Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 820: I feel very relieved just now!

Chapter 820 feels that it is very deflated just now!

Then think of the words that Fu Huai'an just said in the coffee shop. Lu Lili only felt that she was following the heart with a cold heart.

This time, Lu Lili was stepping on Fu Huai'an's counter-scale. Don't say that Fu Huai'an would not be seen in the future. Even the work is a problem...

She raised her hand and hugged her already cold to stiff arm, biting her pale lower lip and tears like a broken thread. Why did she have to do this under the guise of Lu Qingmei? !

Such a faint move, in addition to let Fu Huai'an abandon her, what benefits can she get? !

Desperate to the bottom of the valley Lu Lili leaning against the big tree, holding her arm slowly squatting down, crying like a tear.

On the road, Lin warmed out a long breath, sitting on the back of the co-pilot leather chair, and the tone in his heart finally came out...

"Don't be comfortable!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Lin warmed and smiled and shook his head: "No, I feel very relieved!"

Lin Wen did not hide his feelings in front of Fu Huai'an, and the lips and corners were obviously very happy, a little childish.

"So little things are getting angry?!" There was a smile in Fu Huai'an's voice, not as cold as when he spoke.

"I just think that Lu Lili is too arrogant, and has done something to hurt the group. He dares to hit the banner of wanting to see the group. You listen to the reason why she excused herself. How do you think it is far-fetched! When everyone else is A fool who is easy to deceive?! When she said these words, she didn’t know how to think about it!"

Fu Huai'an listened to Lin Tuo's spit, and the curvature of the lips was getting bigger and bigger...

In the past, Lin Wen rarely confided people, even Bai Xiaonian and Song Yu, her performance is very restrained, and everything is in my heart.

The current Lin Wen is like a little girl, in the face of Fu Huai'an, let Fu Huai'an feel that Lin Wen's heart is completely open to him, which also indicates that the psychological problems of Lin Wen are probably gradually becoming normal.

Fu Huai'an held the steering wheel with one hand, and crossed the center console to buckle on Lin Wen's head.

Lin warm voice because Fu Huai'an's action stopped abruptly, turned over and looked at the lips and smiled clearly Fu Huai'an: "What's wrong?!"

"I want to take you out every week for a date like this, just two of us..." Fu Huai'an said that he didn't know what he thought. He looked at Lin Wen with a smile on his face and said, "The date is over, you can satisfy you." Go to Genting Apartment together."

Lin warmed to open Fu Huai'an big hand on his head, his face flushed: "Who wants to go to Yunding apartment?!"

There are only two people who can go to Yunding Apartment to do what Lin warms with their toes!

Fu Huai'an said that it seems that Lin Wen has multiple desires... I want to be dissatisfied.

The mobile phone vibrated by Fu Huai'an on the center console, see Lu Jinnan's call, Fu Huai'an is connected...

Lin Wen wants to remind Fu Huai'an not to call when he drives. He can hear Fu Huai'an calling Lu Jinnan's name and swallowing it back.

Hanging up the phone, Fu Huai'an frowned and changed the lane: "The company has a little bit of things. I will go back and deal with it. Today, the plan to bring you a date may have to be pushed to tomorrow."

Lin warmed nodded: "Well, it doesn't matter, I can do it at any time. The company's business matters. I am going home to accompany the group. You can put me on the side of the road and take a taxi!"

"When you get to the company car, you drive away!" Fu Huai'an hit the turn signal.

Lin Wenlian did not bring the hat, and a person who was driving on the roadside Fu Huai'an was not at ease.

Nodded, Lin was quiet and sitting in the position of the co-pilot, and my heart was still somewhat lost.

Fu Huai'an drove the car to the door of the Kaide Group building, and Lin Wen followed him off...

She walked around the front of the car and walked to the driver's seat. One foot had already stepped into the car and held the door with one hand. He said to Fu Huai'an: "You must be busy first, I will give you WeChat when I arrive!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded, protecting Lin Wen's head on the car, closing the door for Lin Wen, and stepping back two steps, ready to wait for Lin Wen to leave and then go upstairs.

Lin warmed over the seat belt, see Fu Huai'an did not leave, the tall figure was still on the side, put down the window, she had not had time to urge Fu Huai'an to go upstairs, see Fu Huai'an came over, one hand holding the roof, bending over Lin Wendao in the window: "Will me go upstairs in the office and wait for me for a while?!"

"Ah?!" Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an deep scorpion like a night sky, his cheeks were a little hot. "You don't have a job to be busy?!"

"I will arrange as soon as possible, we can see the next movie too!"

"That..." Lin Wenhe hesitated, she whispered, "Are you still with me tomorrow?!"

Fu Huai'an chuckled and opened the door. She leaned into the car and untied the seat belt for Lin Wen. She took the warm hand of Lin and pulled her out of the car. The security guard at the door said: "Send the car to the car key. Go to the Secretariat!"

The security guard nodded quickly: "Good chairman, you can rest assured!"

The hand was taken by Fu Huai'an in the palm of his hand and walked inside the company. It was just outside. The company went up to the security level and went to the security guard who didn't know Fu Huai'an. Lin Wen was a public figure. There were many people who knew Lin Wen, especially It’s now that Lin Wen didn’t even have a hat...

Entering the hall from the company's gate, it is inevitable that some people will look in the direction of Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an.

Everyone’s talk about it...

"Isn't that the chairman and Lin Wen?!"

"Is it not a blind eye?! Not that they are divorced?!"

"Yeah, I also heard that they secretly divorced, how can they still hold hands?! Then a big green hat is down! And the most important thing is... the child is not a biological one, but also was raised by our chairman alone. for many years!"

Seeing Lin Wen was led by Fu Huai'an in the elevator room, the couple were talking, Fu Huai'an was slender and tall, and he was over-headed when Lin Wen spoke, coveting Lin Wen... The eyes were full of love. Even people standing on the side can feel it.

Several little girls in the corner of the elevator room held down the voice to discuss...

"Isn't our chairman sent a microblog to clarify it before?!"

"Look at that clarification, don't worry about it! I don't know what else I thought of it!"

"I think you think too much, let's take care of the chairman's way. If the child is really warm and others, don't say that it's still holding hands with Lin Wen. Maybe we can't do it on TV shows and news. Seeing Lin warm again!"

"That is, I felt weird when this thing broke out. If the child is really not the chairman of the board, the chairman is crazy, raise the child for so many years! But it is boring people who have a good time and look at the love of the couple. Oh!"

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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