Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 818: Less than one tenth of Mrs. Fu

Chapter 818 is less than one tenth of Mrs. Fu.

Mu Taotao smiled softly, and laughed at the silver bell like a small red ear, feeling that he had encountered a pure love boy...

She was just about to say something. When the phone rang, she looked down and found the phone. When she saw the call from their group boss, she waved at Xiaolu: "I am leaving!"

The little girl is surrounded by a pink scarf, and the mist is overflowing from the corner of her lips, but this can't stop the little girl's big eyes with big smiles...

Xiaolu knows the identity of Mu Taotao. He always felt that the hands of Mu Taotao, whose hands were covered with blood, should be cold and indifferent. I didn’t expect the little girl to laugh so much.

"Okay! Be careful on the road!" Xiao Lu red ears, his expression polite and refined.

When the Xiaolu was swayed, Mu Taotao did not have time to speak and was interrupted by the phone call of the milk dog man. When the phone was answered, there was an inevitable emotion in the voice.

"Boss, you can really pick the time to call..." Mu Taotao walked to the side of the small Nissan, who opened the lock, opened the front passenger's door and sat in it. When the seat belt was raised again, Xiaolu had left from the door. .


Because the heating was too hot inside the car, Lin warmed off the seat belt, took off his down jacket and dropped it in the back seat. Asked Fu Huai'an: "How do you know what Lu Lili is looking for?!"

Just after asking, Lin Wen felt that she had asked for extras. She was surrounded by Fu Huai'an. Since Mu Taotao knew that Fu Huai'an might not know.

"This time I am busy saving people. This thing makes you wronged..." Fu Huai'an voice was low.

Lin warmed off his own ponytail on the rope, and after finishing his hair with his fingers, bite the rubber band and use his fingers to stretch it out and prepare to re-enter it: "Where you are wronged, you must be wronged, I am afraid that the group will be wronged!" ”

Fu Huaian held the steering wheel with one hand, and Yu Guang saw the action of Lin Wenzong's hair. He smiled and said: "I like your long hair and distracted..."

Lin warmed his hair in a motion, and the nephew smiled and asked Fu Huai'an: "Do you have such a good job?!"

Fu Huai'an: "..."

"I don't know how to do this, you don't know?!" Fu Huai'an asked, the finger did not hit the steering wheel, and the thick habit of the voice was a smile.

When Fu Huai'an asked, Lin Wen remembered that when they made a love for two people, Fu Huai'an always liked to caress her long hair. Lin warmed and looked at Fu Huai'an. "You really have..."

Fu Huai'an: "..."

After passing the toll booth, Fu Huaian let Lin Wen open the storage box, which contained a jewel-blue velvet jewelry box, which opened a brooch of the sun.

When I think of warmth, people will think of the sun and think of the sun, so Fu Huai'an sees this brooch and thinks of Lin Wen, the workmanship is very delicate, inlaid with countless tiny diamonds, and it is very beautiful.

Lin Wen took out the brooch and couldn't hide his eyes. "It's so beautiful!"

"Not as much as one tenth of Mrs. Fu..." Fu Huai'an looked straight ahead.

Lin warm bite the lower lip and put the brooch on his sweater. The brooch on the beige sweater is particularly eye-catching.

"I like it very much, thank you!" Lin Wen thanked Fu Huai'an and asked, "Is this... compensation?!"

"This is a gift, compensation at night!" Fu Huai'an is a serious look with his mature and charming voice saying that people are red-faced, "I know you miss me, Xiaowen warm thinks about me..."

Lin Wen understands Fu Huai'an's words, the ear is straight and hot, and the subconscious mind closes his legs: "No!"

"Is there, I will tell me honestly at night! I asked myself..."

Fu Huai'an was wearing a suit, and the body was obviously a pair of abstinence and deep gas field, but these words made Lin Wen unable to sit still, even if Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an had already been old wives.

Lin warmed his head and looked out the window, and the window glass reflected the corner of the lips that Lin Wen could not hide.

From Jinjiang City to Haicheng District, it was only a little over two hours. The urban area was relatively blocked. The original Lin warmed that Lu Lili left after waiting for the time in the coffee shop. I didn’t expect her and Fu Huai’an to arrive at Lu Lili. .

Fu Huaian stopped the car. When Lin warmed the seat belt, he saw Lu Lili sitting in the window through the windshield. He said to Fu Huai'an: "Miss Lu is very sure that I will come over, we are all 20 minutes late." Miss Lu is still there!"

The sky in Haicheng has gradually become cloudy. Although it is just noon, the lighting in the cafe has become particularly bright. The warm light outlines the sofa and the figure in the coffee shop. It shines on the sidewalk where people come and go, decorating the sea city. Street view.

Lin warmed his head and reached for the jacket on the back seat. When the finger had not touched it, he listened to Fu Huai'an. "You don't have to go, I will say two words and we will leave!"

Said Fu Huai'an untied the seat belt, and turned his eyes to Lin Wen: "Five minutes is enough, otherwise our movie will be too late..."

"Movie?!" Lin Wen accident looked at Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huaian's lips on Lin warm: "I can't use it for five minutes, I will come out..."

Lin warms sitting in the co-pilot position, slender and clean white fingers on the door handle, watching Fu Huai'an open the door of the cafe, and slowly remove the hand from the door handle.

When a man like Fu Huai'an enters the restaurant, it is undoubtedly eye-catching. Whether it is a mature handsome look or a calm and heavy gas field, people can't ignore it.

Lu Yuli saw that Fu Huai'an was very unexpected. Even if Lin was so far away, he saw Lu Yanli's stinging figure.

Fu Huai'an sat down on the opposite side of Lu Lili, and did not know what to say. She saw that Lu Yanli's face was getting more and more ugly, and she anxiously explained to Fu Huai'an.

But Fu Huai'an is just a decapitated dagger. Lu Lili, who is sharp and deep in sight, stops her mouth, tears, and then falls down.

However, in five minutes, Fu Huai'an came out of the coffee shop and pulled the door to the car.

Unwilling to follow Lu Huai, who ran out behind Fu Huai'an, saw the car sitting on the bottom of Lin's footsteps and suddenly stopped, the makeup of the crying was particularly ugly.

In order to come out and chase Fu Huai'an, Lu Yuli did not wear a jacket, a pink shirt on her upper body, wearing a black commuter pants and high heels, thin and very thin...

Seeing Fu Huai'an getting on the bus, Lin warmed the safety belt and pulled it in the direction of Lu Lili: "Miss Lu explained?!"

"She explained that it doesn't explain, it doesn't matter to me!"

Fu Huai'an voice just fell, Lu Yuli rushed up and desperately, and opened his arms in front of the car...

Bentley Mushang is in front of a beautiful woman who is crying with pears and rain, luxury cars, beautiful women, plus handsome and handsome suits in the car, men and co-pilots on the five senses to the amazing Lin warm...

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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