Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 803: Happy and proud

Chapter 803 is proud of the excitement

"Since you can't understand my problem, then I will change another question. You just said that the terrorist organization "***" has been defeated! The victory of the Syrian war has cheered the people of the world. I want to know the Syrian people. Where is the joy of cheering?!"

Waiting for the spokesperson to speak, Bai Xiaonian went on to say: "I saw that my homeland was devastated, ruined, public facilities and private property were devastated, infrastructure was almost completely destroyed, and the economy as a whole was completely stopped. ”

Bai Xiaonian bowed his head from a pile of information and raised his hand: "I have a UN related organization that published such a set of data in August 2018. This rent data shows these years. In the war, Syria’s economic losses amounted to 400 billion U.S. dollars, and at least 400,000 Syrians were killed in the war..."

"Because of the war, Syria’s inflation rate has reached 20%, wheat prices have risen by 30%, and Syria’s families living in poverty have a total of 30%! The percentage of Syria’s total population The eleventh, that is, the lives of two million Syrians have long fallen into extreme poverty."

These contents seem to have been thoroughly familiar with Bai Xiaonian, and it is easy to report them without any effort.

"So, do you think... they will also rejoice with the people of the world after the US President announced that the '*** country' has been defeated?!"

The spokesperson licked his lips and sorted out his manuscript. After taking a sip of water, he decided that he had not had time to answer it. He listened to Bai Xiaonian and spoke again...

"The *** country is not popular, and it has been strangled by the United States, the first superpower. Why has it not been annihilated for so many years, is it as the Russian Prime Minister said, the United States secretly gives isis support?!"

The spokesperson frowned: "The United States is the country that has made the most efforts to eliminate the '*** country'. We will not accept this filthy statement!"

"I have a set of data here..."

Bai Xiaonian cites the equipment used by terrorists known in these years. Most of them are from American arms dealers. In some cases, Bai Xiaonian did not even have to say anything. They have already let the spokespersons sweat and do not know how to answer.

"Then, is the United States involved in the Syrian war in order to create benefits for the arms dealers in your country to bring the Syrian people into war, or is it really just to eliminate isis?! France said that isis has not been completely eliminated, and will come back, since the United States If the isis has been completely eliminated, then will the isis come back?! If the isis is coming back, does it mean that the US government has announced that it has withdrawn from Syria just because it has realized the fragmentation of the Middle East, controlling the oil production and controlling the price of oil, so it is not necessary. Stay in Syria again!! Also to give Isis a glimmer of life, and continue to create benefits for your arms dealers in the future?!"

Lin Wen looked at the TV program, calmly but forced the US spokesperson to be speechless, Bai Xiaonian, lips can not help but provoke...

Everyone in the restaurant was holding their breath and watching Bai Xiaonian on the TV screen. He listened to Bai Xiaonian’s standard American English accent, as if the entire conference was left with only Bai Xiaonian, and the whole person looked brilliant.

Miss Xia even thinks that Bai Xiaonian, who has gone to the United States, is reborn. She never thought that one day Bai Xiaonian could be aggressive with such a calm and calm posture. That feeling... people feel that there is a kind of exuberant excitement.

Lin warmed back to the group and sat down next to the group, reaching out and licking the hair of the group: "Eat!"

Lin Wen believes that on Bai Xiaonian's own path, she will get better and better, because she should not be an ordinary person.

That press conference, Bai Xiaonian became famous...

In the evening, Lin Wen received a phone call from Bai Xiaonian. She said that she had been invited by American TV station. She wanted to ask Bai Xiaonian to do a discussion in the past. It is related to the trade war between China and the United States, but she did not know whether it should be accepted.

Lin Wen did not directly answer Bai Xiaonian’s question. He only said that on the TV of the restaurant this afternoon, Bai Xiaonian was forced to ask the US spokesperson’s picture. What happened to the people in the restaurant group?

Bai Xiaonian was silent for a while after listening to it, and asked Lin Wen’s recent situation to hang up the phone.

Taking advantage of the mobile phone, Lin Wen couldn't help but dial Fu Huai'an's phone, but it was still off!

Lin warmed a sigh and looked back at the group sitting on the bed looking at her...

She shook her head: "Dad's cell phone still doesn't work, maybe Dad is still busy, and when Dad is busy, he will definitely call me back!"

The group really missed Fu Huai'an, and his eyes were a little red. He still bravely and bravely nodded his spirits and took back his tears. When Lin Biao went to the bathroom, the group secretly wiped his tears with the corners, then pretended to pretend. Nothing happened, sitting on the bed.

Lin warmed back, use warm water to give the group a bubble before going to bed.

Looking at Lin Han’s back, the group wanted to make it easy to keep Lin from worrying, so she slipped from the bed and wore the captain’s slippers to run behind Lin’s warm...

Lin Wen took the milk cup and turned around and saw the group looking up at her. She smiled and asked: "Do you want to drink milk?!"

The group nodded, holding the tip of the toes and holding the milk cup. He snorted and finished the drink, and raised the cup to the forest.

Lin warmed and bent down, reaching out and licking the head of the group: "Go to bed and wait for mom, mother washed the cup and came over to tell you the story before bed..."

"Good..." The voice of the group was soft and very good.


The turmoil on Weibo, Fu Huai'an, did not have time to pay attention to it at this time.

Even Xiao Lu, who is with Fu Huaian, has no time to pay attention to domestic affairs.

"Mr...." Xiao Lu printed the structure of the prison and quickly walked over to Fu Huai'an.

Xiao Lu wears the shirt that he walked from Haicheng that day. The cuffs are free to pull up and push the elbows, and the look is awkward, and the chin is also green.

Fu Huai'an beheaded, after picking it up, spread it on the table, pressing the corner of the structure with a cup of water, frowning and looking seriously, one-handedly watching the table for a long time, using a pencil and a ruler to calculate on the drawing, drawing.

After drawing the numbers, Fu Huaian turned and leaned against the edge of the table and looked at the wall covered by the paper he had written. The deep eyebrows looked awkward and looked unpredictable...

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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