Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 670: This face is playing! [four thousand words big

Chapter 670 is playing on this face! [Four thousand words big chapter]

Lin warmed back and was about to sit down, and he saw Chu Jiaoyang biting his lip and looking at her with a crumbling pattern of heartbreaking. The big scorpion of the water was not instantaneous, and the big drops of tears fell...

"If it weren't for you, Huai'an brother wouldn't be like this to me! Huai'an brother likes me! It's too strong for you! Can't let you go! It's you who confuse Huai'an brother Huai'an brother will do this to me..."

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin Wen looked at Chu Jiaoyang, restrained the anger sound slow: "Little girl, you are so funny! Chu family's family style I know, wife and wife coexist, but now is not a feudal society, and does not say that the law stipulates a husband One wife, we only talk about feelings. If you really love someone, you will never allow him to leave a little bit of a place for a woman other than himself! You said that I am too strong, I admit! But even if I am not strong . . . What do I want to accommodate you?! I am brain-destroy, recruit a woman to share my husband with me?!"

Chu Jiaoyang, I don’t listen, I don’t listen to what I just don’t listen to, and I continue to complain with tears: “You just stop my brother from picking up my phone and stop my brother from seeing me! If you are not your brother, you’ve already accepted it. I am! My mom helped Xiaxia at first... You don’t help me to stop Huai’an brother! You are a bad-hearted woman!”

Lin warmed and laughed.

Chu Jiaoyang’s words made it impossible for the spectators sitting next to them to watch the lively...

"This girl looks really sick!"

"The Chu family's genes do you think it's good to go?! That Chu Yu is not an example! The new era of strong women, the iron lady of the press, is not on the Baba, rushing to give people a small three! The result? ... people don't want to, this face is playing!"

"There is something wrong with this woman! You remember that my husband's family still has to help you... lying down! What is this theory! I really know the Chu family! Are you stupid?!"

"It’s so beautiful, what is the little three for others! I will let you be the right room directly!" Someone is joking and arrogant.

"Don't make trouble! People are going to be the president of the CapitaLand group! What kind of onion you are?!"

I laughed in a café...

The warmth in Lin’s heart is only going up, the theory of this little girl is simply amazing!

The power of the example of the original family can not be underestimated!

The three views of the little girl of Chu Jiaoyang were taken down and could not be smashed!

"I don't owe you Chu family! Why should I help you grab my own husband?! Your argument is also wonderful!" Lin warmly smiled. "You are rushing to be a small person. I don't object! Personally, there are individuals. I can't control the hobby, you have to be my husband's junior, my husband can't see you, it has become my fault, according to Miss Chu's argument... You can't get a good university, blame the test paper teacher It’s too hard, you won’t! No money to buy clothes is the fault of the wallet. The ability to make the banknotes more and more! The car is out of oil. It’s still a problem for the oil company. Who can let them not refine the gasoline? Send it to your home and fill your tank?!"

Lin Wen’s speech before is really so ugly, not even much!

First, Mrs. Fu, and then the two sisters of the Chu family, it is a tempering language to improve the language skills!

The cafe is watching the lively, and you said it in a word...

"That coffee is not good because of the problem of the coffee shop staff apron!"

"The cake is not good, it is a problem that the plate that puts the cake is not good!"

"Hey, this is more interesting than watching the comics! I laughed at me... I laughed at my stomach!"

Outside the café, the small group of hands wearing a small scorpion smashed the hand of Fu Huai'an, looked up at Fu Huai'an's side, and seemed to ask Fu Huai'an if they wanted to go in.

The Chu Yangyang, who is the target of the public, hears the spectators around, and laughs, and more and more tears accumulate...

She choked and pointed at Lin Wen’s fingers and shivered. “You are beautiful now, but you always have someone who is old and yellow! You will definitely be rejected by Huai’an brother! You can’t let me down now... Wait until that time. Will definitely let Huai'an brother not want you! You wait!"

"Speaking of others will be old, you will be old, you are now beautiful and beautiful, the husband of Lin Lin is not looking at you, you are sure to wait for your old husband to appreciate the level suddenly become wonderful and like you "?" Bai Xiaonian's mouth and knife are a little bit unforgiving. "Little sister, are you a monkey to please?" As a miracle like you?!"

Chu Jiaoyang’s friends cleaned up from the bathroom, cried their heads and cried their eyes, and heard Bai Xiaonian’s faint and light sun, and felt that their three and Chu Yangyang were not the opponents of Bai Xiaonian...

The little girl who was splashed with coffee by Lin Biao bit her lip and picked up her bag and pulled Chu Jiaoyang: "We are going to be in the sun! Don't know anything about these people!"


"Let's go back! Here are the places where the inferior people stay!"

After the other two friends of Chu Jiaoyang finished, the sliding door of the coffee shop was opened...

A handsome man with a steady and heavy temperament, holding a cute little baby to come in.

Fu Huai'an did not wear a suit, black short jacket down jacket, tall and long legs, and the whole body with a strong sense of power that can not be ignored, very eye-catching, almost caught the eyes of everyone when entering the door.

Little hand with a thick glove holding the man's neck, the other hand pointing in the direction of Lin Wen, trying to raise his neck, revealing his little mouth from the scarf: "Mom!"

Fu Huai'an's line of sight was the same as that of the scorpion, and he pointed to the lips.

If there is a smile that seems to be absent, so that the deep and deep eyes are more and more deep, Fu Huai'an is indeed a man who rarely laughs, but laughs very well.

Still not waiting for the warmth of Lin, the tearful Chu Jiaoyang spread his friend's hand, and turned his face and ran to Fu Huai'an.

She looked up at Fu Huai'an, and her slender arm was going to wrap around Fu Huai'an's narrow waist, regardless of whether Fu Huai'an was holding her group: "Huai'an brother! You are finally here... I am about to be bullied and dead!"

When the group saw this posture, they hugged Fu Huai'an's neck with both hands, and looked back at Chu Jiaoyang.

Fu Huai'an stood still, and the big hand with the glove clasped the wrist of Chu Jiaoyang to stop her movements. Pushing back gently, Chu Jiaoyang was stepped back by Fu Huai'an's weak force.

Chu Jiaoyang’s small face looked white at Fu Huai’an, as if Fu Huai’an had done something incredible...

His gaze was faintly looking toward Chu Jiaoyang, and his voice was thick and heavy: "Miss Chu, I have a lot of friendship with the Chu family. The number of times I have seen you is really limited, and it is all in the occasion of a banquet. It is really impossible to miss Miss Chu. A brother, Miss Chu is still called Fu, or Mr. Fu is good!"

"Huai...Hua'an brother!" Chu Jiaoyang tears are like broken beads, let's go down.

The pair of clear, clean and revealing tears of pure scorpion is really pitiful and painful, sincere and helpless like a lost deer.

Looking across the Chu Yang, Fu Huai'an took the group toward the warmth of Lin...

"How come out with a group?!" Lin Wen asked Fu Huai'an.

"This is funny, I thought she and her husband are more familiar! I haven’t seen her for several times in a few days!"

"Yeah, I thought I was more familiar with it, huh, huh... actually she was here for a kinky!"

"It’s a good idea to be in front of someone’s wife, this is absolutely true!”

"There is still such a small man in this year, and I am also a capitalist..."

The people in the coffee shop talked about it, and Fu Huai'an walked in front of Lin Wen, and the group immediately extended his hands to Lin Wen: "Mom hug..."

After picking up the group and smashing the small buttocks of the store, he listened to Fu Huai'an and said: "I have come to see your movie with a group, I want to support the box office. As a result, I went to the two cinemas and were all included!"

The strange thing about this, Fu Huai'an has been people to check...

He originally planned to go downstairs to eat a cake and go back. I didn't expect to see Bai Xiaonian and Lin Wen in the coffee shop floor window.

Bai Xiaonian looked surprised: "I thought it was what you did! Not who you are?!"

"Or which of Manman's pursuers..." Lin warmed and smiled.

However, it cannot be denied that Lin Wen thought of a person...

Li Muyang.

When he thought that the movie was made by him, Lin Wen couldn't help but grimacing.

Chu Jiaoyang, who was hanging aside, bit his lip, slammed his feet and grievances: "Huai'an brother..."

Bai Xiaonian’s gaze passed, and it’s really speechless. “Miss Chu... People have said that they are not familiar with you. Why do you always be obsessed with other people’s husband is your love brother! Miss Chu is cured, is it cured? There are many doctors in Haicheng Neurology, and you seem to have a Chu family..."

"What happened to me and my brother, I have something to do with you!! There is room for you to interject!" Chu Jiaoyang’s stubborn temper came up and shouted at Bai Xiaonian.

"I am Lin Wen's iron porcelain, and Fu Huai'an is also a half friend. Unlike you... I don't have any relationship. I have seen it several times at the banquet. I want to be a Baba's Lai, I have to be a small family!" It’s like laughing and laughing, but talking is not at all polite.

Bai Xiaonian leaned on the coffee table and smacked his lips. "All the women who have seen it several times at the banquet like Fu Huai'an. If they are not as self-respecting as your Miss Chu, then how can you rely on it?" That Fu Huai's little three is much more than where to go from here. Miss Chu thinks that you have to go to a few hundred to open?!"

The voice of the discussion in the coffee shop is endless, and the smiles are all mocking the Chu Yang.

"The family style of Chu family is really amazing. One or two want Baba to be a small family..."

Six thousand words are divided into two chapters, dear, sorry, today, children drink water, spit water, drink milk, spit milk, thousands of fever is very bad, update is late, and one later... This chapter is three thousand words , Thousands of titles are wrong, can't be changed, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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