Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 825: Will bring a girlfriend over!

Chapter 825 will bring a girlfriend over!

Lin Wen appreciates the bravery of the cloud glaze, at least... she is not as brave as the cloud glaze at the age of the cloud glaze!

Lin warmed nodded: "Well... need a chef to help?!"

The little girl clung to the phone in her hand and shook her head: "Give him something, I want to come in person!"

I went down to the kitchen with the glaze and told the chef to prepare the cake for the cloud glaze. The little girl plunged into the kitchen.

When Fu Huai'an Gu Qingcheng talked about the downstairs, Lin Wen saw Gu Qingcheng wearing a coat jacket in his arms and holding leather gloves in his hand. He asked, "Would you like to go?!"

This is obviously to ask Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng beheaded, and the line of sight crossed the forest to sweep the room and saw no clouds, but did not ask.

"Since I have returned to China, how can I stay for two more days?! Just arrived?!"

Fu Huai'an stood in front of Gu Qingcheng with his hands in his pocket. He saw Lin Wen's thoughts of retaining Gu Qingcheng for the cloud glaze. The lips were smiling with a smile: "Qingcheng still does not leave, he lives in the hotel. ......"

"If you go back to China, don't live in the hotel, live at home! I have let the servant clean up the room where you lived last time..." Lin warmed his lips and smiled, his face was not red and he did not lie.

Fu Zhai's maids are also eye-catching. I heard Lin Wen say so, and secretly let people go to the rooms where Gu Qingcheng lived.

"Qingcheng luggage has been settled in the hotel, so don't move back and forth, follow him..." Fu Huai'an said.

Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an and nodded. He felt sorry for the cloud glaze. He did not give the cloud glaze to keep people. With the feeling of compensating for the cloud glaze, Lin Wen said to Gu Qingcheng: "Let's leave a meal at noon!"

"There is still something to be dealt with at noon, so I won't delay!" Gu Qingcheng's narrow eyebrows are fixed on Lin Wen. "This time, small glass is hard to take care of!"


Lin Wen’s words are not polite, Gu Qingcheng is born and died in the world for Fu Huai’an, and the cloud and glass will be taken care of.

Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an sent Gu Qingcheng out, watching Gu Qingcheng get on the bus, Lin Wen put his little hand into Fu Huai'an palm, holding his arm with one hand, and said: "Gu Qingcheng is not at home, is trying to hide. Small glass?!"

Half a mile did not hear Fu Huai'an's answer. Lin warmed up and looked at Fu Huai'an. He only listened to his faint opening: "Tonight, Tang Yan, Lu Jinnan, Bai Yuyu, they came to eat, Qingcheng will bring a girlfriend!"

Lin warmed a sigh, and smashed the black and white eyes, there were accidents and puzzles and stunned.

Fu Huai'an slammed the little hand of Yulin's warmth and explained to her: "Since there is no future for Yunlili, it should be decisive. It is not good for them to drag and drop!"

Therefore, Gu Qingcheng is the love of the sword to break the cloud glaze!

Lin Wen can not help but frown: "Do you have to use this way?! Will it hurt too much?!"

"Qingcheng didn't talk to Yunxiaoli, and it didn't work, so he could only choose this way..."

"Does he like the girlfriend now?! Is this unfair to other girls?!"

"Qingcheng intends to get married." Fu Huai'an opened his mouth.

Lin warm lips slightly, I did not expect Gu Qingcheng actually to do this point...

marry? !

Yes, if it is just to dispel the thought that Yun Liuli should not have, the girlfriend will let Yun Liuli see it, and will not bring Fu Huai'an, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan to see.

It is actually going to get married!

For Gu Qingcheng, either the orphans will die in their lives, or his wife must be strong enough to be self-protective, and will not become his weakness. It happens that there is such a person, which is very suitable for Gu Qingcheng.

Just, just right.

Lin warmed down the consciousness of Fu Huai'an's big hand, inevitably for the heart of the glass.

The evening party was the last gift of Gu Qingcheng to the adult of Yun Liuli.

Throughout the day, Yun Liuli was soaked in the kitchen and concentrated on preparing a birthday cake for Gu Qingcheng.

When I went to the cloud to eat at noon, Lin Wen was very euphemistic and Yun Liuli said that Gu Qingcheng would bring his girlfriend to dinner this evening. The cloud glaze is like immersed in his own world, and his eyes are nodded. Seriously and creamy.

Looking at the thin shoulders of the cloud, Lin warmed his heart and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the little black hair of the little girl, but she finally took back her hand and decided to tell the cruel truth of Yun Liuli. I don’t want to hear the news when I hear the glass and the vaccination.

"I heard Huai'an say that Gu Qingcheng is going to get married, and the girl who is coming tonight!"

Very cruel, this is the case.

But if it is performed by Gu Qingcheng, it will be even more cruel.

If the cloud glaze is rumored, the moderately squeezing cream will smear on the edge of the cake.

The sunlight outside the golden window is very good. The glass in the kitchen still lights up all the ceiling lights. The cool color light outlines the slim figure of the cloud, which is both beautiful and lonely. The indifference seems to be not contaminated with the fireworks.

"Glass..." Lin warmed the name of the cloud.

The glazed lips of the cloud swelled and looked up to Lin Wen. The beautiful scorpion was pure in color. She asked: "Small warm sister, do you think the cake looks good?!"

For the first time, Yunlili made a cake by hand, which is surprisingly beautiful, just like the display in the window of the baking shop.

She pointed to the middle of the white cream and picked off the disposable gloves on her hand: "I am going to paint a heart shape with cherry sauce in the middle, simple..."

Therefore, every time Gu Qingcheng talks about these problems with Yunxiaoli, can the cloud glass be selectively not heard? !

Lin warmed and nodded, no longer talking about this topic...

The smile on the lips of the cloud was more clean and bright. She took off her apron and placed it on the counter. She was very excited. "There is no cherry sauce at home. I went out to buy it. By the way, I bought some candles and birthday supplies. Can the driver send me a message?!"

"Well, I let the driver prepare the car..."

"Thank you Xiaoxiaojie!" Yunxiaoli smiled very sweetly, sweet to the heart sour.


In the afternoon, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan arrived early. Tang Yan also brought his little cotton-padded candy, but the small cotton-padded jacket of their family was made of locust hair, and the thorns were still in the middle, and they were very difficult to handle.

Today, the little candy and the group have a little happy three people crazy for a day, and the two little ones have come together in the evening. I heard that the cloud glaze is making cakes in the kitchen, and the small candy grabs the group’s hands and runs toward the kitchen. Said to eat cakes.

When Bai Yuyu left, he suddenly added a surgery and it was not over. Xu Wei called Lin Wen and said that he would not wait for them to eat. He did not know that Bai Yuyu’s surgery was over.

Second, look for a list...

(End of this chapter)

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