It won't be..."

Lin warmed his face and buried it in Fu Huai'an's arms.

Fu Huai'an noticed that there was a shallow tide on his chest.

In contrast to the scorpion that is warm and red, Fu Huai'an solemnly said: "It will never be!"

Lin nodded warmly, his hands clasped Fu Huaian's neck, could not help but sneezed.

"Hit a cold?!" Fu Huaian asked at the foot of his footsteps.

Lin warmed his itchy nose: "It seems like a little..."

"Is it taking medicine?!" Fu Huai'an eyes are all concerned.

"You shouldn't have to take medicine, take a hot bath, and get a good night's sleep. It's a three-point drug, or rely on your own antibodies!"

After Lin Wen finished, he made a strong move.

With Fu Huai'an around, Lin Wen feels relaxed, and the words and tone from her can be felt.

Fu Huai'an very much agrees that Lin Wen is the drug of three-point poison, kissed the little wife's lips and held her upstairs.


Fu Huai'an was lying quietly on the soft big bed, and did not expect the small and the small to win the newly-married fire.

As long as two people are so close together, it is already the happiest thing in the world.

Lin Wenwo was in Fu Huai'an's arms, and closed his eyes and said: "You didn't have it last night. I can't sleep with my group. Now in your arms, I feel particularly hard to sleep..."

"Don't you take a hot bath?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

"Too tired, you make me lazy, how are you?!"

Fu Huai'an can hear the deep tiredness in Lin's warm voice. God knows that after Fu Huai'an comes back, Lin Xin's heart is more practical, just like the three souls and seven scorpions are all in place.

This made Lin Wen realize that her sense of security was actually on Fu Huai'an!

It is precisely because of this that the unprecedented fatigue in the arms of Fu Huai'an is swept by Lin Wen.

"You have sneezed several times!"

Fu Huai'an also heard the sound of Lin Wen sucking his nose. This cold is not like a little bit.

"If I want to take a bath, I will help you wash it... um?!" Fu Huai'an sounded at the ear of Lin Wen's ear.

The sleepy, closed-eyed Lin warmed and laughed: "I don't want to, let you help who knows whether the back will become a mess in the bathroom! I have to keep some strength, and the people will have to shoot a new program. I have to go to take a wedding photo the day after tomorrow. I feel that I need to take a good sleep! I feel that I may not have the strength to shoot the new program's promotional film tomorrow. I have to say something to my sister, let me move it backwards! There is really no strength today. You are fooling!"

"Today will not, let you rest well today, and tomorrow will be fun..."

Fu Huai'an's words made Lin Wen's ear heat up, and he was sleepy.

Lin warmed and turned to look at Fu Huai'an deep as the darkness of the night outside the window, the dilemma of the eyes gradually disappeared is replaced by an obtus-like clear.

His eyes are like a fire, even though he has not fully recovered.

It's just four eyes, a kind of emotion that can erode people's reason, like a plant that is good at climbing high walls, easily overcoming the fatigue of Lin Wen, and the speed of the forest occupies the whole body.

Lin warmed and bite the lip...

(End of this chapter)

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