Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 807: She will never betray!

Chapter 807 she will never betray!

Warm ink sees Miss Summer, I don’t know what to do with Lin Lin, holding the information to the front of Lin Wen, Lin Wen holding a small hand in a hand, holding milk in one hand, looking at Miss Summer on the data. , nodded frequently.

The feeling of losing in the deep heart of Wenmo is getting stronger and stronger...

When he accidentally disappeared in Lin Wen’s life for a few years, Lin Wen not only did not languish, but finally found the right direction of her life, there are lovers and children!

Can be warm and deep, from knowing Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an married, the whole person seems to be abolished!

The most common thing that Wenmo has done so far is to remember the past and immerse himself in the mistakes of the past, and Lin Wen has progressed at a speed he could not imagine, leaving him far behind!

Wen Mo looked deeply at Lin Han, who was busy with his work. The heart that had been shrouded in the haze seemed to have a ray of light in it, slowly tearing the dust mites into a hole...

It's time to put it down!

Life is not just love, there are others!

Such as family, such as career...

Nowadays, the state of warm and dry hair is so weak that parents are shattered.

The auras that once warmed up on the body were also disappeared because of his sorrow and self-exile. The word career has been away from Wenmo for a long time...

Life should not be like this!

Life should live the same as Lin Wen, responsible for his own business, responsible for his own life!

Warm ink deep lips and corners slowly swell, the bottom is a piece of water tenderness.

When Wen Mo Shen went, Lin Wen did not know...

Just after Lin Wen’s interview with the last soldier in the morning, Miss Xia received a phone call from the dialect. She said that Wen Moshen’s tweeting tens of thousands of years did not have a Weibo, and sent a Weibo with the same amount of clicks. .

Miss Xia Yi listened to Wen Wei's deep microblogging. I thought that this morning, Wen Mo deep came to find Lin warm things, and the involuntary body was cold, afraid of something.

"Is it coordinated with the troops?! Can we use the network?!" Miss Xia is really curious about Wen Wei's deep microblogging, and turned to ask his assistant.

Miss Xia’s assistant nodded: “It’s already coordinated, you can use your mobile phone to access the Internet, but you can’t use your iPhone and BlackBerry. The location function needs to be turned off, and you can’t upload any photos or text related to the army to social software! I am going to tell you!"

Miss Summer nodded: "That line, you and the people in the show group!"

Most people in the program group use Apple mobile phones, but Miss Summer is okay. Miss Xia always supports domestic mobile phones with domestic products. Listening to the assistants, he has taken out the mobile phone and opened the network, and opened Weibo...

I heard someone calling her assistant to eat, and Miss Xia looked up at the assistant and said, "I have nothing to do here. Go to lunch first!"

The assistant was busy for a morning, and he had already posted his back on the back. He listened to Miss Summer and said that he nodded and followed his friend to the cafeteria.

Miss summer point to open microblogging hot search, Wen Mo deep microblogging has been on the list in a short time is not difficult to find, she backed the corridor handrail, point to open down and look...

Before the long microblog content of Wen Moshen didn't look at it, Miss Xia was stunned, but after a gradual look down, Miss Xia's heart was settled.

Miss summer so long after getting along with Lin, in the heart is to take Lin warm as a friend, otherwise it will not pinch a cold sweat for Lin at this time.

After reading the long Weibo of Wenmo deep, especially the last sentence, Miss Xiayan was slightly wet, did not hesitate to go straight to the restaurant to find Lin warm.

When Miss went to the restaurant in the summer, Lin Wenzheng was taking a group meal.

"Lin Wen!" Miss Xia called Lin warmly, and lifted his foot and ran towards the direction of Lin Wen.

Lin warmed his hand and held the plate of the plate, turning his head and looking at the miss summer in front of himself: "What?!"

"Look at this Weibo that Wenmo has deepened..."

"Isn't the mobile network allowed in the military?!" Lin Wen reached out and took the phone from Miss Xia.

Even the use of mobile phones in the military is stipulated, that is, the mobile phones of the more important members of their program group can be opened at any time, in case there is any important connection outside.

"I just went to negotiate with the leaders in the army. We can use it now, that is, the Apple mobile phone and the BlackBerry can't be used..." Miss Xia finished talking to Lin Wendao. "I will go to the cooking, you should see it first!"

Lin warmed nodded, and after taking the group to sit down at the table, it was only from the beginning to see Wen Wei's long Weibo...

The content is written like this:

I heard that some people have heard that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's children are Lin Wen and my children. During this period, Fu Huai'an has not come out to clarify. Lin Wen is also unable to contact the troops with his children. In a hurry, I rushed back to China. The troops met Lin Wen.

In this regard, I admit that I have selfishness and hope to find out what happened between Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an. I still have the opportunity to pursue Lin Wen.

When I saw Lin Wen, the little hope that I had in my heart when I returned to China was still broken.

As a party to this rumor, I have to stand up and make things clear.

Lin warm is what kind of person, I want to know as the talents around Lin Wen...

She has never been a person who is willing to explain her life to others. I used to have such a name as Lin Han’s, and whoever saw Lin’s standing up and explained it? !

For a while, the network attacked Lin Wen for various reasons. What did Lin Wen explain? !

What can be the result, when the truth is clear, everyone owes a warm apology to Lin.

Now that the dirty water has poured into Lin Wen again, the keyboard man is still guiding the direction of the first argument, so that netizens become irrational and attack Lin Wen!

Lin Wen and her husband are not willing to explain the private life to everyone, but I can't do anything after returning home. I can't watch you because she and her husband don't explain it.

I dare to swear by my life and Wen, the lovely child has no blood relationship with me. It is Fu Huai'an who is really related to the child. If there is a slogan, Wen and I have no end.

With my understanding of Lin Wen for many years, she is conservatively closed inside her heart, it is difficult to fall in love with a person, but as long as she is loved, she will never betray!

As far as I know, Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's children were almost kidnapped before Fu Huai'an went abroad. Fu Huai'an was not in the country. Lin Wen went to the army to record the program, and decided to take the children to the army.

So please don't slam the forest warm, don't endlessly because of a fake test, you can pour dirty water on Lin Wen!

The third is more! The babies will resume normal time from tomorrow, update in the morning... Thank you for the tolerance of the baby during this time! Love you guys! By the way, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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