Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 746: Instantly

Chapter 746, an instant, a hundred flavors

She frowned at White's arm and pulled him away from the porcelain, fearing that his hand would be scratched: "You don't move, don't move! I'm going to clean up!"

Bai Xiaonian rolled up his sleeves, swept the debris into the pot with a broom, and went to the balcony to take the mop...

Because of the cold weather outside, the mop that was placed on the armrest of the balcony was iced and shaped like the hair of a flower round classmate.

Bai Xiaonian can only frown into the eaves and warm the kettle, and come out to open the mop.

Bai Xiaonian complained while dragging the egg stains on the floor: "I said that you don't cook at home, don't cook at home, you just don't listen! I have eaten the rice for more than 20 years. Know what it tastes!"

The white father did not pick up like Bai Xiaonian as before. He silently took four eggs and smashed them into a bowl. He took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopsticks cage. There were some unspeakable sighs in his voice: "You go abroad, later It’s hard to eat your dad’s meal!”

Bai Xiaonian mopped the ground slightly, and dragged it harder and harder: "How hard is it, you want me to buy a ticket for you to come to see me! I think you have come back for a weekend! Now it is said that it is a global village. The traffic and information are so developed! What is so sad!"

In addition to the sound of eggs and mops mopping the floor in the kitchen, it was quiet.

Bai Xiaonian dragged the whole kitchen except the place in Bai’s station, straightened up, holding a mop in his hand, watching his father’s slightly awkward back, remembering that his father had been unsuccessful for a long time, and he was a mother again. Going by yourself... This family has a father left alone, and it is inevitable to be alone in the empty.

For a moment, Bai Xiaonian said: "Old white, really... I will find you a husband!"

The white father didn't say anything, bent over and looked at the gas stove. He got up and then stirred the eggs. The eyes were deep in the eye sockets, and the thick white brows were twisted.

Bai Xiaonian saw that Bai’s father had no reaction. He said: “My mom has been away for so many years. I’m going to go home and blame it! I really don’t mind if you find me a stepmother!”

The oil is already hot, and the sound of the egg simmering in the pot almost annihilates the voice of Bai Xiaonian. The bright yellow liquid swells like a golden cloud in the oil pan.

The white father frowned and fry a few times before he opened his mouth: "Look for your husband! I have your mother enough! So I am so anxious to find you a stepmother... It’s better to think about how to bring my son-in-law back! I see Lu Jinnan. Very good... Although we have been in prison, we all know that there is something inside..."

"I said what you are doing with me!" Bai Xiaonian listened to Bai's father and said that Lu Jinnan immediately squatted, taking the mop out of the kitchen and going to the balcony to wash.

Bai Xiaonian lived on the fifth floor. On the balcony, Bai’s father liked to plant some flowers and plants. He said that he was afraid that the glass would block his flowers, flowers and grasses, and he would never seal it. This big cold day came out to wash the mop. Bai Xiaonian only wore home clothes, cold teeth. Straight tremble.

After washing the egg on the mop, Bai Xiaonian felt that his bones were stiff. Just put the mop on the armrest of the balcony, and Lin Wen saw a car that looked very familiar under the floor.

In response, it was Lu Jinnan’s car, and Bai Xiaonian’s heart suddenly jumped up.

I still haven't thought about what to do. Bai Xiaonian took a few steps back and pressed against the cold wall of the balcony, fearing to be seen by Lu Jinnan.

When the doorbell rang, Bai Xiaonian took the trouble to look back, and the line of sight looked at the heartbeat of the door faster and faster.

"Dawn year to open the door!" White father shouted in the kitchen.

Bai Xiaonian only felt the scalp tightening. She frowned and came in from the balcony to close the balcony and push the door. She walked to the door and gave herself a heart to build the doorknob.

Opening the door, Lu Jinnan's long-legged and long-legged suit stood in the doorway, holding a blue paper bag in his hand.

Bai Xiaonian read the news and knew that Lu Jinnan’s becoming the president of Golden Harvest Group should be busy.

Behind the door of Bai Xiaonian, the hand holding the doorknob tightened, but the surface did not appear. It was a generous smile on Lu Jinnan: "How do you have time to come over?! Something?!"

Lu Jinnan looked deeply at Bai Xiaonian and frowned. "Uncle Bai said that you have to go tomorrow..."

Bai Xiaonian smashed the white father several times in his heart, and his lips nodded to Lu Jinnan: "Well, go tomorrow."

After that, Bai Xiaonian asked Lu Jinnan to come in at the door, as if they had always been friends with a polite relationship. They had never been close and never alienated.

Bai Xiaonian’s attitude made Lu Jinnan extremely uncomfortable. He loosened the neckline and didn’t go in. He put the paper bag on the shoe cabinet of Bai Xiaonian’s house. The clean and bright shoes didn’t start from the beginning to the end. Cross the door line.

"All the way to peace..." Lu Jinnan said that the four words were slightly slipped in the throat, and the dark and deep eyebrows contained emotions.

The smile on Bai Xiaonian's face became stiff and she nodded.

Four eyes are opposite, Bai Xiaonian only feels a heat flow hitting the heart, and the instant is full of miscellaneous.

When you say that you are the right person, the person who loves the deepest will first look away.

Bai Xiaonian hangs down his throat, and the blurred vision is the afterimage of Lu Jinnan's shoes.

"Is Jinnan coming?!" White father came out with a spatula in his hand.

Bai Xiaonian shut down the door and was afraid that his father would see the redness of her eyes, frowning: "Find the wrong building!"

Bai Xiaonian's father did not believe, thinking that Bai Xiaonian's hot temper shut Lu Jinnan out of the door, trotting two steps out to open the door, there is no one outside, Bai Xiaonian's father took a look at Bai Xiaonian, wearing slippers to chase the elevator.

Bai Xiaonian had a father, and the white father did not take care of it. Her eyes had to move to something that Lu Jinnan had just placed on the shoe cabinet.

Inside, there is a scarf that Bai Xiaonian likes but he is not willing to buy...

Looking at the warm orange scarf in the bag, Bai Xiaonian got wet.


Bai Xiaonian’s plane is at 7:50 in the morning. Haicheng District is particularly prone to traffic jams at 5:30 in the early morning. Younai and Lin Wen are waiting for Bai Xiaonian at the door of Bai Xiaonian.

When I went downstairs, Bai Xiaonian felt that his father was in poor health and he did not let him carry his luggage!

So Lin Wen and Younai, standing at the door of the car looking at the cell phone, looked up and saw a girl in a heavy down jacket carrying a suitcase, next to a middle-aged man in a dark gray jacket, in the hands of men. Taking a lady's shoulder bag several times and trying to grab the huge suitcase in the girl's hand, they were all violently beaten by the girl.

Seeing Bai Xiaonian’s father, Lin Wen smiled and said: "Uncle White!"

At 5:30 in the morning of winter, the sky was still not bright. Lin was wearing a long black down jacket and standing under a street lamp next to the car with a beige scarf. The white mist overflowing from the corner of her lips made her eyelashes stain a little. Water vapor, smiles shine.

First, the baby's monthly ticket is doubled at the end of the month! And the upper limit of the monthly ticket has become ten, which means that everyone can cast twenty! After the completion of the monthly pass, you can go to the Koshihikari box lottery and draw once a month! After you have drawn the monthly vote, you can continue to draw the prize! You can also buy a chance with 199 red pocket coins! I hope everyone will actively support the old Fu! Thousands of thousands of people will fight for the welfare of the next month!

(End of this chapter)

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