Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 849: Men’s vinegar is eaten

Chapter 849 Men's vinegar is eaten

"I am not familiar with Ji Zibai's family!" Fu Huai'an smiled and stroked Lin's thigh. "We still talk about the problem of having children!"

"Don't give me pressure!" Lin Wen reached out and pushed Fu Huai's big hand, only to feel numb by Fu Huai'an's back.

"How to press?! So pressed?!"

Listening to Fu Huai'an's mouth, there was no shame, Lin Lin was annoyed and snorted on his chest: "I have to rest at ten o'clock!"

No longer teasing Lin Wen, Fu Huaian untied the vest button, pulled the shirt cuffs up, took off the watch and put Lin Wen down from the sink.

Seeing Lin Wen bent over and washed his hands at the sink, Fu Huai'an frowned and said: "Come in a hurry, without a razor..."

Lin warmed his head and looked at him. Guess that Fu Huai'an probably used the disposable utensils provided by the hotel. He wiped his hand with a towel and said: "You wash it first. I call the hotel service department and ask them to go out and help you buy one. trip."

Fu Huai'an beheaded.

Although Lin Wen does not need a razor, Fu Huai's razor brand and shaving foam aftershave brand Lin warm and familiar.

Just hung up the phone, Lin Wen received the WeChat of the world's good subordinate Xiaolu, Xiao Lu said that Fu Huai'an did not eat dinner, his stomach and Lin Wen are not very good, nothing else said.

Lin warm looking at the bathroom, some distressed, there is inevitably a tongue, Xiao Lu is a little girl, Lin Wen must suspect that Xiao Lu has ulterior motives for Fu Huai'an.

When Fu Huai'an was washed out, the housekeeper had placed the seafood porridge and side dishes in the restaurant very neatly.

Fu Huai'an opened the dining chair and sat down, couldn't help but praise Lin Wen: "More and more virtuous!"

"It's your little land special help is more and more virtuous, I made a special trip to you, you didn't have dinner!" Lin Wen said sour.

"Mr. Fu, this is... man's vinegar is eaten?!" Fu Huai'an shook his head, "Breaking!"

Lin Wen sat down across Fu Huai'an: "In Morocco, I can't see you except for filming, so I want to take the time to learn an international driver's license!"

"Well, there is a good plan. When we go to the Red Sea on vacation, we can test the diving certificate!" Fu Huai'an elegantly took a spoon and sent a porridge to his lips.

"Okay!" Lin warmly promised pleasure, "wait for vacation!"

The word vacation is like a good wish, and does not say that Lin Wen’s itinerary has been filled up, and Fu Huai’an is only a hundred times more busy than Lin.

So he was able to rush to Jinjiang City before 10 o'clock in the evening, just to sleep with him for a night, Lin warm heart not to mention how sweet.

This night, Lin Wen did not have the same as a few days ago, for a long time to endure sobbing and tears...

Tonight, it was the night when she slept the best, these days, in Fu Huai'an's arms, leaning against his solid chest, as if he had blocked all the storms for her.


Lin warmed to Morocco that day, the big suitcase brought three, both last night and Fu Huai'an father and son to Lin Wen finishing.

There were five large boxes in the original light, and Lin’s warmth was to bite the teeth and let them lose two...

What she wants to bring, it is enough to fill a box full of money. For the box that is out of thin air, I really don’t know what to do with it!

Especially when the airport saw Younai carrying a mountaineering bag, it was simple enough to be simple. Lin Wen looked at the silver suitcases of his three 30 villages, and his ears were hot.

This time Lin warmed to Morocco, using Fu Huai'an special plane.

When Miss Xia met, he joked: "I can also take a rich private plane!"

Dialects all the way to send information to arrange the studio, the current dialect is busy, and strive to make the studio top in the industry.

When the dialect heard Miss Summer saying "the trough..." looked up, he saw the private plane in front of him.

The dialect remembered the news a few years ago, saying that FSL Airlines had remodeled a wide-body airliner, the decoration inside the technology was luxurious, and even had a hotel-like room, and that the plane could sail over long distances from the country to the United States. The East Coast does not need to refuel at all!

It is said that many people at the time wanted to buy this plane, but they were bought by a mysterious rich man in the United States for more than 300 million US dollars. But in the end, the media could not find out who bought the plane!

The dialect looked sideways at the crew who had already put Lin warm baggage on the plane, and hit the elbow and hit the Lin warmer who was thanking the crew: "This plane, it will not be the width of the FSL airline transformation that year. Body passenger machine?! Don't tell me that your husband is the mysterious rich man who bought this plane!"

The dialect thinks that the scalp is numb, what kind of body does Fu Huai'an have? !

On the plane, a few people are like Liu Wei’s first entrance to the Grand View Garden. They are curious about wherever they are. Even the dialects have put down their mobile phones and can’t help but look at them.

There are also a lot of luxury private jets that have been seen in dialects. It’s true that such luxury is the first one.

The dialect always feels that Fu Huai'an is particularly low-key, but it must be the kind of life that is particularly styled. This time it is verified by the dialect.

There are currently no direct flights to Morocco in the country, so other colleagues who have called passenger planes to Morocco have worked hard. In the dialect of Fu Huai’an plane, they have already arrived in Morocco in less than ten hours, and they have settled in Xiaolu early. Hotel...

At the same time, other people who started at the same time still spend time in the transit airport.

When I arrived at the hotel, the room was warm and wrinkled, and Unina was also confused...

It is not that Unaina wants to live in the presidential set, but according to the truth, Younai is Lin Wen’s personal bodyguard. If Fu Huai’an is not there, Younai should stay with Lin to stay in the suite to facilitate the protection of Lin Wen.

Looking at the room card in the hands of Unnai, Lin warmed his heartbeat and suddenly took a few shots.

She imagined whether Fu Huai'an would suddenly appear at the door of the suite and stay in bed late at night.

Lin Wen couldn't resist the joy of his heart. If he couldn't take it now, it was more than two in the morning. He took the mobile phone and walked to the remote place. Lin Xin warmed his heartbeat very fast. She dialed Fu Huai'an's phone number.

Hearing the phone's beep, Lin's nervous palm was sweaty.

"Hey, madam..."

The phone was connected, but the voice of Xiaolu came from the other end.

"Small land..." There was no accident in Lin Wen’s voice. The excited voice came to the throat but was swallowed back by Lin Wen. She pretended to ask, "This point, are you still working with Huai'an?!"

Lin Wen admits this sentence and she asks hypocrisy...

"Well, there is a video conference, from 11:00 to the present, it has been arguing endlessly!" Xiaolu sighed and asked, "Is the wife already in Morocco?!"

Lin warmth and excitement slightly fell back, some embarrassed, has been working...

Fourth, add more sugar to the fruit! ! ! ! Thank you, Miaozi Sugar donated the money for his own meal! Hahaha... must add more! ! ! ! Thank you also for helping the children of thousands of hits! Thank you for your dear! Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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